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1、- 1 -2014 高考英语词汇复习与完形填空训练(10)答案【湖北省武汉市 2014 模拟】完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。No one saw the superhero in Jim OConnor, a 70-year-old maths teacher.In his classes at St. Francis High School, he is 31 no excuses, no spoiling. “ If you glance at

2、 the clock, ” said senior Michael Tinglof ,“ youre on his awful 32 for punishment. ” Every student supposes hes being 33 mean.Michael and Pat might never have found out how 34 they really knew about their teacher if they hadnt registered this year to 35 donors for a school blood donation 36 . One af

3、ternoon, the boys took a field trip to see what the donated blood would be used for. In the hallways of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, they were 37 like VIPs because they were associated with one. They discovered one 38 when they went to the hospitals Blood Donor Center, which has a plaque(牌匾) rank

4、ing the top donors. OConnors name is 39 in the top spot, 50 gallons though that total is 40 .Since he first gave blood at Childrens Hospital in 1989, at the 41 of a friends wife who was a nurse there, OConnor has donated more than 72 gallons of blood. Before OConnor ever set foot in Childrens, he ha

5、d given blood regularly at Red Cross activities, never knowing where his donations would 42 . But when he took a 43 of the hospital wards (病房), what had been an 44 idea turned personal.It didnt take long for him to ask what more he could do to 45 . Soon he was rocking babies in his 46 babies whose p

6、arents were working or at home taking care of other children and babies whose parents could not visit 47 abuse was suspected.Now, the nurses say, he is the one they 48 in the toughest moments. They have called him in to sit with the dying babies whose parents are too saddened to be 49 . No matter ho

7、w sick they are, no matter how painful, hes just so 50 ; he brings such a warmth and peace.31. A. mild B. severe C. gentle D. casual- 2 -32. A. book B. board C. list D. mind33. A. probably B. rarely C. occasionally D. really34. A. little B. often C. much D. long 35. A. interview B. select C. assist

8、D. investigate36. A. project B. campaign C. target D. competition37. A. greeted B. entertained C. rewarded D. praised38. A. mistake B. solution C. prejudice D. reason39. A. painted B. signed C. carved D. quoted40. A. out of date B. out of sight C. out of question D. out of order41. A. invitation B.

9、approach C. urging D. mercy42. A. go B. run C. drop D. flow43. A. priority B. tour C. photo D. chance44. A. splendid B. original C. ridiculous D. abstract45. A. change B. feed C. protest D. help46. A. arms B. fingers C. wrists D. hands47. A. when B. because C. if D. though48. A. stick to B. attend t

10、o C. belong to D. turn to49. A. capable B. sympathetic C. present D. tense50. A. considerate B. efficient C. caring D. sensitive【参考答案】完形填空3140 BCDAB BADCA 4150 CABDD ABDCC【江苏省苏锡常镇四市 2014 模拟调研】完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。My sister was graduatin

11、g just before Christmas, but due to my own scholarly schedule backhome, I couldnt fly to Australia for her graduation. She was understandably 36 , and I felt- 3 -guilty that I wasnt able to be there for her.While talking to my supervisor the week before my sisters graduation, I mentioned that Iwould

12、 be 37 my sisters graduation by less than 48 hours. She said, Well, just make sureyou get permission from admin. Oh, the administration at my school was notorious(声名狼藉的)for 38any sort of time-off requests. But something in me decided to try, just in case.Maybe it was the 39 that the Christmas Spirit

13、 would somehow permeate(渗透)theadministrative office.When I saw the Associate Deans reply, I couldnt believe my luck!The only 40 Icould possibly come up with was that the Christmas Spirit had 41 the heart of her.With news this 42, I was bursting to tell my sister. But, fingers on the dial, I 43Wouldn

14、t it be so much more fantastic if I could surprise her? Getting delivered in a box to mysisters house!I 44myself just showing up, knocking at her door. If I were successful,shed be excited about my unconventional 45 . I knew if I did so, my 46at hergraduation and my grand arrival would be the best C

15、hristmas present.At first the branch manager of CouriersPlease said no, 47 that Christmas was theirbusiest season and he couldnt 48 a courier(快递员)for this unusual request. But hesuddenly and strangely agreed.- 4 -I couldnt see the look on my sisters face as she opened the door, 49I could tell fromhe

16、r voice that she was very 50. After she saw her older sister sitting inside smiling up ather, she was completely lost 51.words, and I will never forget the look on her face as sheopened the box.It was such a gift to be able to attend my sisters graduation, and to show her my love bygiving her the most 52. Christmas present in the history of our family. It w


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