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1、MasterCAM9.1 后处理自动生成刀具清单,使用方法:将下面的内容复制到记事本内,并将其更名为 Mpfan.pst,pst 为后缀,再将该文件拷贝至 MasterCAM9.1 的安装目录 C:Mcam9MillPosts,覆盖原文件,然后启动软件,可以在 NC 程序开头生成刀具清单。经典版本,绝对好用!# Post Name : MPFAN# Product : MILL# Machine Name : FANUC# Control Name : 6M# Description : GENERIC FANUC 6M STYLE POST# Associated Post :# Mill/

2、Turn : NO# 4-axis/Axis subs. : NO# 5-axis : NO# Executable : MP 4.03# *# *-*# * POST PROCESSOR INTENDED FOR VERSION 6 BETA TESTING *# * *# * D O N O T D I S T R I B U T E ! ! ! *# *-*# *# - #| REVISION LOG |# -# Programmers Note:# CNC 8/15/2005 - grt - Updated for Mill Version 6 # - #| FEATURES: |#

3、-# Users Note:# Following Misc_Reals & Misc_Integers are used:# mi1 - Work coordinate system # 0 = Reference return is generated and G92 with the # X, Y and Z home positions at file head.# 1 thru 3 = Reference return is generated and G92 with the # X, Y and Z home positions at each tool.# 4 thru 9 =

4、 The WCS of G54 thru G59 respectively at each tool.# Options / Usage:# It is recommended to start and end cutter compensation on a linear move.# Rotary axis assumes a Z plunge at feed into part, position of the# substituted axis at absolute zero position and the retraction from path # by the post ca

5、ll to the G28 machine Z home position.# -# DEBUG/PROGRAM SWITCHES, debugging and program switches# -bug1 : 1 # 1 = Output post to screen, 2 = output leader to screenbug2 : 0 # Append postline labels, non-zero is column position? bug3 : 0 # Append whatline no. to each NC line?bug4 : 0 # Append NCI li

6、ne no. to each NC line?whatno : yes # Do not perform whatline branches?strtool_v7 : 2 #Use Version 7 toolname, 1= path components, 2=stringget_1004 : 1 #Find gcode 1004 with getnextop?rpd_typ_v7 : 1 #Use Version 7 style contour flags?arcoutput : 2 # 0 = IJK, 1 = R no sign, 2 = R signed neg. over 180

7、breakarcs : 0 #Break arcs, 0 = no, 1 = quadrants, 2 = 180deg. max arcsstagetool : 0 # 0 = Do not pre-stage tools, 1 = Stage toolsuse_gear : no # Set to yes to output gear range codes# -# FORMAT STATEMENTS - n=nonmodal, l=leading, t=trailing, i=inc, d=delta# -fs 1 0.3 #Decimal, absolute, 4 placefs 2

8、0.4d #Decimal, deltafs 3 1 0 #Integer, not leadingfs 4 2 0l #Integer, two leadingfs 5 3 0l #Integer, three leadingfs 6 4 0l #Integer, four leadingfs 7 0.1 #Decimal, absolute, 1 placefs 8 0.2 #Decimal, absolute, 2 placefs 9 0.3 #Decimal, absolute, 3 placefs 10 0 4t #No decimal, absolute, four trailin

9、gfs 11 0.4t #Decimal, absolute, four trailing# -# FORMAT ASSIGNMENTS# -# Axis output formats - Linear# -fmt X 1 x # X axis positionfmt Y 1 y # Y axis positionfmt Z 1 z # Z axis positionfmt X 1 xr # X rapid position from tool changefmt Y 1 yr # Y rapid position from tool changefmt Z 1 zr # Z rapid po

10、sition from tool changefmt X 1 xh # X home positionfmt Y 1 yh # Y home positionfmt Z 1 zh # Z home position# -# Axis output formats - Circular# -fmt I 2 i # Arc center description in Xfmt J 2 j # Arc center description in Yfmt K 2 k # Arc center description in Zfmt R 1 arcrad # Arc Radiusfmt R- 1 arcradm # Arc Radius over 180 degree sweep# -# Axis output formats - Rotary substitution# -fmt A 9 xs # Linear to rotary calculation of Xfmt B 9 ys # Linear to rotary calculation of Y# -



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