八年级英语下册《friendship between animals》学案新冀教版

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1、八年级英语下册Friendship Between Animals 学案新冀教版八年级英语下册Friendship Beteen Anials学案新冀教版Unit 3 Anials Are ur Friends lessn 18 Friendship Beteen Anials一 、Teahing ntent:(教学内容)1 Ne rds and phrases: friendship, rhin, sin, arn, inset, relatinship, survive,en, zee, hipp, trtise, trul, bundar, tuh nes heart2 Understa

2、nd the eaning h text3The graar: se,an二、Teahing gals :(教学目标)1aster the ne rds and phrases, understand the eaning f text2Learn abut the friendship beteen anials, and se interesting stries3Fr this text, e shuld n ur friendship is iprtant t us三、e pints:(重点)Learn abut the friendship beteen anials, and se

3、 interesting stries四、Diffiult pints:(难点)Fr this text, e shuld n ur friendship is iprtant t us五、Teahing aids: (教学辅助) Rerder, pitures r ards六、Tpe f the lessn:(程类型) Ne lessn七、Teahing predure:(教学过程)Step 1Analsis f the student(学生分析)Her heRevie: In last lessn, e learned anther anialtiger N as se Ss t tal

4、abut the tiger in English And h t prtet the tigers, beause tigers have been in danger f disappearingStep 2 Lead in(引入)1Greet the students in English and ae sure the an respnse rretlD the dut reprt: a student n dut an sa hatever he/she lies t sa2e t “THIN ABUT IT” D u thin there is friendship beteen

5、anials?hat different anials have u seen living ell tgether?Step 3 Ne lessn(新)N 1 repare lessns befre lassTeah the ne rds and phrases ae sure the Ss an read it rretlN 2 Text: Give the se tie t read the text theselves Then let the at ut the dialgue in grups rret their prnuniatin hen neessarRead the le

6、ssn and anser the questins:hat is the relatinship beteen the egret and the rhin?h is en? h is zee?H did peple feel hen the heard the str f friendship beteen en and zee?D gd friends need t sa sething t sh the are?Read the text silentl and he the ansers Let the students disuss the ain idea f the passa

7、ge in details At last, the teaher explains the text in hinese, ae sure the Ss an understand the eaning f textN 3 The graar: se, an一 Se 的用法1se : ad(多用于肯定句、希望得到对法肯定回答的疑问句中)1)修饰可数名词复数,指三个或三个以上, “一些、若干”eg Se hildren lie plaing in the par uld u lie se apples?2)修饰不可数名词, “一些、若干”eg There is se ater in the b

8、ttle uld u lie se tea r ffee?3)修饰可数名词单数, “未确指的人、事物或地点” eg Se an at the dr is asing t see u2se:prn “一些人、一些物;有些人、有些物”eg There are an peple in the par Se are aling Se are talingeg Se f the duplings are ade f shrips( 虾, 小虾)二 An 的用法1 an: ad(多用于否定句、疑问句)1)修饰可数名词复数, “任何数目的人或物”eg I didnt eat an apples eg Are

9、 there an staps in the draer?2)修饰不可数名词, “任何量的”eg an u spea an Frenh?3)用于肯定句中修饰单数可数名词, “任何一个”eg Give e a pen -an pen ill be 2an: prn “ 任何一个人 /物”eg She didn t spend an f the ne总结:表示一些时,se 用于肯定句和希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中;an 用于否定句和疑问句中N 4 Finish “Lets D It!”Step 4 Pla the tape fr the Ss t fllae the Ss listen the te

10、xt, then let the read fll the tapeStep Suar (小结)Su up the text hat e learned, the ne rds, phrases, and sentenesSu up the graarStep 6 Her(作业)Finish the ativit b and the pratiep the ne rds and phrases tieStep 7Blabard-riting:(板书)The ne rds, the aster phrases, iprtant sentenesThe graar and pratie八 Teahing refletin:(教后反思)



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