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1、2012年6月英语四级考试词汇笔记完整版(一)第1课如果想达到85分以上,词汇应该错6个以内。Jump for the sun, at least you land on the moon. 目标定的高一点有好处。4200单词要求对于4级考试,高三毕业是1800个单词。我喜欢这里: I like here. Right: I like it here.I can succeed. Right: I can do it. I can make it.注意生活中的英语: Nike 胜利女神。 Just do it.生活中的英语: Did you have a pleasant journey? (

2、这时要用降调)I am very much frightened because a girl named Monika stands beside me. Oh, thank god! Hes not the president now. (我很害怕)I was just screwed up. (我一团糟)四级考试中常见的考察词汇的题型:I 押韵题型(押头韵、押尾韵);答案总在相似中,如果有三个一样,基本上就在其中了。54. The rain was heavy and _A_ the land was flooded.A consequently B continuously C con

3、stantly D consistentlycontinue v. 继续,连续; continually adv. 时断时续地; continuously adv. 连续不断地。说不停的咳嗽时,continually 是间歇的时断时续的咳嗽,continuously 是一直不停的咳嗽。consequently adv. 因此,所以;(heavy rain 大雨, light rain 小雨)constantly adv. 始终如一地,连续发生地;constant temperature 恒温consistently adv. 一贯地,一致地; consistent adj. consisten

4、t policy 一贯的政策。36. I hate people who _C_ the end of a film that you havent seen before.A revise B rewrite C reveal D reverserewrite v. 重写,改写; revise vt. 修改,修正; reveal vt. 揭示,揭露;reverse vt. 颠倒,使反转,使反向。 (vers 是词根,表示转动;re 是前缀,表示向相反方向)42. There were no tickets _D_ for Fridays performance.A preferable B

5、considerable C possible D availableperformance n. 表演,演出,演奏; perform vt. possible adj. 可能的动词后加 able构成形容词通常表示“可的” read - readable accept - acceptableconsider vt. 考虑; considerable adj. (数量或尺寸)相当大(或多)的。preferable adj. 更好的,更可取的;available* adj. 可获得的,可利用的,可支配的。 (重点词)33. In general, the amount that a studen

6、t spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total _D_ for living expenses.A acceptable B applicable C advisable D availableliving expenses 生活费; acceptable adj. 可接受的;apply vt. 申请,应用; applicable adj. 可应用的,适当的,合适的;advise vt. 建议; advice n. 建议; advisable adj. 明智的,可取的。54. It is our _A_ policy

7、that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.A consistent B continuous C considerate D continualachieve unity through peaceful means 通过和平手段取得统一 ; consistent policy 一贯政策2012年6月英语四级考试词汇笔记完整版(二)构词法题型(词的转化,合成,派生); 构成符合形容词的名词和数量词一律用单数。 (见下面2个例题) 31. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed pl

8、ot the _B_ movie could not hold our attention. A three-hours B three-hour C three-hours D three-hours 267. Professor White wrote a _C_ report yesterday. A two-thousand-words B two-thousands-word C two-thousand-word D two-thousands-words 以 ly结尾的不全是副词 ; friendly, lonely, lovely, likely, lively adj. 考试

9、中常见的否定前缀: un-、dis-、in-、im- 56. _B_ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others. A Dislike B Unlike C Alike D Liking like vt. 喜欢; dislike vt. 不喜欢,厌恶; unlike prep. 不象; alike adj. liking n. 爱好,嗜好; take a liking for喜欢,对产生好感。2012年6月英语四级考试词汇笔记完整版(三)近义词含义比较;44. There were some _A

10、_ flowers on the table.A artificial B unnatural C false D unrealunreal adj. 不真实的(不是真实世界所拥有的,虚幻的); Ends justify means 不择手段;false adj. 具有欺骗性的,假的,伪造的 ; false coin/passport/hair,a false tooth/false teethunnatural adj. 不自然的,经常用来修饰人的行为举止,表示做作的,矫揉造作的。artificial adj. 人造人为的 artificial leg 假肢 artificial leath

11、er 人造皮 genuine leather 真皮54. When people become unemployed, it is _C_ which is often worse than lack of wages.A laziness B poverty C idleness D inabilitylaziness n. 懒惰; poverty n. 贫穷; poor adj. 贫穷的;idleness n. 无事可做(中性,有时也有贬义含义); inability n. 没有能力,没有办法。69. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen

12、. They are a thorough _A_.A nuisance B trouble C worry D anxietyinvade 进攻,侵略; nuisance n. (具体的)令人讨厌的东西; trouble n. 烦恼,麻烦,问题;worry n. 担心,发愁; anxiety n. 焦虑。 What a nuisance. 真是烦。2012年6月英语四级考试词汇笔记完整版(四)搭配关系问题;extent n. 程度; to.。 。 extent 到达程度,在程度之上; extent 只能和 to搭配。object vi. 反对; object + to + 动名词(动词的 i

13、ng形式) 。objection n. 反对; objection + to + 动名词(动词的 ing形式) 。V 形相近,意相远;65. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _A_ spring.A late B last C latter D laterlate adj. 晚的,晚于通常时间的; late spring 晚春、暮春; last adj. 最后的,最终的;later adj. 更晚的(late 的比较级) 、时间概念后一半的;只适用于表示某个世纪的后半期;The later twentieth centur

14、y. 二十世纪的后一半。latter adj. (两者中)后者的; former adj. (两者中)前者的;59. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful _B_ in the market.A batteries B bargains C baskets D barrelsbattery n. 电池; bargain n. 特价商品; Its really a bargain. 你真会买东西,不是说真便宜。basket n. 篮子 ; barrel n.

15、桶; wonderful bargain 物美价廉的商品;bargain v. 讨价还价;53. Remember that customers dont _D_ about prices in that city.A debate B consult C dispute D bargain41. The bridge was named _A_ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A after B with C by D fromcause 事业; be named after 以的名字命名;42. There we

16、re no tickets _D_ for Fridays performance.A preferable B considerable C possible D availablepreferable adj. 更好的,更可取的;358. _C_ the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony.A Inferior to B Superior to C Prior to D Preferable to具有比较意味的形容词只要与介词 to搭配即可表示其比较级。 super- 表示在上方,超过inferior adj. 低于的,劣于的; superior adj. 高于的,优于的; prior adj. 在之前的Revolutionary War 特指美国独立战争;second adj. 第二的(含有比较意味,也与to搭配)He is



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