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1、六年级英语下册 1-36 课教案(人教新版)人教新版六年级下册英语教案 备规范1 按大纲要求钻研教材,明确教学目的、任务,掌握教材主次前后。重点、难点和关键。掌握知识的联系和规律。2 全面了解学生的知识水平,学习能力 ,学习方法和习惯。备的内容要适应学生的需要,面向全体学生。3 注意教学方法的研究和改革,调动学生的积极性,教给学生学习方法。4 备时注意对教学的程序的安排要层次分明,结构严谨。选用的方法注重启发性,使学生与教师共鸣。 要研究练习内容,精选习题。对所学的重要题、难度大的题要做必要的提示和解释,必要时做出答案。6 前,对所教具和实验器材,要做好充分准备,实验前教师要亲手实验,保证上时

2、实验效果。7 要提前备,认真写好内容充实,具体实用的教案,要有教学过程和板书设计。大纲要求(1)基本能够听懂堂用语。 (2)能够按顺序背诵字母表,并可以认读、拼写字母的大小写形式,区分印刷体和手写体。 (3)能够用正确的语音、语调朗读所学的单词、词组和。 (4)能够根据场景,用正确的语音、语调进行简单的对话。 ()能够听懂,并用正确的语音、语调说出所学单词 400 个左右,并能够拼写其中所学常用单词 200 个左右。 (6)能够正确、规范地书写大小写字母、单词和句子。教案注释Teahing Tie:为教学时间。Lessn Tpe:表示型,英语的基本型可以分为新授 Ne lessn 和练习Pra

3、tie lessn。Teahing Ais and Deands:表示教学目标和具体要求,Teahing Iprtant and Diffiult pint:表示本节的知识重点和难点。Teahing Aids:表示教学辅助手段,主要指教学用具等。Teahing ethds:指的是教学方法和步骤。Teahing Affetin:揭示的是本节的情感态度。Teahing Predures 表示的是教学过程和基本步骤。 aring-up Revisin 指热身及复习。Presentatins:是呈现本新知识的过程,也是一节英语新授的最基本部分。Pratie:是上练习的过程,其目的是对本节的知识点进行巩

4、固和加强。Assessent Her:是对学生本节的学习状态和知识掌握情况的评估过程以及布置作业的过程,也可以说是小结的过程,是一节英语的结束。The Blabard Design :是板书设计。Ba urting:即教学反思 Unit 1 H as ur hlida?Lessn 1Lessn Tpe: Ne lessnI Teahing Ais and Deands1 Ne rds: exiting, nderful, fantasti, interesting, during2 ain sentenes: H as ur hlida? It as fantasti-3 The abilit

5、 f Ss reading and understandingII Teahing Iprtant and Diffiult pint1 Appl the sentenes t the real situatin2 an ae sentenes ith rds3 an spea ut the text in right tneIII Teahing AidsRerder and tape, piture ard, bet IV Teahing ethds1 Situatinal Teahing ethd2 Diret Teahing ethds 3 Listening and Speaing4

6、 TPR happ Teahing ethdV Teahing Affetin1 T prte the Ss interest and nfidene2 T fster the Ss peratin3 Develp the Ss iaginatin and innvatinVI Teahing PreduresStep 1 aring-up Revisin ()(1)Greeting: H as ur hlida?(2)Revie se rds: suer, tree, beautiful, Hainan, en, see -(3)ae sentenes ith the rdsStep 2 P

7、resentatins (1)(1)T: h an tell e here there are an nuts? Have u ent Hainan? hen?Ss:(2)ate ent t Hainan in her hlida H as ates hlida ? Did she en herself ?(3) Listen t tape and repeat (4) Ss anser the questins () Teah the ne rds and ain sentenes (6) Read the text in grup Step 3 Pratie (10)(1)At the d

8、ialgue (2)Have a uh : Desribe ur hlida beteen t grupSs :I ent t- I sa - Step 4 Assessent Her (10)(1)Read the text t ur grup leader VII The Blabard DesignVIII Ba urting Lessn 2Lessn Tpe : Pratie lessnI Teahing Ais and Deands 1 ain rds : exiting , nderful ,fantasti , interesting , at he hlida 2 ain se

9、ntenes : H as ur hlida ? It as nderful here as u during ur hlida ? I as at he 3 Lets intervie4 Lets read and hant :The abilit f Ss reading and riting II Teahing Iprtant and Diffiult pint1 Appl the sentenes t the real situatin 2 ae sentenes ith the rds 3 an spea ut in right tne III Teahing AidsPiture

10、 ard , rerder , stier IV Teahing ethds1 Diret Teahing ethd2 Listening and Speaing3 TPR happ Teahing ethdV Teahing Affetin1 Be nfident during studing English 2 T prte the Ss interest and peratin 3 Develp the Ss innvatin VI Teahing PreduresStep 1 aring-up Revisin ()(1)Free talT : h is n reprter dut td

11、a ?Step 2 Presentatin (20)(1)T : I ent t visit Guilin f uning during hlida ? It as nderful ! here ere u during ur hlida ? H as ur hlida ? (2)Ss : - (3) ae sentenes ith the rds : exiting , nderful , fantasti , interesting , a , is , as , are , ere (4)Listen t the tape and repeat ()Lets intervie in ur

12、 grup Step 3 Pratie (10)Lets hant Step 4 Assessent ( )rite the rds VII The blabard Design VIII Ba urtingLessn 3Lessn Tpe : Ne lessnI Teahing Ais and Deands1 Ne rds : esterda , ere , shp ,bshp , vie 2 ain sentenes : here ere u ? I as at the bshp ere u at he esterda ? es I ent t see a vie esterda It a

13、s ver interesting 3 The abilit f Ss reading and riting II Teahing Iprtant and Deands1 Appl the sentene t the real situatin 2 an understand and spea ut in right tne 3 an rite the dail life III Teahing AidsPiture ard , rerder , stier IV Teahing ethds1Situatin Teahing ethd2Diret Teahing ethd 3Listening

14、 and Speaing V Teahing Affetin1 T prte the Ss interest and nfidene 2 T fster the Ss peratin 3 Develp the Ss iaginatin and innvatin VI Teahing PreduresStep 1 aring-up Revisin ()(1)Reprter dut (2)Greeting Step 2 Presentatin (1)(1)T : Hi ! here ere u esterda ? here ere u esterda ? H as ur esterda ?Ss :

15、 -T : I as at she bshp esterda I bught a strb L here ,It is a interesting b Then ,I ent t see a vie It as fantasti ! (2)Teah the rds : shp , bshp , vie , bught (3)D u ant t n h as Lisas and Gaeis esterda ?(4) Listen t the tape and repeat ()Anser the questins in ur grup : ere the at he esterda ? here ere the esterda ?(6) Read the text Step 3 Pratie (10)rite ur dail life in ur grup and read Step 4 Assessent (10)Read the text t ur grup leader VII The Blabard Design



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