unit 12 word (自动保存的)

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《unit 12 word (自动保存的)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 12 word (自动保存的)(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 12 wordAdroit/drt/ adj.(formal)skillful and clever, especially in dealing with people(尤指待人接物) 精明的,干练的,机敏的n. adroitness adv. adroitly同义词: adept proficient smart skillful clever反义词: clumsy maladroit stolid例句 :She is a adroit and determined politician. 她是一位精明果断的政治家。Blunder V: to make a stupid or

2、careless mistake 犯愚蠢的(或粗心的)错误;踉踉跄跄地走,跌跌撞撞地走,慌乱地走Eg. The government had blundered in its handling of the affair.政府在这件事的处理上犯了大错。to blunder into the wrong room 慌乱地走错了房间N: a stupid or careless mistake 愚蠢(或粗心)的错误 Eg. to make a terrible blunder 犯大错a series of political blunders 一连串政治错误blunder against 慌张冲撞

3、 blunder out 脱口而出, 冒失地说出blunder away 因处置不当而失去; 因无知(或管理不善)而挥霍掉blunder into/on/upon 无意中发现; 偶然碰见blunder through 胡乱应付blunder 的基本意思是指因无知、粗心所造成的大错误、大娄子、大失误。error:指思想或行动背离正题轨道或没有得到正确指引而出现的偏差或错误。fault:一般指小并且可宽容的缺点、错误。flaw:指结构或组织上的缺点,如破裂之处。用作比喻意义时,指品格上的缺陷。mistake:最普通用词,泛指思想上、行为上或认识上的判断或理解方面的错误。shortcoming:指没

4、有达到所要求的标准、没有充分发展或没尽到职责的不足、缺点或短处。多用复数形式。defect:普通用词。指表面上的缺陷,或指人或物本质上的缺点。slip:指因疏忽或无意而造成的差错。anticipate英ntspet美ntspetvt.预感; 预见; 预料 ; 先于行动; 提前使用vi.过早地提出; 过早地考虑(或说、做)一件事; (在口头或用文字)预言; 预测; 第三人称单数:anticipates 过去分词:anticipated 现在进行时:anticipating 过去式:anticipated 名词:anticipation 形容词:anticipatory例句1.Use consum

5、er data to anticipate consumers future needs, rather than merely address what they want now. -利用消费者数据来预测未来的消费者需求,不光是解决他们目前想要什么2.How long do you anticipate living in your next home? 在下次搬家之前你预期要住多长时间?3.The u.s. should anticipate these dangers. 美国应该预见到这些危险。4.No screening system could anticipate this. 任

6、何排查系统都无法预料到这一点。5.There are some who still anticipate accelerating inflation. 还是有一些人会期待未来通胀加速。同义词expect ; contemplateAnticipate 与 expect 的区别这两个动词都表示预期某事将发生,但有所不同。在意思上,anticipate 所预期的一般都指可喜的事,expect 则不一定。We anticipate (or:expect) our products will be a quick seller in your market. The firm expects hea

7、vy losses this year. (一般不用 anticipate)在结构上,除两个动词都可以用名词及 that 从句为宾语外,anticipate 后面可接动名词, 不可接不定式,expect 则可接不定式,不可接动名词。We anticipate shipping the goods next week=We expect to ship the goods next week.我们期望下周装货。expect 还可接:名词或代词+不定式“构成的复合宾语,anticipate 则不可。正:We expect the shipment to arrive in a few days.

8、我们预期装运的货物将于日内到达。误:We anticipate the shipment to arrive in a few days.RetainV. a. to keep sth or to continue to have sthb. to continue to hold or contain sthc. to hire(an attorney)by the payment of a feeExample: The house retains much of its original charm.This information is no longer retained withi

9、n the computers main memory.A retaining fee 给所委托律师的预约辩护费To retain the services of a lawyer 聘定律师Retainable adj.能保留的Retainment n.保留Retainability n,保持性Synonym:maintain / hold / keepRetreat:V. a. to move away from a place or an enemy because you are in danger or you have been defeated; (opp: advance)b.

10、to move away or back (syn: recede)c. to change your mind about sth because of criticism or because a situation has become too difficult:d. to escape to a place that is quieter and safere. to lose valueN. a. a movement away from a place or enemy because of danger or defeat b. an act of trying to esca

11、pe from a particular situation to one that you think is safer or more pleasantc. an act of changing a decision because of a criticism or because a situation has become too difficult d. a quiet ,private place that you go in order to get away from your usual life.同义词辨析:evacuate:一般指紧急状况下的 撤离;retreat:则是

12、带有失败意思的撤退RidiculeN. unkind comments that make fun of sb/sth or make them look silly;to make hold sb up to ridicule = make fun of sb publicly 公然取笑某人V. to make sb/sth look silly by laughing at them or it in an unkind way;同义辨析:ridicule:多指有意地用言语对戏弄某人,以使之显得渺小,不重要。此种嘲笑善意恶意均可。mock:指一种挖苦的,带挑衅性的嘲笑。scoff:指对一般

13、受到尊重的事物的嘲笑。sneer:指除了用讽刺言语讥笑外还带轻蔑的表情capturev. 1) to catch 逮捕, (用武力从敌人手中) 夺取,捕获,俘虏 sb./sp2) to succeed in showing or describing a situation or feeling using words or pictures 记录3) capture sbs imagination/attention etc. 唤起/ 吸引4) capture ones heart 赢得某人的好感5) 国际象棋中吃掉对方一子n. the action of catching someone

14、in order to make them a prisoner.逮捕 夺取,占领;capture ratio 俘获比 ; 捕获比capture trigger 捕获触发器Screen capture 屏幕捕获Capture reaction 捕获反应Condemn1.谴责,责备Eg. Political leaders united to condemn the latest wave of violence.2.give sb punishment 判(某人的罪) be condemned to Eg. He was condemned to life imprisonment.3.be

15、forced to 迫使 condemn sb to Eg . Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring usually poor-paid work.4. 确定为危房Eg . The courts ruling clears the way to condemn buildings in the area.1. condemn sb/sth2. be condemned to 判罪3. condemn sb to 迫使(陷于某种境地)4. condemn meat 正在翻译5. condemn em

16、brace 谴责6. denounce condemn 通告废除Maneuver名词:1.a movement performed with care and skill. 细致巧妙的移动,机动动作。E.g. A complicated/skillful/standard maneuver 复杂/熟练/标准的动作2.a clever plan, action or movement that is used to give sb.an advantage策略,手段,花招,伎俩E.g diplomatic maneuver 外交策略3.maneuvers 军事演习,作战演习E.g. The army is on maneuvers in the desert.军队在沙漠中进行军事演习。短语:fre


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