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1、20162017 八年级上学期期末英语复习资料(Unit6)20162017 八年级上学期期末英语复习资料(Unit6)同学们,这份复习资料是唐老师精心准备的,希望你们能够认真复习,取得棒棒的成绩 !五年级上学期期末英语复习资料八年级上册英语 Unit6I re utging than sister知识点【重要词组】1 tin sister 双胞胎姐妹2 as u an see 正如你所看到的3 in se as 在某些方面4 l the sae 看起一样l different 看起不同6 re than 超出7 asas 与一样 nt asas 不如8 in n 共同的9a little t

2、aller 高一点10 g t lts f parties 经常参加聚会 = ften g t the part11has l lthes 有漂亮的衣服12is ppular in shl 在学校受欢迎13 is gd at sprts 擅长体育14 ae e laugh 使我发笑 ( ae sb d )1ppsite vies 相反的观点16 st f “ 中的大多数 ”17 Its nt neessar t “某事没有必要”18 be different fr 与不同 19 beat sb in sth 在某方面打败某人20 a eeend teaher 周末教师21 priar shl

3、students 小学生22have gd grades 成绩出色23 be gd ith hildren 善于与孩子相处24en telling es 喜欢讲笑话(en ding)2ant stp taling 不能停止讲话(stp ding)【要掌握的句子】1 Patrn is funnier than Paul Tina is taller than Tara T is re athleti than Sa2 He has shrter hair than Sa = His hair is shrter than Sas 2 In se as e l the sae, and in se

4、 as e l different3 Liu ing is nt as gd at sprts as her sister4 I thin a gd friend aes e laughI lie t have friends h are lie e 6 Its nt neessar t be the sae 【语法知识】1)形容词的作用:形容词在句子中一般充当表语、定语和宾语补足语,如:ur shl ls ver beautiful (表语)e need a big lassr (定语)Ding rning exerises an ae us health (宾语补足语)2)形容词的级别:

5、即原级、比较级和最高级。当讨论的对象是一个时应使用原级,当讨论的对象是两个时应使用比较级,当讨论的对象在三个或更多时应使用最高级。(1)形容词比较级用法:形容词比较级用法用于两者之间的比较,后常跟比较连词 than 表被比较的对象。为避免重复 than 引导的从句中有些与主句相同的部分常省略,而把相比较部分突出。例: His hair is lnger than his fathers = He has lnger hair than his fatherIts htter in Shanghai than in Beiing hina is bigger than an ther untr

6、in Asia(2)形容词比较级的构成:(重要知识点) 规则变化在词尾加-er 以不发音的 e 结尾的单音节词和少数以-le 结尾的双音节词直接加-r 以辅音加结尾的变为 i 加-er, 重读闭音节以辅音字母结尾的双写结尾的辅音加-er 有的双音节和多音节的词,在词前加 re 构成比较级。此外还有个别词为不规则变化。 例:gd / ell - better / best an / uh- re - st(3)形容词比较级前还可用 uh, even, a little 修饰例: This it is uh re beautiful than befre Shes a little re utgi

7、ng than e(4) “比较级+and+比较级”意为“越越” 注:多音节比较级用“re and re+形容词原级”形式。例: The grup beae re and re ppular() “hih / h is + 比较级?”比较 A、B 两事物,问其中哪一个较时用此句型。例: hih T-shirt is nier, this ne r that ne?【单元知识点】1 Here are the phts f e and sister Liu ing Here / There 开头的句子需倒装。 例:Here is ur b 主语为代词时,谓语还是放在主语之后。 例: Here u

8、are (倒装句的典型句子)谓语为行为动词表正在进行。 例: There ges the bell 铃响了。2 As u an see, in se as e l the sae, and in se as e l different“A and B l the sae”看上去一样。 例: Lil and Lu l the sae “A l lie B ”看上去像 例:Lil ls lie Lu 此处 l 意为“看起” 系动词,后跟形容词。例:l ung / ld / tired / nie3 e bth have bla ees and bla hair, althugh hair is s

9、hrter than hers(1) bth“两个、两者都 ”,作副词时常放在 be 动词之后,实义动词之前。例:Bth (f ) his parents are dtrs (作代词)= His parents are bth dtrs (作副词)The bth ent aping in the hlida (作副词)bth and 两者都 例:Bth English and ath are ver iprtant注:bth 指两者都,all 指三者或三者以上都。(2)althugh 与 thugh 常可互换,表“虽然、即使、尽管”, 都不能与 but 用于一句话中。但 thugh 用得更普遍

10、。此外 thugh 可作副词,在句尾表“然而”,althugh 不能。例:There are se differenes, thugh4 She has re than ne sister 她不止有一个姐姐。 re than “超过”rethan“比多” 例:He has re bs than e The have se things in n (in n 共同的)6 Li ing is nt as gd at sprts as her sister(1)asas同级比较,两个“as”之间必须使用形容词或副词原级。意为“如同 一样”, nt as / s as“不如”例:He runs as

11、quil as his father例:She desnt stud s / as hard as her brther (des)7 I thin a gd friend aes e laughae sb d sth 让(使)某人做某事( ae 后跟不带 t 的不定式)例:His rds ade us feel s exiting8 friend is the sae as e He lies t d the sae things as e I lie t have friends h are different fr e (be)different fr 和不同(be)the sae as 和相同例:His life stle is quite different fr urse read the sae b as u shed us last tie9I lie t have friends h are lie e 比较:lie t d / lie ding “喜欢”动词 ; be lie “像”介词(l lie )10 en telling esen sth / ding sth 喜欢(做)某事(物)11 He alas beats e in tennis beat in “赢了”



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