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1、八年级英语上册全册 C 层导学案(外研版)题:八年级上册 dule 12 (期中复习)班级: 学生姓名: 使用时间:一、重点词汇:I根据首字母及句意提示写出下列单词。1 Than u fr ur a_( 建议) fr learning English 2 hen u learn English g_, u learn the rules f English3 I ant hear u learl, uld u please r_ ur rds4 Everne shuld have a pen friend and rite eail _ t eah therAfter u have finis

2、hed ur her, u shuld _ it6 Dnt f_ t rret ur istaes hen ur teaher gives ba ur her7Learning in the USA is a great e _(经历 ) 8 T is the _ (队长 ) f ur shl tea 10 Sa the rds hen u see the, and _(更换) the ever da 二、重点短语II :翻译下列短语。1, 给某人一些建议_ 2 advise sb t d sth _3写下_ 4 as fr advie _过得开心_ 6 ath-ith _ 7做深呼吸_ 8

3、tr t d sth _9犯错误_ 10 tae a lng tie _11 travel arund the rld _ 12 tae ff _13 enter a petitin _ 14 hat d u ren ?_1 It sunds brilliant _ 16give nerts _17 have been t _ 18have gne t _ 19 e true _ 20be abrad _ 三、重点句子 III:根据中提示完成句子。1 所以在你开始(讲)之前,做一个深呼吸,微笑,微笑往往有效果。 S _ u begin,_ a deep _ and sile! Siling a

4、las _2 你为什么不把正确的拼写和语法写在错误旁边呢?h dnt u _ _the _ spelling and graar _ _the istaes 3 当你在读英语时,尽力不要逐词翻译。 hen u read English , _ _ _ _ ever rd 4 你出过国吗?Have u ever _ _ 写一段你奇妙的经历,一等奖就是你在英国的梦幻假日。rite abut a _ experiene ,the first _ is the _f ur _in England 6 Sall 已经邀请我有时间去英国她那儿看看,但问题是机票的价格(太贵了)Sall _ _ e _ st

5、a ith her in England ne da , but the_ is the_f the tiet7 魏明乘飞机到过中国很多地方。ei ing _ _ _ _ hina b plane8 我一直想环游世界。 I _ _ _ _ travel arund the rld四、重点语法1 掌握提建议的常用句型英语中用向对方提建议的句型有:(注意各种句型中动词的形式)u shuld /an /ust-h dnt u -h nt -ud better -Dnt frget t / Reeber t d sth Tr (nt ) t d sth It s gd ida t d sth H/ha

6、t abut ding sth IV 翻译下列句子并掌握提建议的方法。(每空一词,缩略词为一词) 1为什么不把错误记下呢?_ _ rite dn the istaes ?2每天检查一下你的词汇笔记是个好主意。_ _ _ _ _ _ ur vabular nteb ever da 3读读英报刊怎么样? _ _ _ English nespapers ? 4每天尽量记住 8-10 个单词。_ _ _ eight r ten rds a da 你最好有一个笔友并经常相互写信。_ _ _ a pen friend and rite t _ _ 2 掌握现在完成时的用法(1) 1) 现在完成时由助动词

7、have /has+动词的过去分词构成,其各种句型由 have /has 变化而成。表示过去发生的事情对现在造成的影响和结果,如:我已经看过今天的报纸了。 (不想再看了)I _alread _ tdas nespaper 他作业做完了。 (可以休息了)He _ _ his her , s he an have a rest 2) 还可以表示到目前为止曾经经历或没经历过的事情,如。我打过高尔夫球。I _ _ glf 我没吃过西餐I _ _ _ estern fd 3) 要注意现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。虽然这两个时态都和过去发生的事情有关,但现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系,如对现在造成的结

8、果和影响等,而一般过去时只表示过去的事实,强调动作发生在过去的时间,不表示和现在的关系,如:1I _ the estern eal t ears ag , but I _hinese fd befre A tried / ate B have tried / have never eaten ate / have never eaten D ate / ill eat2- _u _ the fil ?-es, It is ver ving-hen _u _ it?-T ears agA Have seen/ did, see B Have, seen / have, seenDid, see

9、/did, see D Did, see / have, seenV写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词,并尽力找出规律。live _ _ pla _ _tr _ _ stp _ _eat_ _ tae _ _find _ _ send _ _ VI 按要求完成下列句子。1 e invited se friends t g t ur part (用现在完成时改写句子)_ 2 ever ,has ,she , visited , Paris , (?) (连词成句)_3 I have taen an phts in Beiing ( 改为一般疑问句并作出肯定回答 ) _4 你参加过写作比赛吗?_u _

10、 _ a riting petitin?他以前环游过世界。He _ _ arund the rld _五、 知识点运用。VII 用所给词的适当形式填空。1 H abut _( listen) t the radi in English ?2 I en _ (ath) English fils, but it taes a lng tie3 S befre u begin, tae a deep breath and sile! Siling alas_ (help)4 Its diffiult _ ( understand ) TV prgraes in English Listening t

11、 real English is a great a _ (learn) EnglishV 单项选择。1 I ant t reeber all the ne rds, I _, but I frget the quilA rite dn the B rite it dn rite dn it D rite the dn 2 hinese is diffiult t learn, hat abut _ the se _? A give /advie B giving, advies giving, advie D give, advise3 -H abut listening t se English sngs?-_A es, I ill B Than u es, please D Thats a gd idea4 -_ d u ant ?-Thats all , Than u A hat B hat ther H D hat else _ tr t learn se



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