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1、情绪影响行为People tend to engage in unpleasant but necessary activities, such as paying bills or doing housework, when they are in a good mood and choose pleasurable activities as a way to feel better when they are in a bad mood, according to new research by a psychologist at Stanford University.根据斯坦福大学一

2、位心理学家的一项新研究显示,人们在愉悦状态下倾向于处理一些必要却痛苦的事项,比如买单或者做家务。而情绪消极时,又会选择做一些愉快的事情。These findings clarify how emotions shape behavior and may explain how humans trade off short-term happiness for long-term welfare, said James Gross, a professor of psychology who studies emotions and how people control or regulate

3、their emotions.研究情绪以及人们如何控制情绪的心理学教授詹姆斯格罗斯表示:“这些研究剖析了人类的情感如何塑造其行为,并揭示了人类如何在短期快感与长期幸福间寻求平衡。 ”Overcoming such trade-offs might be critical for our personal well-being and our survival as a species.“正确处理这种平衡关系对于个体的健康乃至人类种族的生存都是至关重要的。 ”最新研究显示情绪如何影响行为In their study, Gross and his fellow researchers used a

4、 smartphone app to randomly survey the activities and moods of more than 60,000 people over an average of 27 days, and found that mood plays a strong role in how people decide to spend their time each day.在研究中,格罗斯和和他的团队利用一款手机应用,来随机调查记录了 6 万名接受测试者在 27 天内的行为和情绪。结果显示,心情对于人们决定如何度过每一天起着非常重要的作用。Gross and

5、his co-authors of a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences call this dynamic hedonic flexibility, namely people tend to use their good mood as a resource, allowing them to work on challenges, thus delaying short-term gratification for long-term benefits, such as regular s

6、leep, stable employment and a clean, well-organized personal environment, all of which are linked to good mental and physical health.格罗斯和合著作者发表在美国国家科学院院刊上的一篇文章将这个动态过程称为“快乐的灵活性” ,即人们将积极情绪视为资源,用以消耗在挑战性工作中,推迟短期满足感从而获取长期幸福感。比如规律的睡眠、稳定的雇佣关系、清洁有序的个人环境等,这些均有助于提高我们的心理和生理健康水平。The study showed that hedonic fl

7、exibility was consistently practiced in a range of daily choices made by respondents, such as when an upbeat mood helps one endure a long line at, say, the post office or grocery.研究显示, “快乐的灵活性”始终如一的体现在受试者的一系列日常选择中,比如积极的情绪能帮助人们忍受在邮局或者杂货店排起的长队。Suggesting that the ability of people to leverage a good m

8、ood to complete important but unpleasant tasks and use a bad mood to experience pleasurable activities may hold the key to happiness and well-being.格罗斯认为,利用积极情绪来完成重要却不那么愉快的事,利用消极情绪来感受愉悦,这可能是幸福快乐的真谛。Gross said the research confirms how human emotions shape behavior and may help persons become less fo

9、cused on short-term pleasure and more centered on long-term stability.他表示,该研究确认了人们的情感如何塑造其行为,并帮助人们少追求短期快感,更专注于培养获取长期幸福的能力。广州白云机场加强口岸检疫查验South Chinas Guangdong Province has tightened quarantine and inspections to prevent the entry of Zika virus which has spread in some Southeast Asian countries.中国南方的

10、广东省目前已经加强了检验检疫力度,严防寨卡病毒的传入。目前寨卡病毒已经在东南亚多国广泛传播。Since the beginning of August, the inspection and quarantine bureau of the Guangzhou Baiyun Airport has carried out checks on 74 passengers with symptoms from Zika-hit countries or regions.自从进入 8 月份以来,广州白云机场检验检疫局已经对 74 名带有寨卡病毒症状的旅客进行了检查,这些人之前都曾去过寨卡病毒受灾国家

11、或地区。No Zika infection cases have been found, said the Guangdong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.据广东省出入境检验检疫局表示是,目前没有发现寨卡病毒感染案例。广州白云机场加强口岸检疫查验 严防寨卡病毒传入The airport alone has a daily average of 14 flights to and from Singapore, about 2,500 entry or exit passengers.单就白云机场一处来说,每天往来新加坡的航班就多达 1

12、4 趟,大约有 2500 名出入境乘客。Current high temperatures and humid weather in Guangdong increased the likelihood of a Zika epidemic, said the provincial bureau.据广东省检验检疫局表示,目前广东的高温潮湿天气加大了寨卡病毒传播的可能性。The Baiyun Airport inspection and quarantine personnel provide free tests of Zika virus for passengers. It advised

13、 citizens to be cautious of travelling to affected countries or regions.此外,白云机场检验检疫工作人员还为旅客提供了免费的寨卡病毒检测。该机构建议市民们要谨慎前往受寨卡病毒影响的国家和地区。辣椒和生姜可以降低患癌风险Many of us love the hot kick of a curry searing with chili peppers and ginger. Some cant stand the burn.许多人都喜欢咖喱热辣的口感,因为辣椒和生姜会烧灼人的口腔。不过有些人却不能忍受这种火烧般的感觉。But

14、spice-phobes should consider a change of heart - since new research shows these two ingredients combine to create a compound that fights cancer.但是香料恐惧症患者们应该考虑改变一下看法了-因为最新研究发现,辣椒和生姜结合在一起会产生一种可以治疗癌症的化合物。The finding, from the American Chemical Society, builds on previous studies that suggested a proper

15、ty in chili peppers (capsaicin) fuels tumor growth.美国化学协会的这一发现建立在之前的研究的基础上。该研究指出,辣椒中的一种成分(辣椒素)会促进肿瘤的生长。However, according to the new research, capsaicin can be turned into a cancer-fighting property when combined with gingers pungent compound 6-gingergol.不过,最新研究指出,当辣椒素和生姜成分姜辣素合成在一起的时候,可以形成一种治疗癌症的物质。

16、研究显示 辣椒和生姜可以降低患癌风险Ginger has long been touted as a health food, recommended to patients for everything from a cold to a severe disease as it stimulates anti-inflammatory cells.长久以来人们一直盛赞生姜是一种健康食品。小到感冒,大到严重疾病的病人都会被推荐食用生姜,因为生姜可以刺激抗炎症细胞。Over several weeks, the ACS researchers fed mice prone to lung cancer either capsaicin or 6-gingerol alone, or a combination of both.在过去的几个星期里,美国化学协会的研究员们给一群易患肺癌的小白鼠喂食了辣椒素、姜辣素以及两者的混合物。During the study period, all of the mice that receive


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