新标准大学英语2 unit3译文和答案

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1、1Unit 3 Ar11. deception n. the action of deceiving someoneTranslate the following sentences into Chinese:The man obtained property by deception.这人靠欺骗获得财产。This is a range of elaborate deception. 这是一个精心设计的圈套。2. fraud n. C, U wrongful or criminal deception intended for result in financial or personal g

2、ainTranslate the following sentences into Chinese:He was convicted of fraud.他被判定犯有诈骗罪。He told people he was a doctor, but he was a fraud really.他告诉人们他是医生,实际上他是个骗子。3. fraudster n. someone obtains money by deceiving.Translate the following sentence into Chinese:New measures are needed to prevent fraud

3、sters opening bank accounts with stolen identity.需要制定新的措施以防止诈骗犯冒用身份在银行开户。4. forge v. forgery n. to make illegal copy of something to deceive.Translate the following sentence into Chinese:The student forged his supervisors signature on the dissertation.这个学生在论文上伪造他导师的签字。He increase his income by forge

4、ry.他靠假冒伪造增加收入。These banknotes are forgeries.这些钞票是假币。Word comparison: deception fraud forgedeception: It has the widest range of uses of deceiving.Fraud: It often suggests financial dishonesty.forge: Illegally copy sth., esp. printed or written.deception fraud forge fraudster forgery Fill in the blan

5、ks with proper words:1. She is guilty of tax _fraud_.1. He obtained a lot of money by _deception / forgery.2. He will face trial on _fraud_ charges for _forging_ credit cards. He is a _fraud/fraudster_. 3. The old lady was a victim of a cruel _deception_.5. custody n. A. someone to be arrested and k

6、ept in prison until they can be tried in the court B. legal right to keep or look after Figure out the meaning of the underlined words. Put the letter “A” or “B” in the brackets.(1) The father is going to court to get custody of (B) the child. But child custody (B) is 2normally given to the mother.

7、So there will be a bitter custody (B) battle.(2) The suspect has been taken into custody (A).(3) The man was held/kept in custody (A) in the police station for 24 hours.6. consultancy n.Consult, consultation, consultant, consultancyFill in the blanks with the words above(1) If you are in any doubt,

8、consult_ your financial advisor.(2) The plan was drawn up _in consultation with_ some doctors. (3) He was a _consultant_ before he ran a _consultancy_.(4) The project provides both _ consultancy _ and training.7. anonymous a. A. You do not let people know you were the person who did things.B. Unknow

9、n by nameDecide the meanings of the word with appropriate a letter in the bracket.(1) The man is the anonymous donor (捐赠者) of the money for the Hope Project. ( B )(2) The terrorist sent an anonymous letter to the government threatening another suicide bombing in the city. ( A )(3) According to the e

10、mployee, who wish to remain anonymous, the company engaged in illegal activities such as identity fraud. (B)8. precaution n. CAn action taken to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant happening. Match the two columns with proper letters putting in the brackets:1. advocate precaution ( B )2. negle

11、ct precaution ( H )3. adequate precautions ( D)4. fire precaution ( C )5. exercise precaution ( E)6. omit precaution ( F )7. throw all precautions to the winds ( A)8. do as a precaution ( G)A. 毫无警惕毫无警惕B. 提倡预防提倡预防C. 火警火警D. 充分的预防措施充分的预防措施E. 实施预防实施预防F. 放松预防放松预防G. 为了保险起见为了保险起见H. 忽视预防忽视预防Choose the appro

12、priate expressions from the box to complete the sentences.take the precaution of doing sth.; take precautions wise/sensible precaution; (1) He had _ taken precaution of_ seeking legal advice.做好了寻求法律援助的准备(2) Carrying a map is _ a wise/sensible precaution_ to avoid being lost in travelling. 明智的预防手段(3)

13、 We should _ take precautions_. 采取预防措施3窃取的身份1 “弗兰克从未上过飞行学院、医学院、法学院因为他还在上高中。 ”2 这是 2002 年的电影有种来抓我的剧情简介。影片讲述了小弗兰克阿巴格纳尔(莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥饰演)的故事。影片主人公是一位聪明绝顶的年轻骗术大师,曾在不同时间扮演医生、律师和飞行员的角色,在 26 个国家伪造了价值 600 万美元以上的支票。他成了联邦调查局有史以来伪造罪头号通缉令名单上最年轻的通缉犯。在影片中,阿巴格纳尔被虚构的联邦调查局特工卡尔汉拉提(汤姆汉克斯饰演)追捕,但后来逃脱了。他最终成了联邦调查局专攻白领犯罪的顾问专家。3

14、 有种来抓我是一部很棒的电影,但影片中的事情会在现实生活中发生吗?其实,有种来抓我是根据弗兰克阿巴格纳尔的真实故事改编的,他的行骗生涯持续了大约六年;被抓后,曾三次逃脱监管(有一次是从飞机的厕所逃走的) ;在法国、瑞典和美国的监狱中总共度过了六年时光。他现在经营一家咨询事务所,为企业界提供防造假咨询。他挣到了足够的钱,赔付了所有的受害者,如今已是大富豪。4 2003 年以来,身份盗窃案变得越来越常见。很少有人会想象到,为了预防这种改变人生的犯罪,采取一些预防措施有多么重要,比如把邮件拿到邮局去寄而不是丢在信箱里等人来取、把文件切碎而不是直接把它们连同垃圾一道扔出去,甚至使用几美元一支的(特效)

15、笔等等。5 越来越多的人正在成为身份盗窃案的无名受害者。我们花费许多时间和金钱,去努力挽回我们的姓名、我们的信用、我们的钱和我们的生活。我们需要想方设法来保护自己。我们可以减少此类犯罪的机会,但是它永远不会消失。6 这不仅仅是要求我们列一份“该做”和“不该做”事项的清单,我们还需要改变心态。虽然网上银行现在很常见,但国内有一大群人即占人口 15的生育高峰时期出生的一代人还是更喜欢用纸。而且,30的诈骗案都发生在这群人当中。支票上有身份盗贼所需的你的全部信息。如果你用圆珠笔,笔迹可以用一般的家用化学药品除去,钱数可以更改。每天发出的空头支票高达 120 万张以上,平均每秒 13 张以上。7 支票造假是个大产业每年以 25的速率增长。犯罪分子指望我们犯错误,好让他们更容易得手。那么我们怎样才能防患于未然呢?8 采取一些预防措施。不要把你的邮件留在邮箱里过夜或过周末。小偷就等着看你家信箱的小红旗(注:在美国,信箱上插上小红旗表示有邮件需要投递) ,以便通过你要投递的邮件找寻有用的个人信息或支票。要用签字笔填写支票和重要表格, (因为)签字笔的墨水会渗进纸张的纤维中,无法用化学药品除去。还有,切碎或撕碎含有个人信息的所有文件,然后再把它们丢进垃圾桶。9 记住,网上有大量机会可以被小偷利用。他们根据你的身份伪造假身份。我们都知道黑



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