2014年高中英语北师大版必修5同步教学备课资源:《Unit 14 Careers》 Section Ⅱ

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1、Section Lesson 2 & Lesson 3,Step One:Words and Phrases.词汇知识1._ (n.)约见;约会2._ (n.) 童年;儿童时代3._ (n.) 片刻;瞬间4._ (n.) 战斗;战役5._ (adj.) 民间的;国民的;国内的,appointment,childhood,instant,battle,civil,6._ (n.) 基础;根据7._ (adj.) 附近的;周围的8._ (adj.) 陡峭的;险峻的9._ (n.) 习语;成语10._ (adj.) 低级的11._ (n.) 人类12._ (vt.) 战胜;克服13._ (vt.)

2、理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧,basis,surrounding,steep,idiom,junior,mankind,overcome,grasp,14._ (v.) 审查15._ (adj.) 不合法的16._ (vt.) 投入17._ (n.) 生活;存在18._ (adv.) 不断地19._ (v.) 弯腰;倾身20._ (v.) 犹豫;踌躇,inspect,illegal,commit,existence,constantly,bend,hesitate,.重点短语1.make _编造2.make _假称;听出;看出3.go _detail(s) 讨论,细谈4.speak _大声地说;自由

3、而大胆地说出5.sit _坐直6.turn _翻转7.pay _得到好结果;取得成功,up,out,into,up,up,over,off,Step Two:Read the text and fill in the blanks.Title:The Road to Success,presenter,curious,true,nature,support,graduating,newspaper,inspect,award,challenging,1 make up 组成;捏造,虚构;补偿,偿还,化妆,整理;和解(教材P24)Make up information about yoursel

4、f.编写你自己的信息。,归纳拓展make up ones mind 下决心make up for 弥补,补偿make sense 讲得通,有道理be made up of 由组成,23 students make up a class.A class is made up of 23 students.23个学生组成了一个班级。The boy made up a story.这男孩编了一个故事。I tried to make up for my loss.我力图补偿我的损失。,He came to the US and not only made it but made it big.他来到美

5、国,不仅仅成功了,而且还发达了.Most women make up.妇女大多数都化妆。,学以致用完成句子(1)He _(编造一个故事)to explain why he was absent.(2)We must _(弥补)for the lost time.(3)A car _(组成) many different parts.,made up a story,make up,is made up of,2 make out 假称;理解,了解;听出(教材P24)Make out you understand something when you dont!假装你懂得某事,而实际上你并不懂!

6、,归纳拓展work out 解出,计算出,制订出figure out 合计为,计算出,解决,领会到turn out 结果是,证明是break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生come out 出来,出版,总计give out 用完,耗尽,精疲力竭leave out 遗漏let out 发出,泄露bring out 阐明,He makes out he is younger than me.他声称比我年轻。She makes herself out to be smarter than she really is.她说自己多聪明,未免言过其实。He made out what she was s

7、aying and turned away.他明白了她在说什么,转身走开了。,I can hardly make out his writing.我几乎辨认不出他的笔迹。To my surprise,it turned out that I was wrong.让我吃惊的是,最后竟是我错了。He let out a cry of disbelief.他突然满腹疑惑地大叫了一声。,学以致用翻译句子(1)I could hardly make out anything in the thick fog._(2)I couldnt make out what the road sign said._

8、,在浓雾中我几乎什么也看不见。,我不明白路标的意思。,名师微博make out 的宾语放在out前后都可以,但当宾语是代词时,应放在out之前。,3 speak up 大声说(教材P24)Speak up and express yourself clearly.大声清楚地表达你自己的意思。,归纳拓展speak of 谈到;论及speak highly/well of 对评价很高speak badly/ill of. 说的坏话speak out 大胆地说,畅所欲言,Please speak up; we cant hear you.请大声说话,我们听不清。If you do know the

9、answer,speak up so everyone can hear you.如果你确实知道答案,就大声说出来,使人人都能听到。His friends and colleagues were very sad,not to speak of his parents.,他的朋友和同事都很悲伤,更不用说他的父母了。Dan speaks highly of you.丹对你评价很高。,学以致用完成句子(1)他谈到了他在法国的学生时代。He _his student days in France.(2)那就没有人会为你说话了!You will have no one to _you!,spoke o

10、f,speak up for,4 appointmentn. 预约;约会(教材P24)I turned up for the appointment five minutes late,so I walked straight in and sat down.我约会迟到了五分钟,因此我直接走进去,坐下了。,归纳拓展have an appointment with sb.与某人有约会by appointment 经事先约定make an appointment 约定时间;预约break an appointment 违约,失约keep an appointment 守约appoint vt. 约

11、定(时间等),任命appoint sb.as/to be. 任命某人为,appoint sb.to do sth. 委派某人做某事appoint sth.(for sth.) (为某事)确定(日期、场所等),易混辨析appointment,date,I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.我已经约好今天下午去看牙医。If you want to see the doctor,youd better make an appointment with him in advance.如果你想见医生,最好事先跟他预约好。,It look

12、s as if I wont be able to keep the appointment we made.看来我不能如期赴约了。Lets appoint a time for the meeting.让我们约定一下开会的时间。Who shall we appoint as chairperson?我们选派谁担任主席呢?,学以致用完成句子(1)The president _(任命)a new director.(2)Lets _(约定)a day to have dinner together.(3)The doctor sees patients only _(预约),appointed,

13、appoint,by appointment,(4)We _(约会)to get together with Evan and Debbie for New Years Eve.,made a date,5 surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的(教材P25)The town has many surrounding farms.这城镇四周有许多农场。,归纳拓展surroundings n环境;周围的事物surround vt. 包围,围绕be surrounded with/by 被围绕,The lake mirrors the surrounding trees.湖面上映出了周围的树木。You should take surroundings into consideration.您必须考虑到周围环境的问题。The president was surrounded by a large group of reporters.总统被一大群记者包围了。,易混辨析surroundings,environment,学以致用完成句子这个孩子是在美丽的自然环境中长大的,但却缺少一个幸福的家庭环境。The child grew up in a beautiful _but not in a happy home _,surroundings,environment,



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