sat错误题总结 每日一题摘录

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1、Laboratories have been warned that provisions for animal protection that in the past were merely - will now be mandatory; - of this policy will lose their federal research grants.A. comprehensive . . adversaries B. nominal . . advocates C. disregarded . . proponents D. recommended . . violators E. c

2、ompulsory . . resisters Nearly one-sixth of all the human beings on Earth live in India, it has the worlds most populous democracy.A. India, it has the B. India, the C. India, having the D. India; the E. India; and are the Joe Louis was - fighter: he inspired fear in many of his opponents.A. a seren

3、e B. an impetuous C. an insipid D. a malleable E. a redoubtable The sum of the positive odd integers less than 50 is subtracted from the sum of the positive even integers less than or equal to 50. What is the resulting difference?A. 0 B. 25 C. 50 D. 100 E. 200 In order to prepare for the speech he w

4、as givenA Bto all of the parents and teachers at the school,George practiced speaking in front of a groupC of his friends. No errorD EA. (A) B. (B) was to giveC. (C) D. (D) E. (E) Their ideal was to combine individual liberty with material equality, a goal that has not yet been realized and that may

5、 be as - as transmutation of lead into gold.A. chimerical B. indispensable C. historical D. cynical E. inharmonious The newspaper reported that despite the increaseA in the minimum wage, many people are still B C having trouble making ends meet. No errorD EA. (A) B. (B) C. (C) D. (D) E. (E) Add 8x t

6、o 2x and then subtract 5 from the sum. If x is a positive integer, the result must be an integer multiple ofA. 2 B. 5 C. 8 D. 10 E. 15 They use light that is 100 million times dimmer than the midday sun, and tropical nocturnal sweat bees leave their nests to forage for food.A. They use light that is

7、 100 million times dimmer than the midday sun, and B. By using light that is 100 million times dimmer than midday, C. In light that is 100 million times dimmer than the midday sun, D. With the light being 100 million times as dim as midday, E. When the light is 100 million times as dim as with the m

8、idday sun, Although Kareems contributions to the discussion initially seemed -, they were not - and the committee eventually chose to disregard them.1. correct . . contradictory 2. appropriate . . avoidable 3. believable . . muddled 4. promising . . relevant 5. helpful . . inconclusive In the figure

9、 above, the large rectangle is divided into six identical small squares. If the perimeter of the large rectangle is 30, what is the perimeter of one of the small squares?1. 5 2. 8 3. 9 4. 10 5. 12 I found that the writers ideas were sufficiently - to make me bear with his - language.A. intriguing .

10、. skill with B. interesting . . abuses of C. humble . . mastery of D. shallow . . errors in E. misguided . . style of Rita Dove, African American writer and teacher, as poet laureate of the United States from 1993 to 1995.A. Rita Dove, African American writer and teacher, as B. Rita Dove was an Afri

11、can American writer and teacher as C. African American writer and teacher Rita Dove was D. African American writer and teacher, Rita Dove was E. An African American writer and teacher, it was Rita Dove The dramatist was - over his lack of funds and his inability to sell any of his plays, and his let

12、ters to his wife reflected his unhappiness.A. despondent B. supercilious C. prudent D. encouraged E. fortified Although there is not a great deal we can do to prevent storage of information about ourselves in computer data banks, we are not entirely - .1. indispensable 2. anonymous 3. neglectful 4.

13、helpless 5. remorseless Food can be - element in family life, bringing us together in times of trouble and in times of joy.A. an addictive B. a conflicting C. a unifying D. a residual E. an inconsistent Ms. Fergussons main criticism of the artists rendering of the ancient mammals physical appearance

14、 is that, unsupported by even a - of fossil evidence, the image is bound to be - .A. modicum . . speculative B. particle . . supplemented C. perusal . . substantiated D. fabrication . . obsolete E. recapitulation . . exhausted The origin of amusement parks lie in ancient andA medieval religious fest

15、ivals and trade fairs, whereBmerchants, entertainers, and food sellers gatheredCin order to take advantage of the large crowds.D No errorEA. (A) B. (B) C. (C) D. (D) E. (E) With the retirement of his ailing uncle, John realized the - was now on him to restore the family business to - after years of

16、losses.A. focus . . bankruptcy B. prospect . . complacency C. onus . . profitability D. responsibility . . achievement E. charge . . respectfulnessWhether the Sumerians were the first people A to develop writing is uncertain, but theirs is theB C D oldest known writing system. No errorEA. (A) B. (B) C. (C) D. (D) E. (E) A group of Black American fighter pilots



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