八年级英语上册module 10 unit 2导学案(2013新外研社)

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1、八年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 2 导学案(2013 新外研社)dule10 unit2 导学案 N32【学习目标】1、掌握 dule10 的个单词及 12 个短语,能够读懂描述天气状况的语言材料。2、通过阅读及小组合作,学会理解大意和提取细节信息的方法。3、激情投入,专注高效;培养学习地理知识的愿望和兴趣,热爱自己的家乡,并能够就选择最佳时机中国游玩给出建议。【用法指导】 1、复习巩固 unit2 的单词。2、默读,在中勾画短语及疑难点。【预习案】1、rds:本单元有几种词性的单词?请按照词性将它们归类,并写出相应的汉语意思。_2、Reading pratie Fast-rea

2、ding:1、H an ities are entined(提及) in the passage? _2、Read the passage fast and plete the tablePlae eather Best tie t visit Ne r inter: Ne England alifrnia AlasaSuer :inter:areful-reading:Read paragraph 1, and anser questins1H far is the US fr the east ast t the est ast? _2h shuld e bring a ap? _Read

3、 paragraph 2, 3 and4, tell T r F1 In Ne r and ashingtn D there is a lt f rain in inter ( )2 In Ne England hen the eather gets ler, the green leaves start t turn brn, then gld ( )3 Beause the eather in alifrnia is fine s u an g there at an tie f the ear, even in Deeber ( )Read paragraph and 6, hse th

4、e best anser1 hats the eather lie in suer in Alasa? ( )A The das are lng and ar B The das are shrt and ar2 hen shuld e g t visit Alasa? ( )A In suer B In inter 3 There are alas strs in suer and autun in Texas Is that right? ( )A es, it is B N, it isnt【探究案】1 阅读下面句子,并总结规律。Ne r is a gd plae t visit in

5、sueru ight ant t g siing in the sea, even in DeeberSpring Festival is n anuar 1ste usuall have a PE lass n Tuesda关于时间前面介词的使用,季节前用介词_, 月份前用介词_, 日期和星期前用介词_【小试牛刀】用合适的介词填空。e usuall have supper _ the eveningid-Autun is _ August 1th-hen shall e g t the par t sate? -H abut ging _ ednesda? e ant see the sun

6、 _ night There are strs fr tie t tie _ suer and autun2If u ant t visit Alasa, u had better g in suer 如果你想去阿拉斯加旅游,你最好在夏天去。had better 意思是_后面的动词使用_( 原形、不定式、动名词)。短语:最好做某事_ 翻译句子:你最好现在去学校。_had better 常用语提建议的句子中,在 1 中我们还学过中表达建议的句型:_【训练案】一、单项选择:1 Dnt frget _ the rubbish utside It sells t terribleA t tae B t

7、 bring bring D taing2 hen is the best tie _ the US? A t visit B visit visiting D visiting3 Bring u aera s u an tae phts _ the autun trees A at B in f D n4 The librar is _ the inea and the superaret A ang B at in D beteenI dn t have lse fiends here I feel lnel _A at the right tie B in tie fr tie t ti

8、e D n tie6 The are tired, the feel happ beause the have finall finished their rA S B Althugh If D But7 Theres _ apple tree in frnt f _ huseA an; / B the; the a; the D an; the8 - _ d u tal t ur teaher at the shl? - ne a ee A H lng B H uh H sn D H ften 二、根据汉语完成句子1 _ _ _? 你在开玩笑吗?2 _ _ _ _ in Aeria in i

9、nter? 美国冬天的天气怎么样?3 hen is_ _ _ _ have part? 举行晚会的最佳时间是什么时候?4 _ _ _? 气温是多少?三、完型填空:hat d peple usuall d at the eeend? Se peple lie t 1 at he, but thers lie t g ut fr a al r pla ftball r Sith 2 hard in a fatr during(在期间) the 3 At the eeends, he usuall 4 the sae thing n Saturda he ashes his ar and n he

10、ges ith his fail t a village(村庄) b ar His unle and aunt 6 a far there It isnt a big ne, but there is alas 7 t d n the far The hildren help ith the anials and give the se 8 r and rs Sith help in the field At the end f the da, the are all 9 and r Siths aunt 10 the a big eal( ) 1 A plaB sta be D s( ) 2

11、 A rs B des aes D studies( ) 3A da B ear eeD nth( ) 4 A desB d aeD has( ) A ThursdaB Saturda SundaD Frida,( ) 6 A haveB has bringD find( ) 7 A anB uh anD st( ) 8 A rie B fd aesD fruit( ) 9 A hungr B angr fullD happ( ) 10 A givesB puts aeD des三阅读理解AT: I he eails ties(次) in a da I alas nline I have lt

12、s f friends all ver the rld S I send lts f eails t the and I als get lts f eails hen I he eail, ever eail gives e a piee f infratin Henr: I lie plaing gaes n the puter at the eeend I lie ing gaes best beause I an learn h t ar: It is a habit fr e t he eails after I get up ever rning I lie using eails beause I an send pitures t friends b eail ( ) 1 T has a lt f _all ver the rld A pitures B friends eails D teahers( ) 2 Henr lies plaing gaes n the puter_A ever da B ever rning n Saturda and Sunda D n Tuesda( )3 _ is a habit fr ar ever rningA aing friends B Sending pitur


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