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1、Unit 21.When was the last time you were in _ with your childhood friends? A. context B. contact C. control D. content 2.Like a boat at sea, his mind started to _ when he wasnt interested. A. float B. soar C. sink D. drift 3.Mrs Jones didnt trust Jack, so she was very _ to let him cut her grass. A. r

2、eluctant B. reluctantly C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically 4.My house seems to be in a _ state of disrepairsomething is always broken! A. perpetually B. perpetual C. perpetuity D. perpetuate 5.The problem needs to be looked at from a historical _ . A. prospective B. directive C. perspective D. exec

3、utive 6.Dr. Carter has written _ about the brain and its influence on our emotions. A. extensively B. intensively C. extensive D. intensive 7.The accident of last week _ a review of school safety policy. A. prompted B. prompt C. prompting D. prompts 8.I am easily _ by ice cream, so its probably the

4、best if I dont look at the dessert menu. A. tempt B. tempts C. tempting D. tempted 9.Wouldnt it be _ if we didnt need to worry about money? A. predictable B. marvellous C. astonishing D. depressing 10.Researchers claim that there is a _ link between caffeine and headaches. A. definite B. definitely

5、C. definition D. defined 11.Its incredible to see how newborn babies are completely _ on other people for everything. A. depending B. dependence C. dependent D. dependents 12.The criminal devised an _ plan to escape from prison. A. intrinsic B. intricate C. intrepid D. intrusive 13.The court brought

6、 a _ against the escaped prisoner. A. persecution B. persecute C. prosecution D. prosecute 14.Thank you for the offer to stay for dinner, but we dont want to _. A. pose B. compose C. propose D. impose 15.Pedros friends organized a friendly _ to help him deal with his alcohol abuse. A. contravention

7、B. invention C. intervention D. prevention 16.Its impossible to not be impressed by the Taj Mahal and _ at its beauty. A. respect B. flaunt C. marvel D. admire 17.We should hire an _ reviewer who isnt biased one way or the other. A. internal B. outdoor C. indoor D. external 18.Im so excited for the

8、new movie that waiting all year for it has been like _. A. tortures B. torturing C. tortuous D. torture 19.Dylan likes to write _ during his free time on the weekend. A. poetry B. poet C. poetic D. poem 20.The waterfall provided a _ source of soothing background noise. A. continual B. continue C. co

9、ntinuing D. continuity Unit 31.Next summer, the developers plan to _ the old school into a museum. A. convert B. converse C. converts D. converge 2.Can you tell me what steps _ a valid research proposal? A. constitution B. constitute C. constituent D. consist 3.The school received more money and _ h

10、as been able to hire more teachers. A. consequence B. consequential C. consequent D. consequently 4.Different cultures varying conceptions of _ are visible in the types of clothes they generally wear. A. jealousy B. modesty C. notoriety D. clarity 5.Unfortunately, I didnt practice enough so I failed

11、 to _ for the team. A. qualify B. succeed C. thrive D. attempt 6.Her job is to gather the data and then _ the results to determine their significance. A. analysis B. analyze C. analytical D. analyst 7.My _ clouded my judgment and prevented me from acting rationally when I saw my girlfriend with anot

12、her man. A. modesty B. clarity C. jealousy D. notoriety 8.Jim is in Thailand on vacation; he loves to travel to _ places. A. erotic B. robotic C. exotic D. mitotic 9.Love him or hate him, the President of the United States is one of the most _ people in the world. A. influential B. domestic C. insti

13、nctive D. intransigent 10.In a change of pace from his recent international focus, the Prime Minister spoke last night about _ issues. A. exotic B. rhythmic C. expressive D. domestic Unit 41.Some people have an unhealthy _ with technology and need to have every new gadget available. A. session B. ob

14、session C. recession D. cessation 2.After much _, Heather was finally able to convince her boss to award her employees with a holiday bonus. A. desistence B. consistence C. insistence D. resistance 3.Its hard to _ what the future might look like, but science fiction writers have been doing it for ov

15、er a hundred years. A. visualize B. confer C. mechanize D. ascertain 4.I know almost everyone loves her new book, but Im not even _ interested in reading it. A. massively B. supposedly C. entirely D. remotely 5.Even though Mr Lewis didnt say it out loud, the _ in his speech was that his staff didnt work hard enough. A. personification B. implication C. justification D. explanation 6.Many people complain that the cost of education is prohibitively expensive, but I think the cost of _ is much higher. A. ignore B. ignorant C. ignorance D. ignoring 7.After he lost the compet



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