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1、2014 年八年级下册英语 Unit7 课文详解Unit 7 hats the highest untain in the rld?Setin ALanguage Gal: Tal abut gegraph and naturegegraph dfi地理nature 自然1a ath the fats u nQlangal: abut 9,600,000 square ileters in sizeThe Sahara1,02 eters deepThe aspian Sea n si:6,671 ileters lngThe Nilel8,84443 eters highsquare 不可数

2、名词,意为“平方”。 The ld it vers an area f abut 326 square ileters 这个古老城市的面积大约是 326 平方千米。16 is the square f 4 十六是四的平方。(1)square 作可数名词,意为“正方形” 。The ies ere in the fr f squares 那些饼干是正方形的。square 作可数名词,意为“广场;街区”。Tiananen Square 天安门广场e live three squares fr the shl 我们住在离学校三个街区的地方。1b Listen and plete the sentene

3、s1 Qlanga is _higher_ than an ther untain in the rld2 The Sahara is _the biggest_ desert in the rld3 The aspian Sea is _the deepest_ f all the salt laes4 The Nile is _the lngest_ river in the rldppulatin 是一个集合名词,意为“人口”(1 )ppulatin 常与定冠词 the 连用,作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。The rlds ppulatin is inreasing fast

4、er and faster 全世界的人口增长得越越快(2)当主语是表示“ 人口的百分之几、几分之几” 时,谓语动词用复数形式。Abut sevent perent f the ppulatin in hina are farers 中国大约有百分之七十的人口是农民。(3)有时 ppulatin 可用作可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。Ne r is a big it ith a ppulatin f ver 10 illin 纽约是一个有一干多万人口的大城市。(4)表示人口的“多” 或“少”,不用“uh”或 “little”,而要用“large” 或“sall”India has a large p

5、pulatin 印度人口众多。Singapre has a sall ppulatin 新加坡人口少。 () 询问某国、某地有多少人口时,不用“H uh ?而用“H large?问具体人口时“hats the ppulatin f ?”H large is the ppulatin f ur hetn?你们家乡有多少人口 ?hat is the ppulatin f anada? 加拿大的人口有多少 ?1 Use the infratin in 1b t ae nversatinsA: hat is the highest untain in the rld?B: Qlanga2a Liste

6、n and nuber the fats 1-4 in the rder u hear the6,300 ,000 ,464 300_4_The angtze River is abut _6,300_ileters lng and the ell River is _,464_ ileters lng_2_hina has the biggest ppulatin in the rld Its a lt bigger than the ppulatin f the US_1_hina is ver _,000_ ears ld It has a uh lnger histr than the

7、 US The US is nt even _300_ ears ld_3_hina is alst as big as the US, but t is the biggest untr in Asia2b Listen again and fill in the blans in 2a ith the nubers in the bx2 ae nversatins using the infratin in 2aA: Did u n that hina is ne f the ldest untries in the rld?B: es, I did Its uh lder than un

8、tr2d Rle-pla the nversatinGuide: Feel free t as e anthing n tdas Great all turTurist 1: H lng is the all?Guide: Ah, the st ppular questin! If ere nl taling abut the parts fr the ing Dnast, its abut 8,80 ileters lng This aes it the lngest all in the rldTurist 2: , that s aazing! h did the anient eper

9、rs build the all?Guide: The ain reasn as t prtet hina As u an see, its quite tall and ide As far as I n, there are n an-ade bets as big as thisTurist 3: Is Badaling part f the ing Great all?Guide: es, its the st faus partfeel free“随便,轻松” 。I lve r, and I feel free 我喜欢我的工作。我觉得我现在自由自在feel free t d sth

10、随意做某事If u need help ith anthing, please feel free t as e如果有什么需要我帮助之处尽管找我,请不要客气。 Feel free t eat dinner here antie 你随时都可以这里吃晚餐!tur 可数名词,意为“旅行;旅游” 。e are planning a tur arund the rld 我们正计划环球旅行。prtet 及物动词, “保护;防护”Therere feer anials Its iprtant fr us t prtet the 动物们越越少,对于我们说保护它们很重要。(1)prtetfr/against保护

11、使不受;防御。He is earing sunglasses t prtet his ees fr the strng sunlight 他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。prtetin 不可数名词,意为“保护,防御”The hat ill give prtetin against the sun 这顶帽子可遮阳。under the prtetin f 在的保护下。The his are under the prtetin f the hen 小鸡们处在母鸡的保护下。3a Read the artile and ath eah paragraph ith the ain ideasParagrap

12、h 1Spirit f libers 登者的精神Paragraph 2 Ahieveents f libers 登者的成就Paragraph 3 Fats and dangers 事实与危险Qlangathe st Dangerus untain in the rld?ne f the rlds st dangerus sprts is untain libing, and ne f the st ppular plaes fr this is the Hialaas z The Hialaas run alng the suthestern part f hina f all the unt

13、ains, Qlanga rises the highest and is the st faus It is 8,84443 eters high and s is ver dangerus t lib Thi luds ver the tp and sn an fall ver hard Even re serius diffiulties inlude freezing eather nditins and heav strs It is als ver hard t tae in air as u get near the tpthi 形容词,此处意为 “浓的,稠的”,反义词为 thi

14、nThe ld an lies t eat thi sup 那个老人喜欢喝浓汤。(1)thi 作形容词,意为 “厚的”。His English-hinese ditinar is ver thi 他的英汉词典很厚:thin 作形容词,意为 “茂密的,密集的”。a thi head f hair 一头浓密的头发thi 作形容词,意为 “粗的,粗壮的”。There is a thi tree in the ard 院子里有一棵粗壮的树。inlude 及物动词,意为“包括,包含”,指包含其中的一部分。The prie inludes bth huse and furniture 这个价格包括房子和家

15、具The lass f tent inludes eight girls 全班二十人中包括八个女生。inlude 作动词,还可意为“算在内;列在里面” 。Please inlude e in ur grup 请把我算在你们组内。 inluded 形容词,无比较等级,一般位于名词或代词之后,意为“包括在内”Everne laughed, e inluded 每个人都笑了,包括我在内。inluding 介词,意为“ 包括;包含在内、和其后的名词/ 代词一起形成介宾短语。There are 40 students in the lassr, inluding e 包括我在内,教室里有40 名学生。f

16、reezing 形容词,意为“结冰的; 冻冰的”It as freezing ld that rning 那天早晨非常冷。(1)freezing 可用作名词, “冰点”。The teperature is bel freezing 气温在零度以下freeze 是动词, “结冰,凝固”。ater freezes bel freezing 冰点以下时水结冰。nditin 名词, “条,状况”既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。Its terrible t stud in suh nditins 在这种状况下学习很糟糕。e are interested in the r nditins in Afria 我们对非洲的工作状况感兴趣。The plaer is in ver gd ndit



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