2014年八年级下册英语module 3 unit2导学案(外研版)

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1、2014 年八年级下册英语 Module 3 unit2 导学案(外研版)dule 3 urne t spaeUnit 2 e have nt fund life n an ther planets et学习目标:1 知识目标:掌握重点单词和词组的意思及用法2 能力目标:T rite abut spae travel using present perfet tense3 情感目标:通过本的学习增加学生的天知识,培养学生的民族意识。重点难点整体把握,理清思路。并能根据科学故事图片写短。学习过程:前延伸Read the ne rds befre lass内探究:(一) 、情景导入: r in p

2、airs L at the piture and tal abut hat u n abut hinese spaeships (二)多层阅读:I Fast reading Read the passage and hse the best title fr it ()( ) 1 Anne ut there? ( ) 2 Life n earth( ) 3 The sun and the stars ( ) 4 The stars at nightII areful reading Read again, he ( )the true sentenesThe earth is a star (

3、 )The sun is a star ( )There is re than ne galax in the universe ( ) The light fr the stars in ther galaxies has travelled fr a lng tie t reah us ( )Sientists have reeived an essages fr spae ( )Spaeships have visited st f the universe ( ) III plete the passage ith the rds and expressin in the bxunia

4、te dubt envirnent nne slar sste universeIs there life n ther planets? There are eight planets in ur _, but _ f the has a(n) _lie that f the earth Spaeships fr the earth have dne surves f ther planets, but the have nt fund an life there h has n ne fr ther planets tried t _ ith us? It is true that sie

5、ntists have nt disvered life n ther planets in the _ et, but se sientists d nt _ that the an find it se da(三 )、 精讲点拨:1 Sientists thin that there has been life n the Earth fr hundreds f illins f ears 科学家认为地球上的生命已经有亿万年了。illins f 数百万 hundreds f 数百thusands f 成千上万 billins f 数十亿eg There are billins f star

6、s in the Galax, and ur sun is nl ne f the银河系中有数十亿颗恒星,我们的太阳只是其中的一个。2 Nne f the has an envirnent lie that f the earth, s sientists d nt thin the ill find life n the 他们中没有一个有像地球这样的环境,因此科学家们认为在他们上面找不到生命。 nne f 表示(三个以上)一个也没有。做主语时,谓语动词可用单数或复数。eg Nne f us has/have been t the ars我们中没一个去过火星。The are ver far a

7、a and their light has t travel fr an ears t reah us 它们离我们很遥远,它们的光必须要经过很多年才能到达地球。reah 为_ 动词,后接宾语。arrive 为_ 动词,后接介词_构成动词短语。介词_ 后接大地方,介词_ 后接小地方。若后跟地点副词 here, there, he 等,介词省略。get 为_ 动词,和介词_ 连用后才可接宾语。若后跟地点副词 here, there, he 等,介词省略。4 S h large is the universe? Its ipssible t iagine所以宇宙有多大?我们无从想象。句型: It i

8、s + 形容词 + t + 动词原形,意思是“做某事很”eg It is diffiult t read these rds 读这些单词很难。ith s an stars in the universe, are e alne, r is there life ut there in spae? 宇宙中有这么多星球,我们是孤独的吗?或者太空中还有其他生命存在呢?ith + 名词 + 介词短语,表示伴随情况,意思是 “带着”。 eg r Zhang is ing ith a b in his hands张老师手里带着一书进了(四):Test: 单项选择:1She _the teahers ffi

9、e u an find her thereA has been t B has gne t has left D ent2 I _t anada Its s beautifulA nt g B have gne dnt g D have been3 -Has Dave e _? -es, she has _been here fr 10 inutesA et, alread B alread, et alread, alread D et, et4 _ur help , I finished the r easilA ith B ithut Under D BelIt s ipssible _

10、 h large is the Galax A iagine B t iagine iagining D iagined我是小小翻译家:1 地球是一颗行星,它围绕着太阳转动。The Earth is a planet and it _ _ the Sun2 我们还没有在其它行星上发现生命。e have nt fund life _ _ _ planets _3 科学家们已经在宇宙中发现了许多其他星系。Sientists have disvered an ther galaxies _ _ _4 太阳系只是我们星系的一小部分。The slar sste is _ _ _ _ ur Galax 宇宙中有这么多的恒星,我们是孤独的吗?太空中还有其他生命吗?_ s an stars _ the universe, _ _ _ _, r _ _ life ut there _ _?三、后拓展:1 Read and rite the phrases 2 Previe Unit 3



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