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1、扩展英语词汇单词 CUT1) audio声音的;音频的e.g. My computer has an audio output. And I need an audio cable to send the audio files to you.2) audience听众; 倾听e.g. I hope one day that she will be able to perform before a great audience.3) audition试听,试音e.g. My niece was admitted to the Juilliard School of Music in Ameri

2、ca. But before that she was asked to attend an audition4) auditorium礼堂,讲堂e.g. I hope one day that she will be able to perform before a great audience perhaps even in the Auditorium Parco Della Musica.5) audible听得见的e.g. The audio-visual equipment there is magnificent that even in the farthest seat th

3、e music is still audible.derivative: inaudibleRoot “vis/vid” and the words: visual, visible, visibility, visualize6) visual视觉的e.g. audio-visual equipment 视听设备7) visible看得见的,可见的e.g. The planet Mars will be visible to the naked eye throughout next week.8) visibility可看性 能见度e.g. The visibility downtown

4、today is really poor.29) invisible看不见的e.g. It is evident that we do have to do something to improve the hazy weather, Otherwise the sea might become something invisible.10) visualize想象, 设想e.g. I can not visualize a life without beautiful scenery around me.1) predict预言,预测e.g. The experts there predic

5、ted that the Chinese economy would be the largest one in the World by the year 2050derivatives: prediction, predictable, unpredictable2) contract与相矛盾 , 与 相抵触 e.g. She doesnt want to contradict her husband.derivatives: contradiction, contradictoryRoot “log” and the words: dialogue, monologue, prologu

6、e3) dialogue对话Husband and wife must have dialogues.4) monologue独白To keep a marriage alive, monologue is not enough.5) prologue前言, 序言A poor wedding is a prologue to misery.Root “loqu” and the words: eloquence6) eloquence口才好,善于雄辩I admire Cui Yongyuan because he could overcome his depression and he is

7、a man of eloquence.derivative: eloquentRoot “ag” and the words: agenda, agency, agent7) agenda议事日程We believe governments will put environmental issues high on the agenda.28) agency做事机构I needed to find an agency to actually conduct the sale. derivative: co-agency9) agent代理人, 代理商There was a real estat

8、e agent who actually did the work for me.1) maintain断言,宣称e.g. I maintain that online shopping is time-consuming.维修;赡养e.g. Do you think maintaining a car and maintaining a family are both mens responsibility?维持,保持e.g. Guys, push yourself to make more friends and make sure to maintain the friendships.

9、derivative: maintenance2) obtain得到,获得e.g. You choose this course to obtain the knowledge of roots.3) attain获得e.g. Alibaba spent around 15 years to attain its present position in e-commerce. derivative: attainment. sense of attainment 成就感4) abstain抑制e.g. The man tries so hard to abstain from drinking

10、.戒绝e.g. When you are in China, will you have to abstain from voting in your country?5) sustain维持e.g. The salary couldnt sustain her shopping spree.支撑e.g. Its a wonder that the tree can sustain the weight of such heavy snow. derivatives: sustainable, sustainability6) detain拘留 阻止 留住e.g. Her promise co

11、uldnt detain her from selecting goods on the shopping festival. derivatives: detainee, detainer, detainment7) retain保持,记住e.g. We hope to retain all these beautiful moments in our memory.1) comprehend理解e.g. It is said that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, so its hard for a man to comprehen

12、d a womans behavior, such as shopping mania.derivatives: comprehension, comprehensible2) apprehend理解;逮捕;担心e.g. I hope I can apprehend the Chinese Culture better.e.g. I hope my friend Lisas husband will not be apprehended for his behavior. Otherwise Lisa will apprehend him.derivatives: apprehension,

13、apprehensive3) comprise包括,包含e.g. This unit is comprised of three lectures.4) enterprise企业;创业精神;进取心e.g. This year, the Double Eleven Festival features cross-border sales. Do you think the enterprise will be profitable?derivative: enterpriser5) imprisone.g. Lisas husband is imprisoned for binding her

14、hands.1) consequence结果;重要性e.g. A man must take the consequence of his own deeds. That is why people of consequence have to pay close attention to their behavior in public.1derivative: consequentHis long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his study.2) subsequent随后的,后来的e.g. You must

15、be expecting subsequent lectures. derivative: subsequence3) sequence顺序e.g. You guys neednt learn these lectures in sequence.一系列,一连串e.g. The movie Night at the Museum II is comprised of a sequence of accidents.4) sequel续集;结局e.g. You must be still expecting the sequel to “Transformer”.5) consecutive连续

16、的,连贯的e.g. The consecutive pattern is amazing.6) execute实行,执行e.g. A leader hopes the employees to execute orders efficiently.执行死刑e.g. Whether the murderer should be executed is still much debated. derivatives: execution,executivee.g. nowadays,more and more women are taking an executive role.7) prosecute起诉,检举e.g. The CEO of a big company was prosecuted. derivative: prosecution8) persecute烦扰;迫害e.g. You see this person is persecuted by mosqu



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