新标准大学英语 2 目标词汇 含解析

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1、commerce n. 释义 1. transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services) 贸易2. the United States federal department that promotes and administers domestic and foreign trade (including management of the census and the patent office); created in 1913 商业例句1

2、.Committee of Energy and Commerce 能源及商业委员会2.E-commerce continues to reduce cost and impact on business 电子商务会继续降低成本,继而对商业产生影响派生词:commercial 释义:adj. 1. connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises 商业的2. of or relating to commercialism 与 商业的有关的n. a commerci

3、ally sponsored ad on radio or television 商业广告例句1.The outlines of such a commercial software are pretty clear.这样一个商业软件的轮廓是相当清晰的。2.Seine River and its branches form the chief commercial waterway of France.塞纳河及其支流构成了法国主要的商业运输水路。3.Nowadays,TV proframmes are full of commercials 如今的电视节目么充斥了大量的商业广告deceptio

4、n n.释义:欺骗,诈骗例句:1 His wife was a victim of deception. 他的妻子是诈骗案的受害人2 The judge said there had been a misunderstanding rather than a calculated deception. 法官说这是一场误会,而不是一场有预谋的诈骗3 Their crimes include shoplifting, burglary and credit card deception. 他们的罪行有:偷窃,入室盗窃以及信用卡诈骗fiber n.1.(植物、人造)纤维;纤维物质,纤维材料;光学纤维

5、Natural fibers,such as cotton,tend to be used in sportwear,because they are coller.2.(肌肉等的)纤维;刚毅,力量muscle fiber(s)3.(食物中的)纤维He lacked the moral fiber to be leader.She wanted to win the race with every fiber of her being.3.(食物中的)纤维Its reckoned that an increased intake of fiber in the diet can reduce

6、the risk of bowel cancer.anonymous adj.1 不知姓名的,名字不公开的The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous.这笔款子是当地一位不愿透露姓名的企业家捐赠的。2 匿名的,不具名的an anonyous letter/gift匿名信;无名氏送的礼物3 没有特色的long stretches of dull and anonymous countryside大片大片千篇一律、枯燥平淡的乡村vague adj. 释义:1.unclear because s

7、omeone does not give enough detailed information or does not say exactly what they mean: 不清楚不明确2.have a vague idea/feeling/recollection etc (that)to think that something might be true or that you remember something, although you cannot be sure: 隐隐约约的预感,感觉到3.not having a clear shape or form = indisti

8、nct: 视觉上形状看不清的,模糊的4.含糊其辞5. 茫然的,糊涂的,心不在焉的例句:1.The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.州长仅仅给出了他征税计划的模糊概要。Our holiday plans are rather vague.我们的度假计划还没有明确。2.At the back of his mind was the vague idea that he had met her before.他隐隐约约地觉得以前曾经见过她。I have a vague idea that he will be late.我感觉他要

9、迟到。3.The vague shape of a figure loomed through the mist.一个模糊的身影在薄雾中逼近。4.The politicians made vague promises about tax cuts.政界人物的减税承诺言辞含糊。He was accused of being deliberately vague.他被指责为故意含糊其辞。5.a vague expression/look茫然若失的表情His vague manner concealed a brilliant mind.他大智若愚。peril n.释义:1 uncountable

10、literary or formal great danger, especially of being harmed or killed书面、正式用语危险, 威胁2 countable usually plural literary or formal a danger or problem in a particular activity or situation: 一次危机,一个危险的局面(具体)【in peril】 They put their own lives in peril to rescue their friends.他们将生死之制度外来营救朋友。【great/grave/

11、serious peril 】严重的威胁The economy is now in grave peril.经济现处于极度危机的境地。a voyage that was fraught with peril (=full of danger)极其危险的一次水上旅行These birds are able to survive the perils of the Arctic winter.这些鸟能在北极寒冷的冬天里生存。the perils posed by mountaineering 登山而带来的危险【do something at your peril】Politicians ignor

12、e this issue at their peril.政客们打算忽视这项问题,这将导致危险。Perpetuate vt 释义:to make sth such as a bad situation,a belief,etc.continue for a long time 使永久化,使持久化,使持续例句:1.perpetuate the memory of comrade Norman Bethune 永远纪念诺尔曼2.This system perpetuateed itself for a long time.这一 制度维持了几个世纪。3.The Washington Monument

13、is built to perpetuate the memory of a great man.华盛顿纪念碑的建立是为了永远纪念一个伟人。adj 永远的tasteful adj释义:雅观的;有鉴赏力的;趣味高雅的;有滋味的On entering his house, we at once perceived him to be tasteful.我们一进他的房子,立刻感觉到他是个高雅的人。This tasteful fruit is from Africa , and it grows on sand soil.这种好吃的水果起源自非洲,而且它生长在沙土上。One feature of th

14、e wool carpet is plain and tasteful in colour.全羊毛地毯的一个特点是色调高雅。taste n. 味道;品味;审美convenience n.1.方便,适宜,便利We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers.For onvenience ,the two groups have been treated as one in the report.2.便利的事物,方便的用具It was a great convenience to have the school so near.

15、The house had all the morden convenience that were unusual at that time.相关词组: 1.at sbs convenience 在方便时,在适宜地 2.convenience food 方便食品,便利食品3.convenience store 便利店Convenient adj.1.实用的,便利的,方便的,省事的Its very convenient to pay by credit card.Fruit is a convenient source of vitamins and energy.A bicycle is o

16、ften more convenient than a car in towns.I cant see him now-it isnt convenientIll call back at more convenient time.2.附近的,近便的,容易到达的The house is very convenient for several schools.inconvenience n./v.n. 1.不方便,麻烦,困难We apologized for the delay and regret any inconvenience it may caused. 我们为事件的延迟道歉,很抱歉它可能带来的不便I have been put to considerable inconvenience.2.带来不便者,麻烦的人(或事物)I can put up with minor incon


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