2014年八年级英语下册module 3 unit1导学案(外研版)

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1、2014 年八年级英语下册 Module 3 unit1 导学案(外研版)dule 3 urne t spaeUnit 1 Has it arrived et?学案学习目标:1 熟记本单元所学的新单词,短语及日常用语,并能准确运用2 掌握含有 alread, ust, et 现在完成时现在完成时句型教学重难点1 重点句子:Ive ust ade a del spaeshipHas it arrived et?Astrnauts have alread been t the n2 难点:现在完成时的应用。学习过程:前延伸: 前朗读 :根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促

2、使学生迅速进入学习状态。二、内探究:(一) ,Listening1 Listen and nuber the rds as u hear the earth land essage n nes planet reah sientist2 Listen again and plete the ntes nes abut the trip t (1) _ urne f (2) _ nths has nt sent ba an (3) _ et hpe t find (4) _ n ars3 Listen t the nversatin and he the true sentenes( ) 1 D

3、aing has ust ade a del spaeship fr the shl pret( ) 2 The spaeship t ars has arrived( ) 3 N ne has been t the n( ) 4 There arent an astrnauts in the spaeship t ars ( ) The have disvered life n ars(二 ) Reading 1 N read the nversatin and anser the questins1) hat shl pret have Daing and Tn gt?2) H des D

4、aing feel abut the shl pret?3) hat nes has Tn heard?4) Has anne been t ars? h?2 plete the passage ith the rret fr f the rds in the bxn tdas nes, Tn has heard that sientists have (1) _ a spaeship t ars and it has (2) _ n the (3) _ after a urne f several nths fr the earth Sientists have nt (4) _ life

5、n ars () _ And n astrnaut has ever been t ars beause it is ver far aa(三 )、Language pints: hat are u up t? 你在忙什么?(Unit1)be up t 意为 “忙于,从事,正在做”,常用于口语中翻译:我最近没见你,忙什么呢?I haven t seen u these das reentl, _S the have disvered life n ars? 那么他们在火星上发现生命了吗?(Unit1)disver 为及物动词, 意为“_”辨析:disver/ find/ inventdisve

6、r 表示 “偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误。find 意为“发现,找到 ”,指对某种事物的寻找,强调找的结果,其后可接名词或从句。invent 意为“ 发明”,指经过认识和实践创造出以前没有的东西。【Exerise 】h _ Aeria?A fund B disvered invented D led3 Astrnauts have alread been t the n But n ne has been t ars科学家们已经去过月球。但是没有人去过火星。试比较:1) I have been t Beiing tie2) Astrnauts have been t th

7、e spae statin The returned last ee3) T has gne t Aeria He ill return next ee4) Lingling and Daing have gne t Shanghai The ill sta there fr five das have/has been t 去过某地(已经回) Have/has gne t 去了某地(还未回)牛刀小试:(1)-here have u been?-I have _ t the superaret(2)-here is Lingling? She is nt here n-She has _ t

8、the z(3)Tn has _ t England an ties He ants t g there again(4)-Have u _ t the hspital t see s ang?-es, I have4 Graar:朗读下面 4 个句子:1)Has it arrived itet?2)Ive ust ade this del f the spae statin)3I havent started it et4)But astrnauts have alread been t the n比较:alread 表示已经,用于_句,放在句_或_et 表示,尚,未用于_和_句,放在句_u

9、st 表示刚刚用于_句,放在句_-【即学即练】 用 ust, alread, et 填空:(1)Theve _seen the fil tie Its nderful(2)David has _e ba fr Ne r(3)u, Ive _finished her an I pla ftball?(4)Theve _heard the nes N, there taling abut it()Xia ing hasnt returned _ His ther is angr(6)Have the students fund the lst dg _?(7)N ne fr ther planet

10、s has sent us a essage_ (四) 、当堂达标检测1 用 have/has gne 或 have/has been 1)-here are the b students ?-The _ t the shl fatr2)- Is ur father at he?- N, he _ t Shenzhen-_he ever _ there befre ?-es, he _ there several tie2 用动词的适当形式填空:1) I _ust_(eat) se ie rea2) The_( nt find) an life n ars et3) Lu _(sh) her

11、del t usalread3 单项选择:1)The _t Aeria last earA have travelled B travel travelled2) I a listening t the nes _the radi abut the ar in IraqA in B n f3) “_ des it tae?” “It taes half an hur”A H lng B H sn H far D H ften4) He prised t pi e up at the shl gate Hever, he _ et A didnt arrive B desnt arrive isn t arrivingD hasnt arrived) -Have u heard the nes _?-N, nt _ A alread ; alread B et ; alread et ; et D reentl ; alread三、后拓展:1 Read and rite the phrases 2 Previe Unit 2



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