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1、Unit3Friends Give You SuccessTeaching objectiveMaster the key words and structuresGet to know the new definition of friends and the importance of wider social circles in our life and career.Key PointsVocabularypopularity potential impact fortune assign depressing grease intelligence circle deserve e

2、xist apparently complain definition note tie website count on count up in any case Structure have trouble doing sth it seems that so do youSkillsUsing word parts to find out the meanings of wordsReading a chart(2)Writing an e-mailTeaching proceduresLead inSome sayings of friendBe slow in choosing a

3、friend; slower in changer.Benjamin Franklin选择朋友要慎重,改换朋友更要慎重。本杰明.富兰克林A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes.Doug Larson真正的朋友从不追究你的过错,也不嫉妒你的成功。道格.拉森Without confidence there is no friendship. 没有信任,就没有友谊。Epicurus A friend is a present which you give yourself. 朋友是你送

4、给自己的一份礼物。 R.L.StevensonA friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 A man is known by his friends. 什么人交什么朋友 A friend without faults will never be found. 没有十全十美的朋友。 He who has many friends has no friend.face bookwhat kind of friends you need?Please list the things one can do and the things one should n

5、ot do to keep a good friend.Reading of the textFriends Give You Successassetcertificateparagraph 1-21. fortuneU chance, esp regarded as a power affecting peoples lives: (good or bad) luck 机会(尤指对人们生活有重要影响的); (好的或坏的)运气: By a stroke (ie instance) of (good) fortune, he won the competition. 他靠(好)运气在竞赛中获胜

6、 . * be a victim of ill (ie bad) fortune 成为恶运的牺牲品 * I had the good fortune (ie was lucky enough) to be chosen for a trip abroad. 我真幸运, 被选中出国旅行. fortunate | frtnt /ft-adj. 幸运的; 幸福的fortunately | frtntl /ft-adv. 幸运地, 侥幸地C persons destiny or future; fate 个人的运气或前途; 命运: At the fair a gypsy told (me) my fo

7、rtune, 有个吉普赛人在游乐场上给我算过命 . C large amount of money 大笔的钱; 巨款: That ring is worth/must have cost a fortune. 那戒指很值钱. * She inherited a large fortune. 她继承了一大笔财产. * He made a considerable fortune selling waste materials. 他靠卖废料发了大财.make a fortune: to make a lot of moneyMany people came to Shenzhen to make

8、their fortune.If you want to make a fortune in the future, you need to make a lot of friends now.2. popularity 普及声望流行He enjoys great popularity at her schoolHer novels have gained in popularity over resent years.population 人口,人口数popular 流行的,通俗的,民众的受欢迎的populous 人口众多的3. have a serious impact to have a

9、n impact to: have an effect/influence oneg:Her speech had a deep impact on everyone.Our teacher had a deep impact on my study.Social skills have a great impact on ones life.4. come become; prove to be 变成; 证实是: My shoe laces have come undone. 我的鞋带松开了. * This envelope has come unstuck. 这个信封开了. * The h

10、andle has come loose. 这个把柄松了. * It comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk. 成批买东西就便宜些 . * Everything will come right in the end. 一切问题终会解决 .5. the idea thatappositive clause同位语:对前面的名词加以补充说明,是该名词具体内容的体现。 “前面的名词=同位语”The boy, Tom, is my student. Tom gave his friend John a book This is Mr. Black, directo

11、r of our hospital 同位语从句The question what to do next hasnt been considered The news that he is ill made me sad.I had no idea that you were here 我不知道你在这里。同位语从句的先行词通常为 answer, hope, fact, truth, belief, news, idea, promise, information, conclusion, order, suggestion, problem, question, thought, report,

12、 belief, decision, doubt, opinion, theory 等抽象名词。There is no doubt that he will come here again.他会再来这里, 这是毫无疑问的。.同位语从句有时不紧跟在所说明的名词后,而是被别的词隔开,以使整个句子结构显得平衡。He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off. 他从玛丽那里获知了运动会被推迟的消息。Word came that Hussein had been captured. 侯赛因已被捕的消息传来。同位语从句与定语从句的

13、区别同位语从句与前面的名词是同位关系,即说明它前面名词的内容;定语从句与前面的名词是修饰与被修饰关系,即限定它前面的名词范围,或补充一些情况。 The news that l have passed the exam is true(同位语从句,即从句所表达的意思就是前面名词的内容) The news that he told me just now is true. (定语从句,从句对前面名词起修饰限制作用,即“他告诉我的 ”那个消息,而不是别的消息) 引导同位语从句的 that 是连词,在从句中不充当任何成份;引导定语从句的 that 是关系代词,除起连接作用外,还在从句中充当主语、宾语或

14、表语等。The idea that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people. (that 在从句中不充当任何成份。 ) The idea that he gave surprised many people (that 在从句中作 gave 的宾语。 )3、whether, what, how 可以用来引导同位语从句;而它们不能用来引导定语从句。4、从词义角度看 who, whom, which, when, where, why 用来引导同位语从句是保持原来疑问词的含义;它们用来引导定语从句时,不具有疑问词的含义。

15、从搭配角度看 who, whom, which, when, where, why 用来引导定语从句时对应性很强,如: 先行词是“ 人”,引导词用“who”等,而它们引导同位语从句是先行词通常是“question, idea, doubt 等”。 We cant solve the problem how we can travel faster than light. I cant remember the problem that they have.我记不得他们的问题了。 I wont believe the fact that he lied to his mother.我不愿相信他对

16、母亲撒谎的事实。 I wont believe the fact (that) he told me.我不愿相信他告诉我的事实。 The news that Tom would go abroad is told by him.汤姆将出国的消息是他讲的。 We have no idea at all where he has gone.我们根本不知道他去哪里了。 Thats the place where he was born.那是他出生的地方。引 导 同 位 语 从 句 的 连 词 that 通 常 不 省 略 , 但 在 非 正 式 文 体 中 也 可 以 省 去 。6. kid(a) C (infml 口) child or young person 小孩; 年轻人: How are your wife


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