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1、小升初英语面试:面试英语自我介绍范文小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(一)nae is _ i a graduate fr _ senir high shl and ar in _ there are _ peple in fail father rs in a puter pan and ther is a huseife i a the ungest ne in fail in spare tie, i lie t read nvels i thin reading uld enlarge nledge as fr nvels, i uld iagine hatever i lie suh as

2、 a ell-nn sientist r a ung-fu aster in additin t reading, i als lie t pla p gaes a lt f grnups thin plaing p gaes hinders the students fr learning but i thin p gaes uld tivate e t learn sething suh as english r apanese favrite urse is english beause i thin it is interesting t sa ne thing via differe

3、nt sunds i ish english uld be iprved in the next fur ears and be able t spea fluent english in the future小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(二)i a _ i as brn in _ i graduate fr senir high shl and ar in english i started learning english sine i as 12 ears ld parents have a lt f aerian friends thats h i have n prble uniati

4、ng ith aerians r thers b speaing english in spare tie, i lie t d anthing relating t english suh as listening t english sngs, athing english vies r tv prgras, r even attending the ativities held b se english lubs r institutes i used t g abrad fr a shrt- ter english stud during that tie, i learned a l

5、t f dail life english and sa a lt f different things i thin language is ver interesting i uld express ne substane b using different sunds s i ish i uld stud and read re english literatures and enlarge nledge小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(三)nae is _ there are 4 peple in fail father is a heistr teaher he teahes heistr

6、 in senir high shl ther is an english teaher she teahes english in the universit i have a unger brther, he is a unir high shl student and is preparing fr the entrane exa i lie t read english str bs in free tie seties i surf the internet and dnlad the e- bs t read reading e- bs is fun in additin, it

7、als enlarges vabular rds beause f the advaned tehnlg and the vivid aniatins i hpe t stud bth english and puter tehnlg beause i a interested in bth f the subets abe ne da i uld bine bth f the and appl t researh in the future小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(四)nae is _ i a fr _ there are peple in fail father rs in a pute

8、r pan he is a puter engineer ther rs in a internatinal trade pan she is als a bus an i have a lder sister and a unger brther sister is a unir in natinal taian universit she ars in english brther is an eleentar shl student he is 8 ears ld beause f father, i lve surfing the internet ver uh i pla the n

9、-line gae fr abut 2 hurs ever da i ish i uld be a puter prgra designer in the future and that is h i a appling fr the eletrnis prgra in ur shl小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(五)nae is aaa i a an utging girlb i have an hbbies, suh as basetball, ftball, reading and s n ang the i lie reading best beause hen i a reading,

10、i a ver happ reading helps e t n things that i d nt n befre in fail there are fur ther ebers, grandfather, grandther, father and ther parents are strit ith e hile grandparents are ind t e i lve the all and i ant t stud hard in return fr their indness t e小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(六)hell! (sir / ada / ladies and

11、gentlean)naes ( 中文名字), and u an all e (英文名字)i eleven ears ldi stud inpriar shl,and i in lass ,grade therere three peple in fail,there ther is a (职业 ) father is a (职业)i d lve happ ar fail!in additin,i sunn b ith lts f hbbies, fr instane,stap-lleting, siing,reading, etbut i preferbeauseand i have lear

12、ned sine i asears ldsn i ill graduate fr priar shl, and i sinerel hpe that i an ntinue t stud at this shlthans fr ur attentin!小升初面试英语自我介绍范文(七)i a a 12 ears ld b sart and handse i a prud f self beause i an get perfet sres in hinese, aths and english it is nt gd enugh i a als prud f being an elder brt

13、her that is a frida evening, bab brther as ring all the tie parents ere bth ing fr dinner i said t u, let e l after this little thing u said, are u sure u an? es ,believe e i an i ansered then u ent t the ithen i ent tards bab brther h bab, dnt r i ill sing a sng fr u i arried hi and sing sngs fr hi after a hile, he as asleep i as s tired parents ere happ and praised e a gd b this is first tie t l after bab brther and i feel prud f self



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