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1、1.申请工作签证Customer: Good moming.lve come here to inquire whether I can get a visa to your country?旅客:早上好,我来是想询问我是否可以得到贵国的签证?officer: VVhat do you want to go to US for?工作人员:你为什么要去美国呢?Cutomer I have been invited to toach Chinese at the Univorsity of Hawaii for two years.旅客:应夏威夷大学的邀请,我要去那里教授两年的中文。officer

2、: Can l have a look at yourletter of acceptance?工作人员:请问我能看一下你的邀请函吗?Customer: Of course.Here you are.旅客:当然,给您。officer: Thats OK.WeII contact you the moment we hear form home.工作人员:好的。我们一得到消息就立刻通知你。Notes:Inquire vt.询问visa n.签证Hawaii n.夏威夷2.申请留学签证(1)Officer:Do you have any scholarship to support you dur

3、ing your stayin the UK?工作人员:你有英国学校发的奖学金作为你在那里的经济来源吗?Customer: Regrettable not.旅客:非常遗憾,我没有。Officer: In that case.how can you demonstrate that you are financially burdenless in regard to your academic years?工作人员:那么你如何能够证明在你读书的几年中不必为经济来源操心呢?Customer: Well,when I was in universityI took a lot af social

4、activities and have gained a lot of experience.Plus my good command of English.I am surel can eam money to support myself by working part-timo jobs.旅客:嗯,在我上大学的时候,我参加了许多的社会活动并积累了丰富的经验。再加上我对英语的掌握能力,我相信我一定可以通过做兼职工作获得足够的经济支持的。Officer: You seem to talk me into believing you.工作人员:你刚才的谈话似乎已经说服我了。Customer:

5、Thank you.And if so,l believe the tacts speak loudor than words.旅客:谢谢您的夸奖,不过我觉得事实胜于雄辩。Officer: Yeah,you have passed.Back home and be well prepared for your new school year.工作人员:确实,你已经通过了,回去好好为你的新学期做准备吧 oCustomer Thank you very much.旅客:非常感谢您。Notes:scholarship n.奖学金demonstrarto n.证明,示范,论证regrettabess

6、adj.可叹的,可惜的burdenless adj.没有负担的3.申请留学签证(2)Customer: Good moming.sir.My name is Liu Peng trom Tsinghai University.l am here for the interview relating to my visa application.旅客:早上好,先生。我是来自青海大学的刘鹏。我今天是为了签证来进行面试的。Officer: Glad to moet you.Would you mind if I ask you some questions?工作人员:很高兴见到你。你介意我问你几个问

7、题吗?Customer: Of course not.旅客:当然不了。Offioor: Why do you want to go to the US?工作人员:你为什幺要去美国?Customer:Id like to haw further education.Now I am studying for my doctorats.旅客:我想去美国深造,现在我正在攻读博士学位。Officer: Will you get any kind of scholarship?工作人员:你有没有得到奖学金?Customer :Yes.The school has provided me with ful

8、l scholarship and that will be enough to support myself.旅客:有的。校方已经给我提供了全领奖学金,这笔钱足够我支付那里的生活费和学费了。Notes:Interview n.免试,采访doctorate n.博士学位4.申请奖学金Sara: Can you tell me something about financial aid?萨拉:你能给我讲讲经济资助吗?Jessie: What exactly?杰西:你想知道什么呢?Sara: How to apply for it?萨拉:怎么去申请?Jessie: In your first le

9、tter,that is,when you apply for admission,you should also tell them you need their financial aid.杰西:在校方给你寄过来的第一张表格里,就是这张,你应该告诉他们你需要申请经济资助。Sara: Then.萨拉:然后呢?Jessie: lf the aid is available,they will give you two or more application.forms: One is for admission,the others are for the aid.杰西:如果你的申请通过了,他

10、们会给你寄过来至少两张表,一张是录取通知书,其余的就是关于经济资勋的表格了。Sara: What if not?萨拉:那要是申请没有通过怎么办呢?Jessie: They will tell you the aid is impossible.杰西:他们会告诉你不能获得资助。Notes:financial adj.经济上的,财政的admission n.批准,允许5.查看时刻表Traverer: Excuse me.sir.Can I have alook at the timetable please?游客:先生,打扰一下。我能看一下时刻表吗?Officer: Surely of cours

11、e.Here you are.工作人员:当然可以,给您。Traveler:Is flight ZW203 a direct one?游客:ZW203 是直达航班吗?Officor: No,it stopped at Honolulu.Would you like to book one?工作人员:不是,它在檀香山停留一些时间,您要订张票吗?Traveler: No.is there any direct tlight to New York?游客:不必了。有没有直飞纽约的航班?Officer Let me see.I am sorry.ZW203 is the only one to New

12、York工作人员:让我查查。十分抱歉,ZW203 是唯一一架去纽约的航班。Notes:Honolulu n.檀香山6.询问航班Traveler: Can I have a look at your intemational timetable?游客:我能看一下国际航班时刻表吗?Officer: Sorry.We dont havea printed one. Is there anything elsel can do for you?工作人员:对不起,我们没有打印的版本。我能为您做些其他的什么吗?Traveler: Yes.Do you have any direct tlight to T

13、okyo?游客:有没有直飞东京的航班呢?Officer: Sorry we dont.I dont think you can find any airtine which offersa non-stop flight to Tokyo.工作人员:抱歉,我们没有。任何一家航空公司都没有一班直飞东京的班机。Traveler: What about a flight to Paris?游客:那有没有去巴黎的航班呢?Officer: Yes.It is really a place of interest and we have the direct flight everyday.工作人员:有,

14、巴黎的确是个旅游胜地,我们每天都有直飞航班。Notes:non-stop flight 直达航班a place of interest 旅游胜地7.选择航班Officer: Hello,need any help?工作人员:您好,需要帮忙吗?Traveler:Id hke to make a reservation to Sydnoy on 30th Of May.游客:我想订一张 5 月 30 号去悉尼的机票。Officer: Let me see.There are two fights on that day.One takes off at 11:OOam and the other

15、at 15:00 pm.Which one do you want?工作人员:让我查一查。我们目前有两个航班。一个是上午 1 1 点起飞,另一个是下午 3点起飞,您要哪一班?Traveler:I think the first one fits me.By the way,what is the time when I get there?游客:我觉得第一班挺适合我,顺便问下,那趟航班几点到悉尼?Otficer: 2:00 the next day.工作人员:明天 2 点。Notes:fit v.适合8.航班中转站过多Traveler: Can you tell me if there is

16、a flight to New York?浒客:能告诉我有去纽约的航班吗?Officer: Yes.Flight DB117 departs at 5:38 pm and arriveo in New York at 6:00 am with a laycwer in Chicago.lt also makes arefueling stop at Colombia.工作人员:有的,DB117 航班下午 5 点 38 分起飞,早晨 6 点到纽约。它过境芝加哥并且因为加油还要在哥伦比亚停留。Traveler: So many stops!Dont you have any direct fligt?游客:这么多站!有没有直达航班?Officor: Sorry sir,it is the onry flight wa have right now.工作人员:对不起先生,这是我们目前开通的唯一一趟航班。Notes:layover n.临时停留refuel n.补给燃料9.预订机票Officer: Good aftomoon,Pan Am.



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