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1、第一部分 精神文化冲突,一、价值文化冲突,Jean Safari was investigating a serious error made by a Japanese worker at the Japanese subsidiary of a US multinational. A component had been inserted upside down and the entire batch had been pulled out of production to be reworked. The cost of this was high.,Should the Culpri

2、t Be Punished?,Jean asked the Japanese plant director about which employee had made the error. Had she been identified? What action was being taken against her? She was amazed when the director claimed not to know. “The whole work group has accepted responsibility,” he told her. “As to the specific

3、woman responsible, they have not told me, not did I ask. Even the floor supervisor does not know and if he did, he would not tell me either.”,“This is not how we see it.” The plant manager was polite but firm. “I understand the woman concerned was so upset when she went home. She tried to resign. Tw

4、o of her co-workers had to coax her back again. The group knows that she is new and that they did not help her enough, or looks out for her or see that she was properly trained. This is why the whole group has apologized. I have their letter here. They are willing to apologize to you publicly.”,But

5、if everyone is responsible then in effect no one is, Jean argued. They are simply protecting each others bad work.,“No, no. I dont want that,” said Jean. “I want to stop it happening again” she wondered what she should do.,杰恩萨弗里被美国公司总部派到日本子公司调查一位日本员工所犯的严重失误。一个部件被插倒了,导致整批产品都得回炉重做,所造成的损失重大。杰恩问日本工厂主管有没


7、信还在这里。他们也愿意公开向您道歉。”“不,不,那不是我想要的, ”杰恩说。 “我是想阻止此类的事件再次发生 ”她在想她该怎么做。杰恩应该坚持调查出是谁犯的过失吗?犯过失的人应该得到惩罚吗?,An American, as a production manager, is working in a subsidiary company in Peru. He believes that American-type democratic management would enhance the enthusiasm of Peruvian workers for working, and the

8、refore he invites specialists from headquarters to train people who are in charge of company workshops and inform them how to solicit opinions from workers and then put those appropriate opinions into action.,Why did Peruvian workers quit?,However, Peruvian workers in succession quit their jobs not

9、a long time after the practice of the democratic management. As we know, in Peru or the whole Latin culture, people respect authority, and subordinates not only obey their superiors but also treat them as their masters and further hope those superiors would be responsible for their life. Thus, worke

10、rs believe that the solicitation of opinions from them indicates that their superiors don t know what they should do. Since superiors are incapable, staying in the company is helpless and they choose to leave in advance so that they can find new jobs. But production manager doesn t understand all of

11、 this(or out of his cultural centralism). His belief in American individualism and strong sense of participation doesn t apply to Peruvian workers and finally result in the failure of their two-way communication.,一位美国人在秘鲁子公司担任生产经理,他坚信美国式的民主管理方式能够提高秘鲁工人的生产积极性。他从公司总部请来专家对子公司各车间的负责人进行培训,教他们如何征求工人的意见,对其




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