2017届高三一轮复习 模块9 units3~4 themeaningofcolour behindbeliefs

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1、模块九 Units 34Units 34The meaning of colour & Behind beliefs1_ n.性格,个性;魅力;名人 _ adj.个人的 _ adv.亲自,个人地2_ n.解放 _ _ vt.解放 3_ n.平等,均等 _ adj.平等的 _ adv.平等地,均等地4_ vt.象征,代表 _ n.象征,代表 _ adj.象征的5_ n.诚实,老实 _ adj.诚实的 _ adj.不诚实的6_ vi.反对,不赞成 _adj.反对的 _ n.反对,不赞成7_ n.分离,隔离 _ vt.分离,隔离 _ adj.分离的8_ vi.& vt.顺从;提交 _ n.顺从;提交

2、9_ adj.精神的,心灵的 _ n.精神,神灵10_ n.纯洁,纯净 _ adj.纯洁的,纯净的 _ vt.净化11_ n.相似点;相似性 _ adj.相似的 _ adv.类似地12_ n.观察者,观察员 _ vt.观察 _ n.观察13_ adj.令人失望的 _ adj.感到失望的 _ n.失望14_ adj.有抱负的 _ n.雄心;野心15_ n.职业;占领 _ vt.占领16_ adj.主观的 _ n.主题;主语;主格17_ n.温暖;热情 _ adj.温暖的18_ n.谨慎;告诫 _ adj.小心的,谨慎的19_ adj.农业的 _ n.农业20_ adv.经常,频繁地 _ adj.

3、经常的,频繁的 _ _ n.频率21_ vt.& vi.缩短 _ adj.短的,短缺的来源:学科网 ZXXK1There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be a_.2He was unhappy because of his s_ from his mother.3What youre saying now is not c_ with what you said last week.4He d_ _ an important report at the meeting.5He returned from Paris and found

4、 his office was under someone elses 模块九 Units 34o_.6_ _(有抱负的)boys cannot be so foolish as to be addicted to sports at the expense of their school works.7The union _(罢工)for better work conditions.8My teacher asked me to _(缩短)the report to one page.9We should _(提交)our plans to the council for approval

5、.10The _(相似处)between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.1at _ 随意 2more _ 不仅仅3at the _ of 在的开始 4_ to 导致5even _ 即使 6_ to 反对来源:Z。x7submit _ 顺从 8_ back to 追溯到9be _ after 根据来命名 10be _ with 与有联系11in _ of 为了纪念 12_ of 梦想1The thirteen stripes are to remind people of the thirteen colonies tha

6、t joined together to fight for independence from Britain.十三条是要提醒人们记住最初联合起来同英国作斗争而获得独立的十三个殖民地。句型提炼: be to do 动词原形,表示“将要” 。2It grows in shallow water and can often be seen covering the surface of ponds or lakes.它生长在浅水中,常可看到它覆盖着池塘、湖泊的表面。句型提炼: be seen covering 是 see . doing 的被动式,表示“被看到正在” 。3Therefore,th

7、e next time you choose your clothes,you should think more carefully about what colours to wear.因此,下次你在挑选衣服时,你该仔细考虑一下穿什么颜色。句型提炼: what colours to wear 是疑问词不定式结构。4The officials travelled westwards to Central Asia and arrived in what is 模块九 Units 34today Afghanistan.官员们向西方进发来到了中亚以及今天的阿富汗。句型提炼: what is t

8、oday Afghanistan 是宾语从句,这里作介词 in 的宾语。5The White Horse Temple has seen a lot of history.白马寺历史悠久。句型提炼: 本句使用了拟人的修辞手法,see 表示“经历” 。1submit vt.使服从,使屈服,提交,递交 ,认为We will submit ourselves to the courts judgement. 我们服从法庭的判决。He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.他将城市发展建议提交市议会。Pleas

9、e fill in and subm it the form below.请填写并递交以下表格。I submit that more proof is needed to support the case.我认为这个案子需要更多的证据证实。They refused to submit to the unjust decision.他们拒绝服从这个不公正 的决定。反馈 1.1We cant _our fate.Instead,we should take a positive attitude to the present situation.Asubmit to Bcorrespond to

10、Csubscribe to Dcompromise to反馈 1.2The people had to _ the new rulers when they lost the war.Atake to Bcater to Csubmit to Dlead to2bound adj.极可能的,必然的be bound to 一定,肯定来源:学+科+网 Z+X+X+KIts bound to rain soon.过一会儿肯定会下雨。You are not legally bound to answer these questions.在法律上,你没有义务非回答这些问题不可。When a high r

11、eward is offered,brave fellows are bound to come forward.重赏之下,必有勇夫。The co nference to take place next month is bound to be a great success.来下月举行的会议一定会很成功。模块九 Units 34Youre bound to have an accident if you drive so fast down the motorway.你要是在公路上开得这样快,准出事。反馈 2.1Children are _ to meet with setbacks(挫折)

12、as they grow up,so their parents dont have to worry about it.Apossible BDue Cnecessary Dbound反馈 2.2 The famous scientist has made a new invention,which we think is _ to be beneficial to mankind.Abound BNecessary Cpossible Dprobable模块九 Units 34参考答案基础梳理整合词汇拓展1personality;personal;personally2liberation

13、;liberate3equality;equal;equally4symbolize;symbol;symbolic5honesty;honest;dishonest6object;objective;objection7separation;separate;separate8submit;submission9spiritual;spirit10purity;pure;purify11 similarity;similar;similarly12observer;observe;observation13disappointing;disappointed;disappointment14ambitious;ambition15occupation;occupy16subjective;subject17warmth;warm1


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