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1、Key to Exercises (Unit 1 Finding Nemo)Part I Movie LanguageSection 2 In-class ActivitiesA Class Lead-in1. Where are the two speakers? In the studio. (Pixar Animation Studios 皮克萨动画电影公司)2. What do they do? They are Director (Andrew Stanton) & Co-director (Lee Unkrich).(The third person is John Lassete

2、r, 皮克萨公司执行副总裁 executive Vice President、本片的原创者,出任影片的执行制片 executive producer)3. What are they talking about? They are presenting and introducing to the audience the making of the two DVD discs of the film, Finding Nemo.B Intensive Listening & ViewingMovie Clip 1Task two1. (1)B. (2)C.2.(1). What happen

3、s when Nemo seems to be about to swim into the open water? (注:此文字是在第一版本基础上修改后的,原版是:is about to swim)Nemos father Marlin appears and he prevents Nemo from swimming out into the open water.(2). Why do Nemo and his father Marlin quarrel?Because Marlin thinks it is dangerous for Nemo to swim out for he

4、is still incapable of swimming well as a kid, but Nemo believes he can swim well.(3). What are the three words Nemo said to his father after the quarrel?I hate you.4. What does Nemo do unexpectedly after the quarrel?Nemo acts on impulse and swims out unexpectedly into the open water to touch the boa

5、t to prove that he can swim well and can be independent.3.concern, lucky, parents, cant, interrupt, unsupervisedMovie Clip 2Task one1. What do the fish plan to do in this scene?They plan to escape.2. What does Nemo do in the plan as a pioneer?Nemo is expected to play an important role and act as a p

6、ioneer to take a pebble inside the filter and jam the gears.Task two1.(1).T(2). F (They had ever escape plans but failed.)(3). F (Nemo is chosen as a pioneer because Nemo is a small fish and he is the only one who can get in and out of the filter in the fish tank.)2.The correct order:1. d_ 2. f_ 3.

7、h_ 4. k _ 5. b_ 6. g_ 7. a _ 8. c_ 9. i _ 10. j_ 11. e _Movie Clip 3Task one1. Do the sea turtles think of Marlin as a coward? How do they treat him?No, they dont. Instead, they call Marlin Jellyman, a name showing their admiration and adoration. He was very popular with the sea turtles.2. What is t

8、he difference between Marlin and Crushs love towards the kids?Marlins love for children is conservative; he always believes children are immature and dependent and it tends to be hard for them to cope with emergency, so they need to be supervised. While Crush is open-minded, and he thinks children a

9、re supposed to learn how to face and deal with, on their own, any challenge and emergency.Task two1.Question 1: Are you funny?Question 2: Wheres your shell?Question 3: Are you running away?Question 4: Did you really cross the jellyfish forest?Question 5: Did they sting you?Question 6: Mr. Fish, did

10、you die?Question 7: Where are you going?Question 7: What happened?2.1. F (Turtle father is very calm and he believes little turtle can manage it.)2. T3. F (Marlin thinks that he is so tough on his son Nemo that he is mad and swims out into the open water and is caught by the divers.)4. T5. F (Marlin

11、 dives thousands of feet straight down into the darkness of the ocean.)6. T7. F (The birds think Marlin is a dedicated/devoted father.)Section 3 After-class ActivitiesA Extensive Listening & ViewingMovie Clip 41. Why does Marlin ask his son Nemo “Are you sure you want to go to school this year?” Mar

12、lin is still worried that it is too risky for little Nemo to go out and live by himself in the world outside.2. Do you still remember your first day of school? What did your parents do for you on that day? Are there any differences between Nemos first day of school and yours?(Open. Answers may vary.

13、)Movie Clip 51. Why do the fish feel nervous when they talk about Darla? Because Darla does not cherish fishs life for she would not stop shaking the bag until the fish dies; in their eyes, she is a fish killer.2. What does Gill tell Nemo to do when he is stuck in the tank?Gill asks Nemo to get out

14、by himself. First he asks Nemo to calm down and then alternately wiggle his fins and tail until he gets out.Movie Clip 61. What does it imply when the fish (Peach) says, “He just grabbed theReaders Digest! We have 4.2 minutes”.What the fish says implies that the dentist takes the magazine to the toi

15、let and will stay there for 4.2 minutes and it is a good opportunity for them to carry out their escape plan.2. What does Nemo plan to do in this scene? Does he succeed?Nemo does preparations for escape by taking a pebble thrown inside the filter and wedging the pebble into the rotating fan in a sma

16、ll opening to stop it turning, but finally he fails for the pebble flips out of the fan because of the electric force. Then the fan starts working again, leaving Nemo in danger; later Nemo is saved desperately by the other fish with a big piece of water plant (kelp).Movie Clip 71. How does Nemo save the fish?He directs them to keep swimming down together to the bottom in the big net.2. What does Nemo say to his father when he comes


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