法律英语教程 齐筠 课后答案

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1、1Unit One Legal SystemListening I. c a d a bII. statutes, constitutions, cite, interpreted, civil, cases, liability, created, modified, repealedText A.Building up your vocabularyI. Match the items in the following two columnsA-civil law b-code c-validity d-jurisdiction e-cluster f-decree g-codificat

2、ion h-statute i-parliament j-legislatureII. Fill in the blanks:1. subdivision 2. maxim 3. federal 4. enforcement 5. statutes 6. precedent 7. Legislation 8.Stare decisis 9. legal ,legal 10. judicial , judicialClozeDocuments lawsuit trial attorneys advisors, Clients juries alternative practice represe

3、ntationTranslation 1. 根据美国宪法,联邦政府分为行政、立法和司法三大部门,每个部门都被认为是独立的,并且能够相互制衡。 2. 通常有三类案件可以到达最高法院,即:牵涉到诉讼当事人分属不同的州的案件,牵涉到解释联邦法案的案件和解释美国宪法的案件。3. 大律师事务所的律师平均收入最高;他们常常代理那些最有钱且最有社会地位的当事人;而且同高层次的法官和政府官员有着密切的联系。个人执业者和小律师事务所的律师收入最低,代理那些既没钱又没社会地位的当事人,而且主要同最低级别的法院和行政机构打交道。4. 州立大学的法学院倾向于集中在一些传统的法律课程上:契约、侵权行为、宪法、诉讼程序、

4、财产、遗嘱、信托与遗产、公司、合伙、代理、国际法、海商法、劳动法、行政法;私立法学院由于规模略小且师生人数比例一般较大,故有条件开设品种更多的课程,在新的、开拓中的领域尤其如此。这些私立法学院的课程目录中都列有诸如精神病学与法学、法学与社会学、城市法、贫困法、环境法、城市财政、土地规划等方面的课程或研讨班。5. 英美法系的法官比起他们大陆法系的同行们来威信更高,其部分原因在于人们一般都觉得只有较优秀的律师才能当得上法官。尽管任命和遴选有其政治背景,这一结论恐怕还是大致符合实际情况的。2Text BCheck Your Understanding.1. T 2. F 3. F 4.T 5.F 6

5、.T 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.TBuilding up your vocabulary.I. Give the corresponding translation of each of the following terms.English Chinesejurisdiction 司法权writ of certiorari 诉讼文件案卷调取令session 开庭Circuit court 巡回法庭Claims Court 求偿法院petition 诉状arbiter 仲裁者felony 重罪Appellate Courts 上诉法院conviction 定罪misdemeanors 轻罪

6、II. Put the following terms into Chinese.Probate or surrogates courts 遗嘱检验法庭 juvenile courts 少年法庭Tax Court 税务法院 Court of International Trade 国际贸易法院Bankrupcy Courts 破产法院 appellate court 巡回法院Attorney General 司法部长 Court of Military Appeals 军事上诉法院The Corut of Veterans Appeals 退伍军人上诉法院 Trial court 受理法院Tr

7、anslation 1. The National Peoples Congress (NPC) is the highest institution of state power and together with its permanent body - the Standing Committee of the NPC, exercises the legislative power of the state. 2. The NPC Standing Committees power of legislation is not without restraints. Compared w

8、ith the legislative power of the NPC, the Standing Committee may not amend the Constitution. But it is authorized:(1) to interpret the Constitution and supervise its enforcement;(2) to enact and amend laws, with the exception of those which should be enacted by the NPC;(3) to partially supplement an

9、d amend, when the NPC is not in session, laws enacted by the NPC provided that the basic principles of these laws are not contravened;(4) to interpret laws.33. In accordance with the structure of the lawmaking powers, Chinese law can be divided into four levels, i.e., the Constitution, laws adopted

10、by the NPC and its Standing Committee, administrative regulations adopted by the State Council and local regulations by the peoples congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and cities. 4. General laws include the Constitution, the General Principles of Civil Law, the Civil Procedure Law, and the

11、Criminal Law etc. Special legislation include legislation dealing with foreign investments, such as the Joint Venture Law, the Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprises Law, the Foreign Economic Contract Law, and legislation governing matters such as registration of business, labor and management, taxation,

12、exchange control, financial matters, customs duties etc. Unit Two CONSTITUTIONAL LAWListening I.Spot dictation.Declaration, human, political, assume, nature, impel, self-evident, Creator, unalienable, institute, Prudence, abolishing , throw off , usurpations II. Compound dictation.a fundamental righ

13、t the right to be left aloneno explicit guarantee of privacy in the Constitutionsource of privacy secured by the First Amendmentunreasonable searches and seizuresTEXT A Building up your vocabularyI. Match the items in the following two columns.1.k 2.g 3.b 4.f 5.j 6.l 7.h 8.a 9.e 10.d 11.c 12.i II.Fi

14、ll in the blanks 1. ascertaining, 2. statutory interpretation.3. prolixity, a ready solution 4. power of the purse, commander-in-chief 5. checks and balances 46. unreasonable searches and seizures7. standing 8. elimination of racial discrimination, accommodation, badges of servitude Clozecommitment,

15、 majority, To that end, .a democratic society, Litigants, preferential treatment, strict neutrality, at taxpayer expense, violating, state legislatures, ruled Translation 任何人恶意或故意地以过高或异常的噪音,以喧闹或无理的行为,以威胁、诽谤、争吵、挑衅、斗殴行为扰乱周围地区或个人的宁静或平静;或在非自治乡镇的街道或公路上为赌博或娱乐进行赛马,在这样的乡镇开枪,在妇女儿童面前或可听到的范围内大声使用粗俗、亵渎、或不雅的语言,均构成轻罪。经由有资格管辖的法院判决,应处以不超过 200 元的罚金,或不超过 90 天的县监狱监禁,或者可并处罚金与监禁,或由法院自由裁量,二择其一。TEXT B Check your understanding1 T 2 F3 T4 T5 F6 F7 F8 T9 T10 F11 F12 TBuilding up your vocabularyI. Give the English Version to the following legal terms.English ChineseFreedom of speech, press,



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