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1、2014 年八年级英语下册期末复习试卷 unit5-6(仁爱版)13-14 学年八下期末复习试卷(一)unit 6一、选择填空。 (3 分)( )1 The bring fil n TV ae e t sleepA ants B t ant ant ( )2 ihael ften spends his eeends his grandparentsA ith B in n ( )3 “Its a piee f gd nes” “es gd nes it is!”A hat B hat a H ( )4 Lve e ne re, is s that I r again and againA ve

2、d B ving ves ( ) The an is s sad beause the pr businessA as B fr f( )6 The sile n her fae shs that she is _ her rA rried abut B srr fr pleased ith D tired f ( )7 r Lee ill be happ beause he ill get tiets TitaniA t B in n ( )8 I ant t live _ befreA as happier as B as happil as as happ as( )9 A: hat H

3、elen ?B: She is helpful She alas helps thers in needA is; lie B des; l lie ls; lie ( )10Listen! The birds are singing happil in the tree Sunds _I lie it ver uhAseet Bnis bad ( )11 There is in Tdas nespaper Its dullA nthing ne B anthing ne ne nthing D ( )12 It is iprtant fr us English ellA studing B

4、stud t stud ( )13 ie, I nervus abut seeing the dentist A Tr t ae ur life re interesting B al dn and relax Itll be Relax befre ging t bed ( )14 r Lee ants e t give in frnt f the lass ever daA a speeh B speaing speeh ( )1 e an t ae befre e thin it ver arefullA deide B deisin a deisin ( )16 ur ath teah

5、er is ver strit us and he is als ver strit his rA ith, ith B abut , ith ith, in ( )17 I u t be pleased ith rA thin B ish hpe ( )18 h is aria unhapp? Beause she the exaA failed B passed didnt fail ( )19 His hinese is as his EnglishA as ell B s ell as gd ( )20 ther usuall gets used t lateA g t bed B g

6、ing t bed getting t the bed( )21 Hell rite t e as sn as he BeiingA arrives in B arrive in arrived in ( )22 Shanghai lies he east f hinaA t B in at ( )23 I hen I heard the nes A uld help ring B uldnt help ring uld r ( )24 I a present fr hi, but I didnt A reeiveaept B reeivedaept aeptedreeive ( )2 It

7、t e t finish rA ne and half hurs B ne and a half hurst hurs and half ( )26 Its eas bies beause the need less spaeA t par B par paring ( )27 Its nt safe fr u a bus befre it A t get ffstp B get ffstpst get ffstps ( )28 Please reeber ur shlbag hen u leaveA taing B t tae bring ( )29 Please get up earl t

8、 ure nt late fr shlA be sure f B find ut ae sure ( )30 His ther as ing hile his father A as reading a nespaper B as reading nespaperis reading a nespaper ( )31 Bs and girls, uld u lie a spring field trip?A t g n B ging n t g up ( )32 - I ging t unt Hua trr ith the- A B ith pleasure Have a gd trip( 3

9、3 If everne the rules, the traffi ill be better and saferA bes B t be be ( )34 I ne nthing abut the str sister tld e last SundaA sine B until after ( )3 u an the useful infratin abut the explring n the Internet if u antA find ut B find l 二、 完形填空。 (10 分)从各题所给的 A、B、和 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Sene sas, “Tie is ne

10、” But I thin tie is 1 iprtant than ne h? Beause hen ne is spent, e an get it ba Hever, hen tie is 2 , it ill never 3 This is 4 e ust nt aste(浪费)tiee thin that is usuall liited(有限) Even a send is ver iprtant e shuld ae full use f ur tie t d 6 usefulBut it is a pit that a lt f peple d nt n the iprtane

11、 f tie The spent their liited tie sing, drining and 7 The d nt n that asting tie eans asting part f their n 8 In a rd, e shuld save tie e shuld nt 9 tdas r fr trr Reeber e have n tie t 10 ( )1 A uh B less uh less D uh re( )2 A st B bught gne D finished( )3 A return B arr tae D bring( )4 A hat B that

12、 beause D h( ) A ne B tie da D fd( )6 A nthing B sething anthing D things( )7 A reading B riting plaing D ring( )8 A tie B fd ne D life( )9 A stp B leave let D give( )10 A lse B save spend D tae三、 情景交际。 (10 分)根据情景,补全对话, 分)A I ang LinB hih ind d u ant?e ant t lib untain LuD And hat abut the prie?E Id

13、 lie t b se tiets, pleaseA: Hell, Zhengzhu Raila Statin an I help u?B: es 1 A: All right T here?B: 2 S ell b the tiets t the nearest statin n Saturda eveningA: Starts at 10:0 p and arrives at 11:00 a t Lushan Raila Statin, iangxi PrvineB: That s nie 3 A: eve gt tiets at¥100 fr the hard sleeper and ¥

14、180 fr the sft sleeper 4 B: Id lie t b 10 tiets fr the hard sleeperA: All right 10 hard sleeper tiets Please llet and pa fr the tiets befre 6:30 p And ur nae? B: Than u! 根据所给情景,从 A、B、三个选项中选出最佳答案。1-I terribl ill I ging t die-_ uve ust aught a bit f ldA I afraid u are B Never ind I thin s2-uld u lie t

15、 pla ser this afternn r trr?-_ I ant ait t pla itATrr BThis afternn Neither3-Hell! a I spea t Sall ? -This is Sall _?A Are u Lu B h are u hs that4-ur lassate,ane, fell dn fr her bie and hurt herself -_AGlad t hear that BIt dest atter Srr t hear that-uld u ind lsing the ind? Its ind tda-_Ill d it right nAes, I uld BNt at all G ahead四 阅读理解(1 分)(A)ung peple an have prbles ith their inds Se students bee rried beause the have t stud ver hard thers have truble getting n ell ith peple lie their parents and lassates iu, a send ear unir



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