六年级英语下册module 6导学案(外研社)

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1、六年级英语下册 Module 6 导学案(外研社)六年级英语下册 dule 6 导学案(外研社)dule 6 Unit 1 I bught u this b题:DULE6 Unit1 I bught u this bTeahing ais and deands:1 rds: baseball 棒球 tea 队、组 (aster)2 Phrases: plaing baseball 打棒球give it t u 把它给你baseball tea 棒球队ls interesting 看起有趣 (aster )3 ain sentene patterns:1) I bught u this b2)

2、It ls interesting3) h gave it t u?4) Sins fail gave it t e (aster)4 Graar: The fr abut the past tenseFuntin: Give and reeive the presents (掌握动词过去时的几种不同构成形式及关键词,并会使用)Use the tas:1 SB Unit1 Part3 and 42 AB Unit1 Exerises 1-4Tls: tape, pitures and rd ardsTeahing steps: Step 1 arer and revisin1 Sing a s

3、ng2 Tal and rite dn the rds abut tra and field events Fr exaple: basetball, ftball, vlleball, table tennis, lng up, high up, rning exerises, siing, etStep2 Presentatin:1 Give the tas(布置自学任务)2 Sh in lass (堂展示)1) rite the ne rds n the Bb (Read and learn tgether)2) rite dn the ain sentene patterns u dn

4、t n: I bught u this b abut AeriaIt s ls interestingIt s fr plaing baseballSin s fail gave it t eBut u an have this ne(Read tgether r fll the teaher, then translate)3) Find the rds “bught, gave” in the dialgue Under line the sentenes ith “bught, gave”3 Pla the tape Listen and read the text4Explain th

5、e nledge(知识讲解) 动词的过去时构成一般是在动词末尾+ed 如:plaed, athed特殊的类型主要有如下一些词形的变化,如:ride-rde in-n drin-dran eat-ate is-as g-ent see-sa bu-bught give-gave2) 句型:给某人买东西有两种形式:主+bught +宾语 + 物品I bught u this b abut hina 主+bught + 物品+ fr+宾语I bught this b abut hina fr uStep3 pratie (Use ap, b, puter gae and bie) 1) Fr exa

6、ple: I bught u a b Than u h gave it t u? Zhang ei gave it t e T ae the sae sentenes2) Read the dialgue in part 1 in rles3) At ut the dialgues in rlesStep 4 nslidatin1 Read abut Daing Use the rds in the bxes2 D Exerise 1-4 in Unit 1Her and suar1 D Exerise 1-2 2 Read the dialgues in Unit 1 3 Learn Uni

7、t 2 Design:dule 6 Unit 2 hats it abut?题:dule 6 Unit 2 hats it abut?Teahing ais and deandsrds and phases: t 带着, sent 发送, spaeship 宇宙飞船, even 甚至, spae 宇宙, Russia 俄罗斯, bile 自行车, Aerian spaeship 俄罗斯的宇宙飞船, t int 带进入 send int 把发送进入 ls interesting 看起有趣 ent aa 走开ain sentene patterns: hats it abut? Russia se

8、nt the first anial int spae I bught her a bileTeahing pint: tal abut past tense Using bught, t and sentFuntin: tal abut the presentTls : tape pitures se bs (一些新书)Teahing steps:Step l ar up and revisin1 Sing a sng “hat d u ant t eat?”2 Give ut the past tense 如:g-ent g bu give eat is a see ath in ride

9、 3 At ut the dialgues n Page 22 in b 8(及时鼓励与强化训练,并给予指导)Step 2 Presentatin1 Give the tas : ( 应在前一节结束时布置任务) Find ut the ne rds Listen and read the text Find ut the ain sentene patterns Tr t intrdue ur gift2 Sh in lass1) rite the ne rds n the blabard and read2) Read and rite dn the ain sentene patterns

10、Russia sent the first anial int spaeI bught her a bilehats it abut?It s abut anials: (Read tgether)4) D a “ gift sh “ ne b ne3 Explain the nledge1) 句子开头的字母要大写,关于国家,民族和语言的词开头字母也大写,如:Russia hina2)bught 是买的过去式 t 是 tae 的过去式 sent 是 send 的过去式4 L and listen fr “bught, t, and sent”Listen and read fur ties Then at ut the dialgues in pairs Tal abut the bs n page 24 (也可用实物练习)Fr exaple: A This b ls interestingB hats it abut?Its abut anials6 Listen, sa and hantStep 3 Pratie1 hant and at ut2 ath and saStep 4 nslidatin1 rite and read the ne rds2 D Exerise 1-6Design:dule 6 Unit 2 itRetrspetin:


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