2011高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit14 freedom fighters

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《2011高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit14 freedom fighters》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2011高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit14 freedom fighters(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2011 高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳 Unit14 Freedom fighters2011 高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳 Unit14 Freed fighters自助式复习板块知识搜索 A 单词1 自由(n)_2 革命;彻底的革命(n) _3 合唱;合唱队;合唱曲(n) _4 分隔;分离(n) _种族;人种;民族(n) _6 游行;集会;证明(n) _7 歧视;区别(n) _8 政治学(n) _9 宗教(n) _10 奴隶制;蓄奴(n) _11 独立;自主(n) _12 偏见;成见(n) _13;回;篇(n) _14 可笑的;荒谬的(ad) _1 无条的;绝对的(ad) _1

2、6 公民的;国内的;职的(ad) _17 谋杀(v) _18 逮捕;拘留;扣留(v) _19 废除;废止(v) _答案:1freed2revlutin3hrus4separatin rae6denstratin7disriinatin8plitis 9religin10slaver 11independene12preudie13hapter14ridiulus 1unnditinal16ivil17urder18arrest19ablishB 短语 20 一看;初见之下 _ _ _21 以开始 _ _22 把投进监狱 _ _ _23 携手;联手;合伙 _ _ _24 没有选举的权利 _ _

3、_ _ _2 为政治权利而斗争 _ _ _ _26 种族歧视 _ _ 27 依赖 _ _ 28 不顾 _ _ 29 遭受;服从 _ _ 30 烧毁 _ _ _ 31 一生;一辈子 _ _ _ 答案:20at first sight21start ith22put in prisn23in hands24have n right t vte2fight fr plitial rights 26raial disriinatin27rest n28regardless f29subet t30g up in flaes31all nes life句型32 e didn t stp taling u

4、ntil he aeIt as _ _ _ _ that e stpped taling33 He as fired, beause he as alas late fr r _ _ _ he as fired as_ he as alas late fr r答案:32nt until he ae33The reasn h; thatD 语法34 楼房正在建造中。The building _3 这种布很好洗。This ind f lth_ 36 运动会要被推迟了。The sprt eeting is_ 37 我昨天挨打了。I _ esterda答案:34is being built 3ashe

5、s ell36t be put ff37gt / as hit重难聚焦重点单词要点 1equal【例题】 (2010 东北三校第二次联合考试,22)en have_ equal sa in affairs at heA an B se /D an解析:have an equal sa 有同样的发言权。答案:D归纳与迁移(1)ad 相等;对能胜任 be equal t sth/ding sthGave ever plaer an equal hane t in给每一个运动员同等的获胜机会。He as equal t the asin他能应付这个局势。hn is quite equal t run

6、ning the pan约翰很能胜任管理这家公司。(2) equal n 相等的人或事物,equalit 平等Is he ur equal in pla hess?他的棋艺跟你一样好吗?(3)v equal sb /sth (in sth)D en and en equal in phsial strength?在体力上男人和女人相同吗?要点 2frbid【例题】e ere_ 10 bs at ne tieA frbid brringB frbad t brrfrbidden brringD frbidden t brr解析:frbid sb t d sth 禁止;不允许。答案:D归纳与迁移(

7、1) frbid sb t d sthThe str frbad us t g ut暴风雨使我们不能外出。The dtr frbids hi t se =The dtr frbids his sing医生禁止他吸烟。(2) frbid sb fr ding sthThe sldiers ere prhibited fr leaving ap after dar天黑后士兵不准离开营房。Frbidden it 紫禁城要点 3regard【例题】 She_ the thers_ fear and ealusA nsiders; asB nsiders; ithregard; asD regard;

8、ith解析:regard sb /sth ith sth 以看待,认为;regard sb /sth as sth把看作。答案:D归纳与迁移(1)v regard sb /sth as sth 把看作I regard hi as a fl 我把他看作一个傻瓜。I have alas regarded hi highl我总把他看得很高。(2 ) regard n 注意;关心;尊敬;问候Please give ur parents arest regards请向您父母转达我最诚挚的祝愿。(3) regarding prep 对于;关于;至于I rte a letter regarding daug

9、hters shl exainatins我写了一封关于我女儿学校考试的信。(4) regardless f 不顾;不管He sas hat he thins, regardless f ther peples feelings他怎么想就怎么说,不考虑别人的情绪。 重点短语要点 1set an exaple t【例题】 Its dut as a teaher t_ the studentsA give an exaple tB set an exaple tfll an exaple fD ae an exaple t解析:give an exaple t 一般指举个例子;set an exap

10、le t 为树立好榜样。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)set (sb ) a gd exaple=set an exaple t sb 为 树立好榜样I rel n u t set a gd exaple t the rers我就靠你为工人们树立个好榜样。(2 ) taeas an exaple 举例fll the exaple f 学习的榜样,照的样子fr exaple 例如 要点 2give vie t【例题】 He gave vie _ his pinin at the eetingA fB abut tD n解析:give vie t “表达、表露 ”。答案:归纳与迁移(1 )表达an un

11、tries gave their vie fr the ust ar很多国家声援这场正义战争。这里的 vie 表示意见;发言权;影响(2)have a/n vie in sth 对某事有/无发言权I have n vie in the deisin我对这个决定没有发言权。I have a vie in the atter我对这个事情是有发言权的。the publi vie 舆论(3)相关短语at the tp f nes vie 高声地ith ne vie 异口同声;一致地必背句型要点 1The reasn his that 理由是【例题】 ne f the reasns_ he is ups

12、et tda is _ he as slded b the teaher _ his being lateA that; beause; frB h; that; frthat; beause; beause fD that; h; fr解析:The reasnis that 句型。the reasn 作主语,表语从句要用 that,而不能用 beause 引导。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)以 the reasn 作主语,表语从句要用 that,而不能用 beause 引导,而 reasn 作先行词,定语从句可以用 that 或 h 引导。eve fund ut the reasn h/that a gt slded 我们找到杰克被指责的原因了。The reasn he did nt e is that he as ill他没是因为他病了。(2 ) beause 和 h 本身可以引导表语从句,beause 强调原因,h 强调结果。u are h his hair bees gra是你使他的头发灰白了。Nbd lies hi It is beause he is selfish and narr-inded 没人喜欢他,因为他又自私又心胸狭窄。


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