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1、The Protg platform supports two main ways of modeling ontologies via the Protg-Frames and Protg-OWLeditors (我们使用的是后者)1.什么是本体(Ontologie)Ontologies are used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest.本体是用来获得你所感兴趣的领域的知识;2.OWL OntologiesThe most recent development in standard ontology languages

2、is OWL from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)由 w3c 从斯坦福大学的本体语言发展而来的。3.OWL Ontologies 的组成OWL Ontologies 与基于 Protege frame 的本体语言在组成上比较相似,但是从专业术语上来描述时他们又有着细微的不同。OWL Ontologies 是由个体(Individuals) ,属性(Properties) ,类(Classes)组成,大致对应于 Protege frame 的 Instances,Slots ,Classes.3.1 Individuals(个体)指的是在域(domai

3、n)中我们感兴趣的对象。类中的一个实例。Individuals 必须明确的声明彼此之间是否相同。不同的名字可能指的是相同的 Individuals。3.2 Properties(属性)指的是 Individuals 上二元关系,他连接着两个 Individuals。如:小三的父亲叫大三。其中, “的父亲叫”就连接着小三和大三两个Individuals。Properties 可以存在 reverse,如上所示, “的父亲叫”的 reverse就是“的儿子叫” 。Properties 可以被限定成单值,此时 Properties 是 functional 的。(后面介绍)Properties 也可

4、以是 transitive (可传递的)或 symmetric(对称的) (后面介绍)3.3 Classes可以看作是包含 Individuals 的集合。我们使用正式而精准的形式来描述 Classes。Classes 通常被组织成 supperclasssubclass 形式的层状结构,比如,动物和狗。4 创建本体 myPizza(PizzaBase 是 Pizza 结构之一,中文叫“饼底” ,主要由面粉做成,是Pizza 的主体,和 pizza toppings(比萨饼面)一起构成整个 Pizza)4.1 命名一个 Classes(采用单词首字母大写方式,类似于 java 中类的命名)一个

5、初始化的本体包含一个名字叫做 Thing 的 classes,他表示包含所有 individuals 的集合,所以,所有的其他 classes 都是他的 subclasses。4.2 Disjoint(解体) Classes如果任意一个 Individuals(或 Object)仅仅是众多 Classes 中某一个的实例(instance) ,那么这些 Classes 是 Disjoint 的。4.3 Using The OWL Tools To Create Classes【PizzaBase 子类 ThinAndCrispy 和 DeepPan】PizzaTopping 子类如下Chees

6、eMozzarellaParmezanMeatHamPepperoniSalamiSpicyBeefSeaFoodAnchovyPrawnTunaVegtableCaperMushroomOliveOnionPepperRedPepperGreenPepperJalapenoPepperTomato4.4 subclass 到底是什么意思呢?例如“狗”是“动物”的 subclass。那么“狗”的 instance 也是“动物”的 instance,一个东西是狗,那么他一定是动物。 (这和 java 中的子类父类貌似是一样的)4.5. OWL Properties(概述)OWL Properti

7、es represent relationships. There are two main types of properties, Object properties and Datatype properties. Object properties are relationships between two individuals. (先介绍Object properties)如下是 Object properties 和 Datatype propertiesObject properties link an individual to an individual.【hasIngre

8、dien 子 hasBase hasTopping】我们可以创建 Sub properties,它用来限定 Supper properties的范围。For example, the property hasFather might specialise(限定范围)the more general property of hasParent. 小明有父亲大明,那么我们也可以说小明的双亲有大明。 “有父亲”就是“有双亲”的subproperty。4.6 Inverse Properties(逆属性)【isIngredientOf 子 isBaseOf isToppingOf】如该例中: hasB

9、ase 和 isBaseOf 就是一对 Inverse PropertiesFor example:if Matthew hasParent Jean, then the inverse property we can infer that Jean hasChild Matthew.4.7 OWL Object Property Characteristics(特征)OWL 允许通过使用 property characteristics 来增强 properties的含义(内涵) 。(1)Functional PropertiesIf a property is functional, fo

10、r a given individual, there can be at most one individual that is related to the individual via the property.也就是说,Properties 是单值的。例如:hasBirthMother ,这个就是 functional 的,因为一个人 他只能有一个生母。另外:If we say that the individual Jean hasBirthMother Lily and we also say that the individual Jean hasBirthMother Mary

11、, then because hasBirthMother is a functional property, we can infer that Lily and Mary must be the same individual.但是如果 Lily 和 Mary 明确的声明为两个 不同的 Individuals,那么就会出现矛盾( inconsistency) 。(2) Inverse Functional Properties就是 Functional Properties 的 inverse 如下:(3) Transitive PropertiesIf a property is tra

12、nsitive, and the property relates individual a to individual b, and also individual b to individual c, then we can infer that individual a is related to individual c via property P.如下:注: a)If a property is transitive then its inverse property should also be transitive.(祖先那个例子)b) if a property is tra

13、nsitive then it cannot be functional.(4) Symmetric(对称) PropertiesIf a property P is symmetric, and the property relates individual a to individual b then individual b is also related to individual a via property P.如下:(5) Antisymmetric(反对称) propertiesIf a property P is antisymmetric, and the property

14、 relates individual a to individual b then individual b cannot be related to individual a via property P.如下:(6) Reexive(自反) propertiesA property P is said to be reexive when the property must relate individual a to itself.如下:(7) Irreexive(非自反) propertiesIf a property P is irreexive, it can be descri

15、bed as a property that relates an individual a to individual b, where individual a and individual b are not the same.也就是说,这种 properties 只能连接不同的 individuals。如: 小明的父亲是大明,那么我们不能说小 明的父亲是小明4.8 Property Domains and Ranges【定义 hasTopping 的 Range PizzaTopping domain Pizza】【定义 isToppingOf 的 Range Pizza domain

16、 PizzaTopping 】Properties may have a domain and a range specied(指定的). Properties link individuals from the domain to individuals from the range.例如:in myPizza 本体, the property hasTopping would probably link individuals belonging the the class Pizza to individuals belonging to the class of PizzaTopping. In this case the domain of the hasTopping property is Pizza and the range is PizzaTopping。另外: 如



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