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1、一 Is there any contract between X and Y? On April 4, Company X, with its place of business in China, sent an offer by e-mail to Company Y, with its place of business in Australia. The offer concerned 50,000 meters hand-printed cotton cloth and said it would remain open until April 30. On April 10, C

2、ompany Y answered by e-mail : “The price is too high, and we are not interested in the offer.” But on April 20, the manager of Company Y changed his mind and sent another e-mail to accept the April 4 offer. Question: Is there any contract between company X and Company Y? Answer and Analysis No. Sinc

3、e both China and Australia are Contracting States to the CISG, according to Article 1 would apply here. After receiving the offer of 50,000 meters hand-printed cotton cloth, on April 10, Company Y stated that they were not interested in the offer, which rejected the offer. On April 20, the e-mail se

4、nt to accept the April 4 offer should be regarded as a new offer instead of acceptance. Therefore, there was no contract between Company X and Company Y.二WORLD-WIDE VOLKSEAGEN V.WOODSON United States Supreme Court,1980 FACTS: The Robinsons bought a new Audi from Seaway Volkswagen in New York state.

5、While traveling through the State of Oklahoma, the Audi was rearended, causing a fire which severely burned Mrs. Robinson and her two children. The Robinsons sued in tort 侵权行为 in Oklahoma versus retailer Seaway and wholesaler World-Wide Volkswagen, both New York corporations that did no business in

6、Oklahonma. Both defendants entered special appearances to contest the trial courts assertion of personal jurisdiction over them; Woodson was the trial judge. ISSUE: Does the State of Oklahoma have personal jurisdiction over an auto retailer and wholesaler who so not sell cars in the state? HOLDING:

7、NO. LAW :Under the U.S. Constitution, Fourteenth Amendments Due Process Clause, there must be minimum contacts among the defendants, the forum, and the claim being made by plaintiffs in order for the state court to exercise personal jurisdiction 属人管辖权 EXPLANATION: Petitioners carried on no activitie

8、s in Oklahoma , performed no sales or services there, and did not solicit business there through advertising or agents. The “foreseeability” of their cars being driven in Oklahoma is not enough to hale them into court there. ORDER: Case against the retailer and distributor is dismissed.三 FACTS:A US

9、foreign trade zone(FTZ) subzone was set up at Nissan Motors plant in Smyrna, Tennessee. Nissan then imported production machinery into the zone to assemble parts that were manufactured in Japan for sale in cars in the US.The US Customs Service charged Nissan customs tariffs on the machinery Nissan a

10、ppealed to the courts to of the tariffs. LAW:US law provides that goods may be brought into an FTZ subzone without the payment of customs duties for the purpose of being ”stored, sold, exhibited, broken up, repacked, assembled, distributed, sorted, graded, cleaned, mixed with foreign or domestic mer

11、chandise ,or otherwise manipulated, ormanufactured. EXPLANATION: The US law does not say that imported equipment may be “installed”, ”used”, ”operated”, or ”consumed” in the zone ,which are the kinds of operations Nissan performs in the zone with its production equipment. To infer this from the law

12、is unreasonable. Court ruled that equipment is outside the definition of merchandise if it is installed and operated as opposed to “stored, sold, distributed, graded, cleaned, mixed with foreign or domestic merchandise, or otherwise manipulated, ormanufactured,” as defined in section 3 of the Foreig

13、n Trade Zones Act. ORDER: Nissan must pay duty on the production equipment.四Hungary, Metropolitan Court of Budapest, 1992 FACTS: Pratt and Whitney (P&W) offered to sell Mlev Hungarian Airlines (MHA) either two or three PW4000 series engines for installation in a Boeing aircraft or two or three PW410

14、0 series engines for installation in an Airbus aircraft. The offer stated different prices for the different series engines. It also said that it was subject to Hungarian and US government approval. One week later, MHA sent a letter accepting the offer for the PW4000 series engines. When MHA reneged

15、 on going forward with the purchase, P&W sued to obtain a declaratory judgment that a contract existed. ISSUES: (1) Was there an offer? (2) Was there an acceptance? (3) Was the requirement of governmental approval meant to be a condition precedent? HOLDINGS:(1)Yes(2)Yes (3)NO LAW:CISG Art.14(1) prov

16、ides that ”A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance.” And “A proposalis sufficiently definite if it indicates the goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provision for determining the quantity and the price.” Art.18 (1)defines an acceptance as “a statement ind


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