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1、2016 年 3 月四年级英语下册竞赛试题(译林版有答案)201-2016 学年第二学期四年级英语竞赛试题 20163题号一二三四五六七总分卷面得分一、抄写句子,要求规范整洁美观。 (分)This is aa, shes ver nie But shes a bit sh This is s Sart Shes a nie teaher 二、单项选择。 (10 分) ( ) 1 This is little brther, _is ver naughtA his B shes hes( ) 2 Tda is ednesda and trr is _A nda B Thursda Frida(

2、) 3 Rbts an _ A tal B taling taled( ) 4 Its a b _sprts A f B abut fr( ) It ill be _trr A sn B sunn rain ( ) 6 This panda is shrt, but that ne is _A lng B fat tall( ) 7 Next Tuesda Shanshan ill _ her therAhelp B helping helps( ) 8 huse is ver sall, _ its ver beautifulA and B but s( ) 9 e are ging t _

3、 a pini trrA have B has had( )10 -h nt pla basetball ith us?-_I ill d her A S B Beause And三、读问题,选择正确的答案。 (10 分)( )1hats that? A Its huse( )2Is aa ver nie? B N, I nt( )3 an u anser the all n? Beause trr is Frida( )4 hse huse is it? D Its a rbt( ) Is it ur b? E es, she is( )6 hat ill u d next ee? F es

4、, it ill( )7 ill it be ht in Haiu? G N, I an t( )8Are u lever? H Ill read bs( )9ill u tae ur ball? I es, I a( )10h nt? N, its aas四、补全对话。 (10 分)Aill it be sunn in Beiing?B Ill g t Beiing ith parents es, I illDh nt?E ill u tae ur her?Daing: Hi, Sa hat ill u d this Sunda?Sa : _ Daing: _Sa :N, it ill ra

5、in n SundaDaing: h! ill u tae ur ubrella? Sa : _ Daing:_Sa : N, I nt Daing:_ Sa :Beause I have finished her tda Daing: Have a nie da! 五、连词成句。 (10 分)1 a Lndn it big is()2 pla I Tuesda ill ith friends n ()3 t a ere have n ging Saturda pini ()4 rain ill Haiu it in(?) ur tae u trr ill ball(?)六、写单词。 (分)1

6、 This_ is big, but that ne is sall2ill it be _ trr ?3 ne da, ill d everthing 4hat ill the _(天气) be tda?The Queens huse is ver _(美丽的 )七、阅读短,判断对错。 (10 分)Next ee is a hlida n nda, it ill be sunn Sa ill pla ftball n ednesda it ill rain, s A ill pla the flute at he It ill be ind n Frida, and Daing ill fl ites in the par Lingling ill visit her granda n Frida and Saturda n Sunda Sa, A ,Lingling and Daing ill have a pini ( )1 n nda, it ill be sunn and ar( )2 A ill pla the flute n ednesda( )3 The ill g t the par n Sunda( )4 It ill rain n Frida ( ) Lingling ill fl ites n Frida



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