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1、Dogs and cats are best friends for many people, but not for students who live in a tiny dormitory room. Just think about the noise, the smell and all that reckless behavior chewing on whatever they can get their teeth on, or knocking over the trash can and scattering the contents all over the floor.

2、尽管狗狗和猫咪是多数人公认的好朋友,但它们并不适合蜗居在小小宿舍的学生一族。想想扰民的叫声、异味以及它们的种种劣行吧!不管什么它们张嘴就咬、打翻垃圾桶、把垃圾搞得满处都是。But dont fret. There are smaller and less destructive pets to brighten up your dormitory life, just make sure youre allowed to keep one.别苦恼!你可以饲养一些更小巧且破坏力弱的宠物,来点亮自己的宿舍生活,但前提要确保这不违反宿舍规定!Betta fish泰国斗鱼Originally from

3、 Southeast Asia, betta fish were introduced to aquariums in the early 1900s. They make great pets with their big personality and stunning colors, ranging from vibrant bright red, dark blue to lemon yellow.斗鱼最初源自东南亚,早在上世纪90年代初便被引进到水族馆中。斗鱼以独特的个性以及炫目的色彩而著称,颜色包括活力红、深蓝、柠檬黄等。Unlike many fish, most bettas

4、react to their owners presence and become more active when they are nearby, which is unusual in the fish world.与其他鱼类不同,大多数斗鱼会在主人出现时报以回应,主人靠得越近,它们越活跃,这在鱼类世界中是十分少见的。Bettas can be your best friend for up to four years as long as you take good care of them. Although part of their appeal is that they can

5、 be kept in a small container without complicated filtration systems, taking care of betta fish does require some effort.只要悉心照料,斗鱼可以成为陪伴你4年的好朋友。养斗鱼的一大好处在于它们只需一个小鱼缸,且无需安装复杂的过滤系统。但即便如此,照顾斗鱼还是要花点心思的。Care tips饲养小贴士 Bettas, especially males, are not supposed to be kept together, as they will fight each o

6、ther to the death. Thats why the fish is also called the “Siamese fighting fish”.不要把斗鱼养在一起,尤其是雄性斗鱼,因为它们会打个你死我活。这也正是它被称为“泰国斗鱼”的原因。 A bettas stomach is about the size of its eyeball, so take care not to feed your fish too much. They love bloodworms as food, but are also happy with pellets.斗鱼的胃和它的眼球大小相当,所以千万别喂的太多。斗鱼喜食红蚯蚓,但也喜欢吃颗粒鱼食。 Keep the water relatively warm. Bettas are happiest at temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees.保持水温相对温暖。饲养斗鱼的最佳温度在20至30度之间。 Make sure the water is clean by changing part of it on a regular basis.定期换水,保持鱼缸环境的清洁。



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