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1、2010 届高考英语易错词组精选高考英语易错词组精选1 in turn 一个接一个地 in return 作为回报 I tried t d a gd deed, but this is hat I gt in return,b turns=ne after the ther tae turn t d sth 轮流做某事turn seretar=bee a seretar turn t sb ( fr help ) turn up=appear turn ut=prve t be / prdueturn dn 拒绝=refuse ;音量调低 ;向下翻;2 If she spent five ea

2、rs in Paris, h e she ant spea a rd f Frenh?她假若在巴黎呆了五年,怎麽一句法语都不会说呢?e arss 越过某处;被理解;偶然发现,偶然遇到e int beingexistene出现,开始形成,建立 e int useservie 开始使用 (无被动)e ut 出; 出发;出版;名列;(总数等)达到( + at/t)e t light 泄露(真相) ;被发现f ur stateent des nt thr light n the subet 并没有说明问题e true 实现,变成现实 drea has e true 我的一个梦想实现了。e up 升起;

3、走进;种子生长发育;被提出 e up ith an idea(突然)想出办法3 g all ut t d sth 全力以赴去做某事 =tr ne best t=d hat / all ne an tg bend 超出;超出的能力 g bend nes abilit / iaginatin / ntrlg in fr 参与,参与(竞赛等) ;从事(某项工作) ;爱好,酷爱g ut (火) 熄灭 ,过时了put ut the fire (灭火) put ff 推迟, 延期( put ff the eeting );put dn the rebellin( 镇压 )g ith 相配 (同义词 ath

4、 / g alng ith)4 eep in tuh ith 与保持联系(指状态) get in tuh ith ( 指动作)eep up ur urage 保持勇气,别泄气eep up ith 跟上 ath up ith 赶上l dn upn/ n sb 轻视某人;鄙视某人/某物l n /upn sb/sth as 把看作(近义词组: regardas; treatas; nsideras/t be)l ver 对审阅;粗略地看;翻阅 l up a rd in a ditinar 查阅 l thrugh 透过看(尤指空隙或透明物体等) ;(从头到尾)初略地翻阅l up t sb 尊敬某人l

5、sb in the ee 盯着6 ae neself at he(如同在家一般)随便些,不必客气ae arrangeents fr 为 做安排ae a been line fr 取捷径前往ae r fr 让出地方,腾出空间ae the best f 充分利用 ,尽量利用ae the st f 尽量利用,善于利用ae up fr lst tie/grund 加紧努力补回失去或落后的时间ae neself heard / understd 使自己被别人听到/听懂理解ae gd /n sense 有意义/没意义ae tea/ffee 泡茶/咖啡 ae fr 有助于,使成为 ultural exhan

6、ges ae fr utual understanding7 put aa 放好;收起;把放在原位;储藏 放弃put aside 放在一边;抛弃;暂时不做;留出(时间), 省出(钱)put sth in rder(使)整齐put n eight 增加体重(lse eight 减肥,减少体重)put n ur lthes 穿衣 tae ff ur lthes 脱衣 put an end/stp t 制止,使停止,结束e t an end(某事)结束 end up ith failure 以失败而告终put up ith 和某人住在一起;忍受,忍耐=bear / standput thrugh 做

7、成,完成;接通电话 使通过考试;使经历(难受的事)8 tae sb b surprise (出人意料地)攻占;撞见tae A fr B 把 A 误认为是 Btae sb/sth fr granted 认为是必然情况,视为当然tae sth int aunt/nsideratin 加以考虑;予以重视tae advantage f 利用;占的便宜 tae the pprtunit f 抓住机会;利用(机会)tae harge f 开始负的责;看管;控制tae it eas=Dnt be nervus tae ur tie 从容 Tae ur tie There is still half an h

8、ur lefttae the plae f 代替 f stand fr 代表tae n a ne l 呈现新面貌 tae ff 脱下,起飞tae n sb 雇用 =epl sb=hire sbtae in fresh air=absrbtae up 占据(时间,地方 );从事于 tae up spae / uh tie tae up a it 攻占城市tae up ars (against) 拿起武器反对,武装起与作对 tae ver 接管,接替9 turn dn 拒绝;音量调低 ;向下翻;turn ut 制造出,生产出,培养出;结局是,结果是;原是It turns ut that 知道是,结

9、果证明是It is nes turn t d sth 轮到某人做某事turn ver a ne leaf 重新生活,改过自新turn in sth t sb 上交10 nt a little=uh nt a bit=nt at all=nt in the least-Are u hungr?-Nt a little I uld eat a hrse11 brea aa fr (the Unin )脱离(联邦) get rid f bad habit 去掉 d aa ith 废除12 drp in at a plae drp in n sb 顺便拜访13 due t=aused b The ai

10、dent as due t areless drivinging t=beause f ing t the rain the uld e thans t=as a result f Thans t ur help e ere suessful14 feel lie ding=uld lie t d1 figure ut=iagine=r ut ae ut 辩认,拼凑16 have a gift fr=be talented at17 in shrt 简言之 in a rd 一句话18 n int sb=happen t eet sb n sb dn 撞倒19 let ut a r f surp

11、rise= r ut20 It is n nder that There is n dubt that 21 n sh 在展出 sh ff ne ne lthes 炫耀22 ut f rder=in a ess / sth ges rng in (gd) rder23 pi up sb 开车去接 pi ut=hse24 run shrt f run ut f=use upur supplies have run shrt(不用被动语态)=e have run shrt f supplies2 run fr 竞选 all fr=need send fr a dtr=as sb t g t fet

12、h a dtrappl fr the psitin 申请run int sb=(suddenl) see sb 撞上/碰到26 set abut t d sth=set ut t d sth27 burst ut laughing arr ut a plan 执行 The ar bre ut in late autunHis shes ere rn ut ear ut 穿破28 ut dn the prie 削减 ut ff eletriit 切断29 all ff a eeting=nt hld 取消 see sb ff at the airprt 送行set ff fr the first

13、 destinatin30 brea in 打断/插入 be engaged in 从事31 repl t sb=anser sb sti t sth / t ding sth see t sb=tae are f sb tae t 开始, 喜欢, 沉溺于, 走向, 照料, 求助于, 适应tae t gardening hen ne retires tae t driningget dn t se slid r 认真开始 bet t sth/ ding 反对32 tear up a letter 撕 eep up nes urage 保持 bring up a hild 抚养 brea up

14、a fail 拆散sta up late at night=d nt g t sleep until ver late33 pass aa=die die aa= (sund ) graduall disappear34 ut thrugh=tae a shrtut see thrugh nes triI uldn t get thrugh; the line as bus3 in harge f 负责 in the harge f,意味着在管理下36 add up t 总计 add t=inrease 增加/添加37 all at ne=all f a sudden=suddenl38 give ut 散发,分发,用完 give aa 背弃,泄露,赠送39 eep safet reain safe : f: reaining fd(剩菜剩饭)=leftvert sta safe40 hat d u thin f ur ne b?H d u lie ur ne b ?H d u find ur ne b? 你认为你的新工作怎么样?



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