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1、19B Unit 1 Life on Mars(1)第一单元火星上的生活1. How do you like life on Mars?你觉得火星上的生活怎么样?该句子中“How do you like?”相当于 What do you think of?意思是“你觉得怎么样?” ,日常口语中用来询问对方对某一事物的看法或者判断。如:“How do you like China?” 你觉得中国怎么样?“Its great. I like it very much.”“中国很伟大。我很喜欢它。 ”2. I hate it. 我讨厌它。hate 用作动词,意思是“讨厌” “厌恶某人/ 某物” 。如

2、: She hates anyone listening while shes telephoning. 她打电话的时候,讨厌别人听。 She hates getting to the cinema late. 她讨厌看电影迟到。hate 用作动词,意思是“痛恨” “不喜欢” “憎恶某人/ 某物” 。如: She knew clearly what to love and what to hate. 她爱憎分明。 She hated all this bitterly. 她对这一切极为痛恨。hate 用作动词,常常用在口语中表示“不愿” “遗憾”的意思。如: I hate to trouble

3、 you. 我不愿麻烦你。 I would hate you to think I didnt care. 我很遗憾你认为我漠不关心。【注】一般而论,当 hate 后接动词不定式时,动词不定式表达的是一次性的将来动作。如: To tell you the truth, I hate to do it. (to do it 仅仅表示一种潜在的可能性)说实话,我不愿意做这件事。 She hate the children to quarrel. (to quarrel 只表示一种潜在的可能性)她讨厌孩子们吵架。 I hate the clock to chime (just when Im goi

4、ng to sleep.) (这里指的是一次打点)我讨厌钟(在我正要入睡时)打点。【注】总的来说,当 hate 后接动名词时,动名词往往表示正在进行的动作或经常性的动作。如: I hate disturbing you. (Im disturbing you and Im sorry.)我是很不愿意打扰你的。 (正在打扰或经常打扰) I hate being laughed at. 我不愿意被人嘲笑。 I hate children quarrelling. (强调正在吵架或者经常吵架) 2我讨厌孩子们(总)吵架。【注】hate sb. doing sth.的意思是“不愿意某人做某事” 。如:

5、 He hates people asking him for money. 他讨厌人们向他借钱。 Our teacher hates anyone destroying things. 我们老师讨厌人们损坏东西。hate 用作不可数名词,意思是“憎恨” 。如: She was filled with hate for his opponent. 她对她的对手满怀憎恨。 He left with a look full of hate. 他带着憎恨的眼光离开了。hate 用作可数名词,常常用在口语中,表示“所眼的人或物” 。如: Jim is one of my pet hates. 吉姆是我

6、恨之入骨者之一。 Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。3. I cant get to my food. 我吃不到我的食物了。get to 作“触及 ”“接触” “影响”讲。如: His honesty got to me. 他的诚实打动了我。 His words got to me. I decided to walk on. 他的话影响了我,我决定继续走下去。get to 作“到达 ”讲,后接地点,相当于 reach 或 arrive at/in。如: Ill call you as soon as I g

7、et to Beijing 我一到北京就打电话给你。 The train had left when I got there. 当我到达那儿时,火车已经开走了。 When did he get to New York? 他什么时候到达纽约的?【注】当 get to 后面接 here, there, home 等副词时,to 必须省略。【注】get to, arrive 和 reach 的区别。arrive 是不及物动词,如果要表达到达一个地方时,后面需要加上介词 in 或者 at,到达大的地方用介词 in,到达小的地方用介词 at。如: When we arrived, they had go

8、ne. 当我们到达时,他们已经走了。 His mother arrived in Beijing yesterday. 他妈妈昨天到达了北京。 I arrived at the bus stop at 2 oclock. 我两点钟就到达了汽车站。reach 是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,一般不接表示地点的副词。如: He reached Shanghai last Wednesday. 他上星期三到达上海的。 How did you reach the village? 你如何到达这个村庄的?4. Maybe people will be able to travel in space and

9、live on other planets. 也许人们能够在太空上旅行并生活在其他星球上。able 用作形容词,意为“有能力的” “有才能的” ,3在句中不能放在名词前,常用于 be able to do sth. 结构,意思是“能做某事” “会做某事” ,它有时态、人称和数的变化。如: The child is able to write now. 这孩子现在能写字了。 Will you be able to come tomorrow? 明天你能来吗? Jim was able to ride a bike two years ago. 吉姆两年前就能骑自行车了。 The little b

10、oy has been able to speak a little English. 这个小男孩已经会说一些英语了。 Im not able to go swimming with you because Im very busy. 我不能和你一起去游泳,因为我很忙。 You are better able to do it than I. 你比我更有能力做这件事。【注】be able to 与 can 的区别can 只有一般现在时和一般过去时(could)两种形式,而 be able to 除了现在时和过去时外,还有将来时和完成时。如: Im sorry I havent been abl

11、e to answer your letter. 对不起,我一直没有给你回信。 Were you able to drive a car last year? 去年你会开车吗? Tom can swim across the river now. 汤姆现在能游过这条河了。当人们现在决定是否有做某事的能力时,常常用 can,而不用 be able to。如: Can I go fishing if it doesnt rain tomorrow? 如果明天不下雨,我可以去钓鱼吗? Can you come to my birthday party on Sunday?星期天你能来参加我的生日聚会

12、吗?can 与 be able to 不能重叠使用。如:We can talk about it now. We are able to talk about it now.现在我们可以谈这件事了。 (不可以说:We can be able to talk about it now.)able 的比较级和最高级有两种形式,可以在词尾加-er ,-est,也可以在它的前面加 more, most。如: He is the ablest student in his class. 他是他班上最有才华的学生。 He is the most able man Ive ever seen. 他是我曾见过

13、的最能干的人。5. Help Daniel compare living on Mars to living on Earth at present.帮助丹尼尔把居住在火星和居住在地球作比较。compare 用作及物动词,意为“比作” ,常与介词 to 连用,表示“把比作” 。但在有些情况下我们也使用 compareto来表达“将同作比较”的意思。如: Poets have compared sleep to death. 诗人把睡 眠比作死亡。4 We may compare the world to a stage. 我们可以把世界比作一个舞台。 The poet compares his

14、 lover to a rose in his poem. 诗人在他的诗歌中把他的情人比作玫瑰花。 The work was hard and dangerous, but the pay was good compared to the wages in the old country.这项工作很艰苦,很危险,但是与这个国家过去的工资相比较,它的报酬还是很可观的。compare 还要意为 “比较” “对照” ,与 with 连用,意为“把与比较” 。如: Compare the two and take the better one. 比较两者,选取较好的。 She compared her

15、 answer with the one given in the book.她把自己的答案与书中给的答案作了比较。 If you compared British football with American football, you will find many differences.如果你把英式足球与美式足球作一比较,你会发现有许多不同之处。compare 用作不及物动词,意思是“比得上” “相比” 。如: Nothing can compare with wool, for warmth.从保暖性能来看,没有什么东西能与羊毛相比。 Living in a town cant compare with living in the country in many respects.在许多方面城市生活比不上乡村生活。过去分词短语 compared with 和 compared to 表示“与比起来” ,在句中常用作状语,可位于句首或句尾,此时介词 to 和 with 通用。如: This road is quite busy compared with / to ours.与我们那条路相比,这条路要繁忙得多。 Children seem to learn more interesting things compared with/to when we


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