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1、2016 年九年级英语上 12 月月考试卷(有答案)鄂州市梁子湖区 2016 年秋九年级月考英语试卷第一部分 听力测试 听力测试。 (共三节,20 小题,满分 2 分)第一节:听对话,选图画。听下面对话,从 A、B、三幅图画中选出正确的一幅。每段材料仅读一遍。 (每小题 1 分,共分)1 A B 2A B 3 A B 4 A B A B 第二节:听对话,选答案。听下面四段对话,根据对话内容,从A、B、三个选项中选出最适当的答案。每段对话读两遍。 (每小题1 分,共 10 分)听第 6 段材料,完成第 6 至 7 题。6 hat is Tina bus ith?A Her shl exa B H

2、er trip plan Her suer reprt7 H des Tina lie atts suggestin abut aping?A Strange B Bad Great听第 7 段材料,完成第 8 至 9 题。8 hat tie did the bad thing happen?A 8:30 a B8:13 a 8:03 a9 hat are the ging t d?A Pla ith the pepleB G t see theDnate se ne and lthes听第 8 段材料,完成第 10 至 12 题。10h did Peter all Laura?AHe ant

3、ed t invite her t the ftball gae B He anted t n hether she uld get a tiet fr hi He didnt n h t get t the stadiu 11hat advie did Laura give Peter?A T set ff earl B T bu his tiets at ne T ath TV at he 12H did Laura n there uld be an peple at the stadiu?AShe athed the TV nes B She heard f it fr a frien

4、d f hers She ust guessed s 听第 9 段材料, 完成第 13 至 1 题。13hat d e n abut ar?A She ant deide here t g B She has t an pitures t sh She an t thin f a tpi fr her psitin 14hat des a suggest ar d?A Tae a trip B Ride a hrse rite abut her trip1h des a have t leave?A Hes gt t rite his n psitin B Hes ging t p a fr

5、the trip He s ging t pi up se phtgraphs 第三节:听短,选答案。听下面一篇短,根据短内容,从 A、B、三个选项中选出最适当的答案。短读两遍。 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)16 here did the str happen?A In Frane B In England In Aeria17 H did the speaer g t the next tn?A n ft B B ar B lift18 hat language did the sa “gd rni ng”?A Frenh B English hinese19 h did the ung

6、 an ave t the speaer?A He anted t spea t the speaerB He regnized the speaerHe anted t as fr a lift20 h is the ung an?A An Aerian BAn English A Frenh 第二部分 语言知识运用单项选择(共 1 小题,每小题 1 分,共 1 分)从 A、B、 、D 四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。21 - I didn t see u at the beginning f the part last night- I _ n reprt at that tieA

7、 red B r as ring D a ring22 - I dn t n if he _ tda - I thin if he _ , he _A ill e, is free, ill e B es, is free, ill eill e, is free, es D es, is free, es23 _the sall tn is!A hat beautiful B hat a beautiful H beautifull D H beautiful24 - Please be quiet ur teaher is ing-It be ur teaher She has gne t

8、 BeiingA ust B ant a D ustnt2I et ld teaher in the street A b istae B b aident in publi D in future26 The huse ith a big garden the ld anA belng B belng t belngs t D belngs27 He felt hen he heard the bad nesA uneas B valuable nderful D tin28 Sart phnes in the lassr A arent alling B arent alledis all

9、ed D is alling29 I g t shl n ft But n I g t shl b shl busA a used B a used t used t D is used t30 -H is Nan getting n ith her lessns?-She nt ath up ith thers _she studies harderA after B unless as sn as D hen31 -I ant understand_ u said-Thats_ u didnt listen t e arefullA that, beause B hat, h hih, h

10、 D hat, beause32 - H an I iprve English re quil? - _ listening and reading reA AtB Thrugh BD n33 - Bad lu! I lst allet again!- _ ure alas t areless ith itA It taes tie B Its a piee f ae It serves u right D It depends34As the ppulatin f this it has greatl _, it ill bee re and re rdedA inreased B deve

11、lped iprved D reated3 - hat ere u and the teaher taling abut ? - He ndered_ A h as I late again Bhat I have dn eh uld I n the anser D here I uld visit this suer完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短,从 A、B、 、D 四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。I sure an peple are ring hard fr a lt f ne,a big huse,a ne ar,expensive lthe

12、s and s nThse are nsidered t be sbls f (36)n the aterial levelhen I as ung,I as als (37) reahing fr aterial suessS I hse a b as a salesan and I did ae se prett gd neBut later I realized that as nt hat I anted, beause I as ften fred t sell prduts that ight nt be gd fr ustersI bee ver unhapp (38) I ul

13、d ae a lt f neI n lnger felt prud f b and even (39) self fr ding things lie thatS I (40) b and t anther b,this tie helping peple(41)The sense f belnging as great and suddenl I felt suessful in life again,I ade less ne but I as (42) ith selfFr n past,suess es fr the feeling f satisfatin and I feel su

14、essful hen I lve hat I d,nt aring s uh abut (43)And I feel the st suessful hen I (44) indnessS,be (4) t urself:learn t listen t the vie fr the btt f ur heartAnd find ur n a ith a happ heart t ahieve ur n suess36AluBsuesssafetDhpe37AsadlBhardlrazilD hnestl38AifBsineuntilDalthugh39Al dn upnBl up tl th

15、rughDl int40Aade upBgave upset upDturn up41Ain dangerB in rderin needDin surprise42AstritB heerful angrD satisfied43AtrustBlveneDhealth44AthrBspreadellDlend4AtrueB bravefriendlDterrible第三部分 阅读理解阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)阅读下面短,根据短内容,选择最佳选项或按要求完成任务。 AThe Fl Art Sh The best hane t learn abut lal art and ulturepen: tber 20-2rganizer: it useuAddress: 110 entur RadTelephne: 72314431 San the QR de (扫描二维码 ) t get re infratin and b tietsThe it Fler Shpen: tber 8-17Prie: ¥0 fr eah adul


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