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1、2016 年秋期七年级英语上学期期末试题(含听力)2016-2017 学年杭锦旗第一学期七年级期末质量检测试题英 语温馨提示:1作答前,请将自己的姓名及其它相关信息填写 在答题纸上相应位置。2答题内容一律填涂或书写在答题纸上规定的位置,在试题卷上作答无效。3本试题共 10 页,八道大题,满分 100 分。考试时间 100 分钟。第卷(选择题 共 6 分)一、听力部分(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与之相符的图片。(分)1 I 听对话,根据所听内容选择相应的图片,对话读两遍。1A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B A B II 听句子,根据所听内容选择

2、正确应答语,句子读两遍。6 A Apple B Ftball T-shirt7 A It as Tuesda esterdaB Its tber It is Frida8 A N, it isnt B Than u es, the d9 A es, please B Tea, please es, Id lie t10 A At he B In the librar In the plagrundIII 听对话,根据所听内容选择正确答案,对话读两遍。听第一段对话,回答 11,12 小题。11 hat is nt entined( 没有提到 ) in the dialgue?AA table B

3、 An English b A penil ase12 here is the English b?A It s in the bapa B Its n the table Its next t the table听第二段对话,回答 131 小题。13 hat are t he taling abut?A A pht BA fail A lass14 h is r Brn?A Bb s teaherB Lus teaher Alies teaher1 h is Bbs ther?A Alie B Lu ennIV 听短,根据所听内容选择正确答案,短读两遍16 here des Alie liv

4、e?A In Shanghai B In an ffie In a shl17 H an lessns des Alie have ever da?A Fur B Three Five18 hat tie des Alie e ba fr r in the afternn?A At five thirt B At six At five19 here des Alie have supper?A n the far B In the shl At he20 H des Alie g t r?A B bus B n ft B bat二 完形填空(每空 1 分,共 10 分,) I have a

5、gd friend_21_nae is Peter e stud in Beiing Sunshine Sendar Shl e are in the sae lass He sits in frnt f _22_ His favurite lessn is usiHe_23_ an Ds He lies _24_usi ver uh He lies plaing ftball, t After shl e ften pla ftball in the _2_ He is ver helpful e ften help eah _26_Peter is nt a hinese He is fr

6、_27_ He es t Beiing_28_his fail His father is a dtr and his ther is a nurse The r fr nda_29_Frida At eeends, his ther lies shpping and his father lies fishing Seties the g t the par The all lie hinese fdThe _30_ver happ21AHe BHis She D Her22AI B ine De23Ahave B has there is Dthere are24Alisten Blist

7、en t listening Dlistening t2Alassr Blibrar plagrund D bshp26Ane Bther thers D se27AEngland Bhinese English DAerian28Afr Bn ith Dfr29Ain Bt ith Df30Abe B a is Dare三 阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) (A)FestivalSpring FestivalhristasHalleenBs DaSbl( 标志) untrhinaestern untriesthe USAapan31 The sbl f Spring Festival

8、 is _A vegetables B duplings trees D fish32 Peple ften put presents n the tree n _ A Spring Festival B Halleen hristas D Thansgiving Da33 Peple elebrate Bs Da in _ A Aeria B hina apan D England 34 hats the passage abut?A Phts B Fd untries D Festivals(B)The girl is friend Lil She is thirteen ears ld

9、She is a student at N 2 iddle Shl She is an English girl She an spea (说) hinese but she an t rite it She lies ding sprts ith her friends Her favurite sprt is table tennis She plas table tennis after shl The b is friend, t His nae is Li ing He is telve ears ld He is fr Shanghai He ges t N 3 iddle Shl

10、 His favurite sprt is ftball He lies English, t His English nae is T 3 here is Li ing fr?A Aeria B England Ne r D hina 36 hats Lils favurite sprt?A Table tennis B Basetball Siing D Ftball 37 hat an Lil NT d?A rite hinese B Spea English Pla table tennis D Spea hinese 38 hih f the flling is TRUE ardin

11、g t the passage ?A Li ing lies plaing basetball B Lil is a hinese girl Lil and Li ing are friends D Lil and Li ing are students()Liu inging is a student at N 17 iddle Shl in Shanghai She is 14 ears ld She lies English and she ften (经常) reads English bs at he She an spea English ell and rite an Engli

12、sh rds She lies spe aing English ith her lassates and teahers at shl Her teahers lie her Liu inging lies usi and she an pla the pian She ften pratises it at he in the rning Liu inging has (有) a happ fail Her father is a rer in a ar fatr and her ther is a htel anager Her father lies sprts His favurit

13、e sprt is table tennis Her ther lies sprts, t But she lies siing hat abut Liu inging? She lies plaing tennis 39 hat des Liu inging d at he ?A Pla the pian B Read English bs r ite English D Bth A and B 40 hats Liu ingings fathers b?A He is a fatr rer B He is a t eaher He is a htel anager D He is a dt

14、r 41 hat sprt des Liu ingings ther lie?ABasetball B Tennis Table tennis D Siing(D)Hell, nae is right I e fr Lndn but I a in Beiing n I live ith parents, little sister and gd friend Pll hat d e lie t d in the evening? I ften d her after I get he ther ften prepares supper, and father ften tells stries

15、 t little sister hat abut at Pll? h, she lies eating fish in the par e ften have supper at seven l N its nine l in the evening hat are fail ding ? father is athing TV in the living r ther is leaning the huse, and sister is sleeping in her r D u n hat I a ding n? I nt sleeping I ging nline t rite an eail t pen friend Le He es fr Sdne here is Pll? L! S he is ling behind the dr42 H an peple are there in rights fail?A T B Three Fur D Five43 h at des right ften d in the evening?A ath TV B lean the huse Read stries D D his her44 hat



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