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1、Unit 8Pregnancy ComplicationsTeaching Objectives:(1) Identify bleeding complications of early and late pregnancy.(2) List the warning signs of complications following a spontaneous abortion.(3) Discuss the nursing response to pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders.(4) Summarize the management of p

2、atients with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).(5) Discuss the nursing care for patients experiencing an ectopic pregnancy.Keys to Warming-upAsk students observe the four pictures and discuss with their partners.Brain storm:pregnant husband book preparation ultrasound fetus image operation doctor

3、anesthetic risk complications e.g. From the pictures we can learn something about pregnancy. Pregnancy is a very large project; it needs husbands help and care. It also needs careful checking in hospital, such as the ultrasound wave. That can help doctors to check the healthy states of the fetus. Wh

4、en the normal labor is impossible, the pregnant should have an operation.1. World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists 2. There are many maternity hospitals in local areas, and pregnant can get good care in the these professional hospitals;3. Pregnancy complications include miscarriage, gest

5、ational hypertension, ectopic pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus,ect.4. The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, frequent pee, and so on.Part One Dialogue医生:出了什么问题?病人:阴道出血已经两天了,而且伴随着下腹部疼痛。医生:出血量是多少?最后一次例假是什么时候?病人:我错过了两次例假,最后一次例假是 4 月 4 号。医生:你的月经正常吗?病人:现在正常了,但是结婚之前是不规律的。医生:你能给我一些尿液做怀孕检查吗?病人:好的。医生

6、:怀孕检测呈阳性,疼痛的位置和情况是怎样的?病人:疼痛的位置在下腹部的正中心,疼痛持续的时候会伴随着阴道出血。医生:你怀孕了,但是面临着流产的危险。除了吃饭和去卫生间你都应该卧床休息。病人:我应该吃些药吗?医生:我会给你一些注射和口服的药物。病人:好的,我会按照你说的去做。医生:要是出血量严重增多你应该立刻去急诊室,一周之后再来检查。Part Two PassagePregnancy ComplicationsPre-reading Questions1. What do you think pregnancy in a womans life?Answer: Pregnancy is one

7、 of the most profound times in a womans life. It is marked by a variety of physical changes, as well as by thoughts and feelings that sometimes overwhelm the mother-to-be. Though pregnancy is generally a time of joy and well-being, complications can occur and put the patient and her unborn child at

8、risk.2. What are the pregnancy complications?Answer: These complications include hyperemesis gravidum, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage),ectopic pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus, pregnancy-related hypertension, etc. 3. What is the responsibility of a perinatal nurse?Nurses play a special ro

9、le in ensuring the safety of the patient and her unborn child during all phases of pregnancy and delivery. They must be knowledgeable about complications that can occur during pregnancy and ready to act on behalf of the patient and her child.Pregnancy Complications孕期并发症课文翻译:课前预习问题:1. 怀孕在女性一生中意味着什么?2

10、. 孕期并发症都有哪些?3.围产期护士的职责是什么?怀孕是一个女性一生当中最意义深远的时期。它有着一系列的身体的变化,同时有思想和感情的变化,有时甚至会彻底改变一个准妈妈。虽然怀孕通常是一个快乐和幸福的时刻,但是并发症的发生会使这个过程乌云密布,并且使病人和未出生的孩子造成风险。这些并发症包括妊娠剧吐,自然流产,子宫外孕,孕期高血压,孕期糖尿病等等。恶心和呕吐通常发生在妊娠期。 恶心和呕吐持续在孕期 20 周以上,它会影响食物和体液的摄入,以及影响孕期正常体重的增加,这种情况被称作妊娠剧吐。引起剧吐的原因是未知的,但是激素水平的提高,放松平滑肌造成胃排空延迟,以及压力都是引起这种不适的重要因素

11、。流产指妊娠期胎儿具有生存能力之前终止妊娠。胎儿的生存能力通常被定义在孕期大于 20 周或者胎儿大于 500 克。流产可以是自发的或者诱发的。自然流产通常是指没有病人或其他人干预的自发性流产。宫外孕指受精卵在子宫体腔以外的着床发育。几乎所有的异位妊娠都发生在输卵管,有时又被称为输卵管妊娠。输卵管不适合一个胚胎的生长,所以受精卵不能正常发育,必须要进行处理。宫外孕的发病率是 50 分之一。妊娠糖尿病发生在怀孕过程中,通常表现为孕妇对体内的葡萄糖表现的无能为力。妊娠糖尿病在病人分娩之后都会康复了。然而,有过孕期糖尿病的患者在以后的人生中也有可能再次患上糖尿病。妊娠糖尿病的原因在很大程度上是未知的,

12、然后随着胎儿的生长,孕妇对葡萄糖的需求增加。妊娠高血压由于怀孕诱发的高血压,是指妊娠期首次发生高血压。妊娠高血压的诊断是血压大于或者等于 140/90 毫米汞柱。两次血压诊断应该相隔 4 到6 小时。诊断是在怀孕 20 周之后,在产后 12 周恢复到正常的血压。护士在患者妊娠和分娩的各个阶段都发挥着重要的作用,确保病人和未出生的胎儿安全。她们必须了解怀孕期间可能发生的并发症,并且时刻准备为维护患者和她的孩子的健康而行动。这是围产期护士的责任和目标。大多数医院和分娩中心指导护士照顾在孕期发生并发症的患者,并且护士也应当遵循卫生机构的建议。Words Study:1. pregnancy prgn

13、nsi n. the state of being pregnant; the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus 怀孕;丰富,多产; e.g. It would be wiser to cut out all alcohol during pregnancy. 怀孕期间最好完全戒酒。2. complication ,kmplkenn. any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of (or b

14、ecause of) another disease 并发症;复杂;复杂化;混乱e.g. Blindness is a common complication of diabetes. 失明是糖尿病常有的一种并发症。There are too many complications to explain now. 现在有太多使情况复杂化的因素要解释。3. overwhelm vwelm vt. 淹没;压倒;受打击;覆盖;压垮e.g. But the various pros and cons should not blindly overwhelm one another. 但是,众多的利弊得失

15、不应盲目的一个压倒另一个。We try not to think about it because it would overwhelm us to an extent that we would just vegetate. 我们尽量不去想它,因为在某种我们能够想像到的程度上他会压倒我们。4. .fluid flud adj. subject to change; variable 流动的;流畅的;不固定的e.g. The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision. 血管可能渗漏出液体,扰乱视觉。Make sure that yo

16、u drink plenty of fluids. 一定要饮用大量流质。His painting became less illustrational and more fluid. 他的画变得更为流畅,没那么生硬了。5. ectopic ktpk adj. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when an embryo develops outside a womans uterus, for example in one of her fallopian tubes. 异位(妊娠)的 e.g. An ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus.异位妊娠是发生在子宫外的一种妊娠。6. occur k vi. 发生;出现;存在e.g. I dont want such a thing to occur again.我


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