新版-泛读(1)unit 01 wordlist

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1、泛读 I,unit 1, Page 1 of 5,2010-9-91Unit 1 2010-9-9 更新Part I Text-1. Little Houses in the Big Woods泛读 I,unit 1, Page 2 of 5,2010-9-92Dictionary work: treat,afford, filterVocabulary ListText A. Little house in the Big Woods 【本文从一个小女孩口吻讲故事,因此阅读中要注意人称转换和口语化风格, 他们家的成员:爸爸,妈妈,三个小女孩:Laura, Mary, Carrie】I-1.

2、Pre-reading questions.1. Read the title of the text and what is your first impression? Pay attention to the contrast “little vs. big”. 【loneliness, isolation, danger, quietness, tranquility】2. What is / was life like over 150 years ago in China, or America? (i.e. around 1860s- 1870s) 3. What do you

3、know about Wisconsin? 4. Read the introduction and find out the key words. What do you expect to happen in the story? (life, wilderness, true story, Wisconsin, big bear) 【大兴安岭 , 黑龙江, 小说、电影林海雪原 ,电视剧雪城 , 年轮 ,其它八十年代知青文学。 】I2。 Background knowledge- Pioneers 拓荒者,边区居民The founding of U.S.A. was in 1776 wit

4、h only 13 states and people began to expand and move westward, and they were roughly termed as pioneers. They had a hard life and there are many stories of this kind.Life is especially hard for girls and women at that time, so they especially enjoy getting together and helping each other.I-2. Outlin

5、e of the story1. Brief introduction of the season and Pas plan2. Life without Pa at home3. Encounter with the bear4. Mas reaction to the bear5. Mas calmness and inner nervousness6. Pas coming home 1. wilderness:荒野,荒地2. Wisconsin: 威斯康星州,在美国中北部,五大湖地区泛读 I,unit 1, Page 3 of 5,2010-9-933. thaw:融化,解冻4. ic

6、icle:冰凌,冰柱,垂冰5. sparkle 闪光,闪烁6. bundle:捆扎,7. strap:皮带,用皮带捆8. sun-up: 注意口语化词汇:sunrise 日出,sunset 日落;9. candy:糖果,a piece of candy10. powder: 火药,注意语境 对词汇含义的影响11. shot:子弹,弹子12. store sugar:糖块 【不是自己熬制的糖浆】13. chore 家务,琐事14. Ma said that Laura might come with her妈妈叫他跟着他15. calico:印花棉布16. mitten:棒球手套,拳击手套17.

7、 barn:谷仓,畜栏18. a gray light 灰暗的光线19. faint 微弱的,光很暗的20. the shape of Sukey, the brown cow 家里的母牛 Sukey 的影子21. slap:掌击,拍打22. shaggy:毛发粗密杂乱的,蓬松的23. glitter:闪闪发光 Note: These words suggest a bear! 24. snatch:攫取25. slam the door: 砰的关上26. sob 哭,抽泣27. tremble 颤抖,哆嗦28. snuggle:偎依29. Pay attention to “could ha

8、ve hurt us, and the question tags”30. trundle:n 带拖轮的小床; v 推动31. leather: 皮革的32. latch:n 插销;v 拴门; latch-string33. limp:柔软,卷曲的34. sit up late: Idiom 成语,熬夜 Reading Skills-Previewing (1)Key: Good reading and good guessingFast readingPassage 1.1. pioneer: Note: The role cultural contexts in reading. 语境对词

9、汇意义影响很大;pioneer 在汉语中是 “先锋,先驱者; 美国特指早期向西部进发的“拓荒者” 2. Sentence pattern: “there were no”注意句式对意义表达的影响。 3. bee: gathering for neighbors,with different purposes 聚会泛读 I,unit 1, Page 4 of 5,2010-9-944. treat:宴请,招待,喜庆场合5. quilting bees 妇女们缝被子的聚会, sewing bees 妇女们的缝补会: Note: The Color Purple by Alice Walker: S

10、isters Choice, Mountains and Stars。在紫色中特别提到黑人妇女的缝纫会成了他们社会化、团结斗争的象征。他们缝的被子叫“姐妹配” , “万水千山” 6. house-raising:盖房子7. log 圆木, lay a log 砍伐木头8. contest【智力,体育竞赛, competition 其他竞赛】Passage 2.Guess the general time background of the story from words: car 上下文、语境影响. 1. pane 小巷2. loft:阁楼3. ladder 楼梯 : Idiom: to c

11、limb up the social ladder 成语:爬上社会的阶梯,指出人头地4. clamber 爬上,攀登5. porch 门廊,走廊6. cuddly:令人怜爱,忍不住去抱的7. fortunately 幸运的是8. cub:幼兽,小动物,小狗熊9. creek 小溪Passage 3.The authors background: 根据阅读猜测作者的身份 comedian 戏剧演员 Homework: Recite this passage!1. illusion:幻觉2. grown-ups 成人3. spread 传播,拓展4. grand 辉煌,宏大5. Flavors h

12、ave dulled. 品位钝化,人变得庸俗。6. Surprises have turned into shocks. 惊讶变成惊恐。补“Rhetorical device: illiteration 头晕修辞,就是两个单词的第一个字母或音节相同,听起来有节律,通常用于书名,词组,谚语,报刊题目: Pride and Prejudice;To add insult to injury; Time and tide wait for no man. 7. play up the stage:在舞台表演Text B. Humanity and love; The Readers;人性,爱心,温暖

13、,参阅读者 1. jewelry 珠宝: silver 银子; gold 金子; diamond 钻石; ruby 红宝石;假冒,仿造品:fake products2. for which介词后面的定于从句用 which,其他情况用 that泛读 I,unit 1, Page 5 of 5,2010-9-953. necklace:项链4. turquoise:绿松石5. bead:珠子6. wrap:包裹7. thoughtful:若有所思8. price mark 价格标签,也叫 price tage, 9. be busy about something 忙于10. grief:悲哀11. self-pity: 【过度的】 自哀,自怜12. pain of remembering 记忆的痛苦13. stone 石头,宝石


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