nhce-1 读写教程自主学习unit 8单词释义与例句学习

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1、NHCE-1 读写教程自主学习 Unit 8单词释义与例句学习New Words in Unit _8 A NHCE_1| |satisfactory |a. |good enough for a particular situation or purpose |令人满意的| | | |Sales rise by 20% from last year; thats very satisfactory. |销售额比去年增加了 20%, 这是非常令人满意的。| | | |This method of heating is not satisfactory for large buildings.

2、|这种取暖办法用于大型建筑物并不令人满意。| |flash |vi. |1. (of an idea) come suddenly |(想法、灵感等)突然产生| | | |The idea flashed into his mind. |他突然想到了这个主意。| | | |The thought that I might be wrong flashed through my mind. |我可能错了的想法突然闪入我的脑海。| | | |2. pass quickly |飞驰,掠过| | | |Ten years seem to flash by. |十年转眼就过去了。| | | |A red

3、 car flashed by. |一辆红色汽车飞驰而过。| |particularly |ad. |especially |特别是;特别地| | | |More local employment will be created, particularly in service industries. |地方将提供更多的就业机会, 尤其是服务行业。| | | |I cannot leave him, particularly now. |我不能离开他, 尤其是现在。| |glow |vi. |produce a soft, steady light |发光| | | |Colored ligh

4、ts glowed on the celebration night. |节日之夜灯火辉煌。 | | | |The colored sticks glowed in the darkness of the playground. |荧光棒在黑漆漆的操场上发着光。| |creation |n. |1. U the act of creating sth. |创造| | | |The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children. |建立新的运动场地将会使当地儿童受益。| | | |The government will p

5、rovide more money for job creation. |政府打算在创造就业岗位方面提供更多的资金。| | | |2. C sth. that has been created |作品;艺术品| | | |This is the artists latest creation. |这是那位艺术家的最新作品。| | | |Birds nests are extraordinary creations. |鸟巢是非凡的艺术品。| |mystery |n. |C sth. that is not fully understood or difficult to understand

6、|谜;神秘的事物| | | |The origin of the universe is still a mystery. |宇宙的起源仍然是个谜。 | | | |Why he went there is a mystery to me. |他为什么去那儿对我来说是个谜。| |reasonable |a. |showing common sense; fair |合理的;适当的| | | |He should give us a reasonable explanation. |他应该给我们一个合理的解释。| | | |The price seems reasonable, but I don

7、t like the color. |价格还算公道,但我不喜欢那个颜色。| |psychology |n. |U the study of the mind and how it works and influences behavior |心理学| | | |feminist psychology |女性心理学 | | | |Developmental psychology is probably the liveliest subject these days. |发展心理学也许是眼下最活跃的学科。| |psychologist|n. |C a person who is trained

8、in psychology |心理学家| | | |You may turn to the psychologist for help. |你可以到那位心理学家那儿寻求帮助。| |process |n. |C a series of actions or things that produce a particular result |过程;进程| | | |The firm is now in the process of moving the main equipment to a new place. |公司目前正在把主要设备迁往新地址。| | | |Producing a dictio

9、nary is a slow process. |编撰一本词典是一个缓慢的过程。 | |personality|n. |1. C a person who is well known to the public |名人| | | |television personalities |电视明星| | | |Many young girls dream of becoming movie personalities. |许多年轻女孩梦想着成为电影明星。 | | | |2. C, U sb.s character, esp. the way they behave toward other peop

10、le |个性;性格| | | |Though their personalities were different, they got along well. |虽然他们性格迥异,却能友好相处。| | | |She has an outgoing personality and makes friends easily. |她性格随和,很容易交朋友。| |intensify |v. |make or become stronger |(使)增强, (使)加强| | | |His daughters illness intensified his difficult condition. |女儿

11、的生病对他的境遇雪上加霜。| | | |The search intensified as dusk approached. |黄昏将至, 人们加强了搜寻。| |genius |n. |1. C a person of exceptional natural ability |天才| | | |One is not born a genius; one becomes a genius. |天才不是天生的, 而是后天造就的。| | | |He was a genius in both science and art. |他在科学和艺术两方面都是天才。| | | |2. U strong nat

12、ural ability |天赋| | | |Your painting perfectly shows your creative genius. |你的画充分展示了你的创造才能。| | | |Dante was a man of genius. |但丁是个有天赋的人。| |philosophy |n. |U the study and understanding of the nature and meaning of existence |哲学| | | |economic philosophy |经济哲学| | | |He studied politics and philosophy

13、. |他学过政治和哲学。| |invention |n. |1. U the act of inventing sth. |发明,创造| | | |Need is the mother of invention. |(谚)需要是发明之母。| | | |The invention of microwave ovens and washing machines benefits housewives a lot. |微波炉和洗衣机的发明让家庭主妇受益匪浅。| | | |2. C sth. that has been invented |发明物| | | |The phonograph is an

14、invention made by Thomas Edison. |留声机是托马斯爱迪生发明的。| | | |The electric light bulb is a great invention. |电灯泡是个很伟大的发明。| |logic|n. |U a set of reasons sb. uses in order to reach an opinion |逻辑推理| | | |Your friend doesnt seem to be controlled by logic. |你那位朋友好象没有逻辑性。| | | |He argues with learning and logi

15、c. |他的辩论既展示了他的学识, 又合乎逻辑。| |signal |n. |C sth. intended to give information, such as a sound or action |信号,暗号| | | |The teacher gave a signal to the students to continue. |老师示意学生继续。| | | |They waved their hands as a signal of victory. |他们挥舞双手表示胜利。| |dramatic|a. |1. great and sudden; exciting and impr

16、essive |引人注目的;激动人心的| | | |dramatic colors |引人注目的色彩| | | |China has achieved dramatic economic developments. |中国在经济上取得了令人瞩目的发展。| | | |2. about drama or acting |戏剧的;演戏的| | | |dramatic techniques |戏剧技巧| | | |The comedian was also known for his dramatic performances. |这位喜剧演员也以戏剧表演出名。| |compose |v. |write a piece of music, a letter, a poem, etc. |创作 (文学或音乐作品) | | | |Mozart began to compose when he was six


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