高二英语unit6 amazing achievements教案

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1、高二英语 Unit6 Amazing achievements 教案高二英语 Unit6 Aazing ahieveents 教案Unit6 Aazing Ahieveents一、单元分析 ( Unit Analsis )(一)单元地位 ( Unit Psitin )1 本叙述了“杂交水稻之父 ”袁隆平的杰出成就,谈及了他儿时的梦想及为之努力奋斗的过程。他为中国的农业做出了巨大的贡献。教师可让学生上网查阅有关袁隆平的资料,将他在国内外所获得的各类主要奖项列表介绍,让学生对袁隆平在世界杂交水稻领域的贡献进一步了解,并初步接触一些国际组织和奖项的词汇。2 围绕本主题“杰出的成就 ”,引出“现代科技

2、让我们的生活更加美好”这一论题,并以此为题写一篇,用到 persuasive paragraph3 本中出现了新的语法现象倒装句。本单元主要学习以下倒装句型:由 there, here 或 n 等引导的,谓语为 be, e 或 g 等的句子;由 s 或 neither/nr 引导的倒装。对于这一语法现象,教师有必要在堂教学中加以一定的句型操练并辅助一定的练习。(二 ) 单元目标 ( Unit Target )1了解倒装句语法现象,能区别部分倒装和完全倒装并熟练运用倒装句进行解题。2能对社会成功人士的事迹及成就进行简单描述。3能讨论 20 世纪取得的重大科学成就。(二)单元重点 ( Unit P

3、ints )1关键词:语言知识类be brn int, devte neself t, e up ith, get invlved in, anage t, sueed in, ae ntributins t, fr sure, are fr, nthing re than科学术语类Hbrid rie, FA, grain utput, grain shrtage, pineering r 2 功能: 1) Giving exaples Taling abut suess 参考 120 页 Useful languageAhieveents prvide the nl real pleasur

4、e in lifeu have t believe in urself, thats the seret f suessT travel hpefull is a better thing than t arrive, and true suess is t labrVitr nt e t e unless I g t it2) Inversin (倒装句)There ges the bellS ill I二、教学设计 ( Teahing Designs )教学内容教学实施建议教学资参考1 Reading 作为的引入教 师可事先让学生通过网络、图书馆等资收集关于袁隆平的材料。教师可利用“头脑风

5、暴” 教学手段结合小组合作方式让学生列出关于袁隆平的尽可能多的事迹。既加深了学生对科学家本身的了解又可引出一些科学术语。在此基础上阅读并讲解使学生有更全面深入的了解。链接 1头脑风暴法的操作建议网络资2 Listening 作为教 材第 99 页的听力部分,可让学生了解 Benain Franlin 的生活和成长经历。同时建议教师可利用上海外语教育出版社的英语(新世纪版)听力 ,开展相关主题的听力活动作为对教材的补充。99 页 listening pratie 部分3 Speaing 以“ 杰出的成就”为主题设计口语活动。活动一:根据图片谈论世界上重大的科技发明。活动二:小组讨论:成功人士应具

6、备的素质。活动三:设计一张我最崇拜的科学家的海报,并在全班进行交流。活动四:Guess rGuess h it is?链接 2口语活动的一些具体教学建议 91 页 Piture tal 部分; 101 页Further pratie 部分4 riting 以“现代科技让我们的生活更加美好”为题写一篇,用到persuasive paragraph102 页 riting 部分Struture 倒装句是本的语法教学内容,教师可通过“句型操练” 和“习题巩固”两个层次循序渐进使枯燥的语法讲解与学生的实际应用相结合。链接 3倒装句操练的教学建议 97 页 Struture 部分6AdditinalRe

7、ading 本部分与 Unit 6 内容直接相关,建议放在最后一。本出现的重要词汇与词组:tend, despite, nral, denstrate, at n, related t , eep fr ding, struggle t d链接 4 科学知识拓展 10 页 Additinal reading 部分链接 1 说明:“头脑风暴 ”是提供学生积极思维的好机会。这一环节的运用既能发挥学生的积极主动性,又能使学生在小组活动中互帮互助。以小组活动方式呈现合作结果,让全体学生都对有关“科学家生平成就”的词汇加以回顾与复习,对新的词汇加以补充与学习。1 教师在黑板上展示如图的图表;2 全班分为

8、四组,每组确定一个记录者,时间控制在三分钟。3 在“ 头脑风暴” 过程中,记录者记录组内成员能想到的所有相关词汇。4 最后请记录者汇报罗列词汇的总数。教师补充一些学生未提及的新词汇。链接 2 说明:这一部分旨在从多个方面锻炼学生的口语,使学生有机会说,愿意说,大胆表露他们的想法。活动设计多从贴近生活的原则出发,结合本知识,尽可能给学生留下广阔的发挥空间。在口语练习过程中,教师应该鼓励学生,启发学生用英语表达。活动一: Piture 1 He is the faus sientist uan Lngping, nn as the “father f hbrid rie”Piture 2 A rb

9、t and an eletri dg are perfring n the stagePiture 3 The fling f ret is based n Netns la: “Equal and ppsite”活动二:教师罗列学生所搜集的词汇:deterinatin, diligene, devtin, perseverane, reativit, hard r, urage, isd, inspiratin, frtune, alness活动三:说明:选取我最崇拜的科学家,参照链接一 完成海报设计,并做 presentatin活动四:说明:让学生根据老师提供的信息猜测这是哪一位科学家,并

10、鼓励学生做适当的补充。1He as nn as the izard He invented re than a thusand devies in his lifetie an ere iprtant in the reatin f the eletrial sstes e use tda The best nn f his inventins is the eletri light bulb In additin t being a great inventr, he as als a lever business an(Thas Edisn)2She as ver suessful as

11、a sientist f phsis She as the disverer f plniu and radiu, fr hih she beae the first sientist t reeive 2 Nbel Prizes Hever, hat stru us st as nt her great ahieveents but her urage and deterinatin (adae urie)3He as brn in the tn f Pisa in Ital in the ear 164 He as a ver lever an and as interested in t

12、he stud f the stars He as nt lied b se f the sientists in thse das beause he seties prved the rng the believed, fr exaple, that a heav bet fell faster than a light ne But he ent up t the tp f a ter and fr there he drpped 2 bets, a light ne and a heav ne at the sae tie The hit the grund tighter S he

13、prved thse sientists t be rng (Galile)4In the earl 20th entur a Sttish sientist disvered “agi bullets” that uld destr nl the bateria hih daaged health ells and leave the rest f the bd ells alne This agi bullet as antibiti-alled peniillin hih hanged edial siene frever (Alexander Fleing)He as brn in E

14、ngland in1809 He asnt the best student in his shl, but hen he as 16, his father sent hi t edial shl He lied spending tie utdrs bserving nature re than attending edial lasses He drpped ut ithut graduating Later his father sent hi t shl t bee a inister This tie he ade it t graduatin, but he didnt ant

15、t d the r f a inister After that he as invited t sail t Suth Aeria and then arund the rld The res issin as t ae aps f the plaes the visited But he lleted lts f plants anials t tae ba f stud during this tie re than 20 ears after his trip, he published an iprtant sientifi paper n h se anials have adap

16、tatins that help the survive (Darin)6He as an Aerian sientist He as brn in Stland As a hild he shed uh interest in the rld arund hi and lied t as questins He as s talented that he as aditted t Edinburgh Universit hen he as nl sixteen During his life, he ade re than 30 great inventins; the telephne hih is s idel used tda as ust ne f the (Bell)7Abut 20 B, he had t slve a prble fr the ing T slve the pr



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