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1、2014 六年级英语上册 unit3 教案(新版冀教版)13: seasns二教学目标1 学生能够听懂、会说、认读下列单词:seasn, spring, suer, autun, inter 2 学生能够认读,理解并应用下列句子: 三教学重难点1 学生能够听懂、会说、认读下列单词:seasn, spring, suer, autun, inter 2 学生能够认读,理解并应用下列句子: 四教学用具录音机,图片。五教学过程第一时Step1:Sing an English sng” THE NTHS”T: Hell, bs and girlsS: Hell, teaherT: D u reeber

2、 the sng “ NTHS”Ss: es T: Let us sing it tgether,?设计意图:前的歌曲热身,目的是为了集中学生的注意力,把学生的学许热情转移到学习上,设计一些动作让学生边唱边表演,而且十分投入的合唱,让学生快速进入角色,沉浸在浓厚、的英语学习氛围中,全身心的准备开始教学。而且本节中涉及到了四季,很自然的从四季中复习了四季,又从四季为以下的教学作了铺垫。Step2: ne rdsT: The sng u sing is ver gd, N here e have 12 nths, e an divide the 12 nths int 4 seasns D u n

3、 hat are the ?Ss: es S1:Deeber anuar Februar is springS2: arh, April, a is suerS3:une,ul, August is fallS4:Septeber,tber Nveber is interT: u n in different seasns e have different lthesan u tell e se lthes e ear in spring?S1: aet S2:pantsS: T: In suer the teperature is high an u tell e se lthes e ea

4、r in suer?S3: DressS4:Shirt S:T-shirtT: Gd in fall, the teperature is l, an u tell e se lthes e ear in autun?S6: I ear seaterT: u are lever In inter, it is ver ld, an u tell e se lthes e ear in inter?Ss: n设计意图:通过简单问题的提出,学生的思维被全面激活,并且他们被一种成就感包围着,随后我冬季衣着这一问题的提出,自然的引出了今天的新词,学生此时非常渴望的知道冬季衣着该如何用英语的说出。学习兴

5、趣自然非常高昂。T: L, here I have a hat, in inter e an ear a hatD u n hat is this?(出示棉衣的图片)Ss: NT: It is a inter at an u guess hat is inter aet?Ss:棉衣。T: es It is a inter at ,please read after e , at Ss: at (read line b line)T: D u n hat is this ?(出示围脖的图片)(用同种方法学习棉靴,连指手套)设计意图:通过直观教具的帮助,学生能更直观的学习单词,提高记忆效果T: e

6、nn lies inter ver uh, In inter she puts n her inter aet, an u guess the rd “put n”Ss:T: Let us read” put n” ne b neI put n inter at an u sa sething?Ss: I put n sarf Ss: I put n inter bts(让学生到黑板前面贴上相应的图片)设计意图:学生在此活动中,担当着一个小小设计师的角色,他们对自己创造出的美丽的 enn 肯定特别的喜欢,兴趣也会随之高涨。同时也在活动中练习了所学句型。T: L, n It is suer 。T

7、he teperature is high It is 32 degrees, ver ht The suer is ing, enn taes ff her inter aet, d u n the rds” tae ff”?Ss:脱下。设计意图:练习词组,学生在真正的语言情况下学习单词,记忆效果好T: In suer, I tae ff inter aet, I put n shirt h ants t e t the frnt and sa sethingS1: In suer, I tae ff pants , I put n shrts S2: In suer, I tae ff i

8、nter bts, I put n sandals S3: In suer, I tae ff hat, I put n glass S4:In suer, I tae ff sarfS: In suer, I tae ff ittensT: u have dne a ver gd b, e have 4 seasns, Let us see hat enn ear in different seasns ust l at ur bs Read b urself T: an u anser the questins hat d u ear in inter, Spring, suer and

9、fall?(检查学生掌握情况)设计意图:给学生一个自主学习的环境,让学生在以学知识的基础之上,通过小组合作,交流说出一年四季的穿着。并在全班 上说出交流的结果第二时Step 1 aring up1 Sa hell t the SsT: Gd rning, bs and girlsSs :Gd rning, teaherT: Nie t eet u!Ss :Nie t eet u tT: Hs the eather tda?Ss :It s ldT: H s the eather is it?Ss: It s ar(分别出示四幅表示季节的图片,让学生根据图片回答 hs the eather is

10、 it? 练习表示天气的句型)Step 2 Presentatin1Lead-in 以不同季节的不同图片引出 inter spring suer and fall(设计意图:在热身中复习新学单词,并练习询问天气的句型及回答。) 2 Learn senteneA、播放录音,第一遍学生听,第二遍学生跟读。B 小组内练习读,小组展示读。 3Exerise指导学生完成第三部分习题。4Gae:T: lets pla a gae naed guess h I aLessn 14 Sn! Its inter!教学目标: a 知识与技能:1、能够听说读写单词:put n , tae ff, again2、学生

11、能够认读,理解并应用下列句子: I putting n inter hatN I ging t put n atb 过程与方法:运用实物、图片等让学生获得感知采用小组活动的方式,有合作、有竞争情感态度与价值观:让学生了解在不同的季节穿不同的衣服,培养学生的锻炼意识。促使学生在日常生活中使用英语交际。教学重点、难点:1、能够听说读写单词:put n , tae ff, again2、学生能够认读,理解并应用下列句子: I putting n inter hatN I ging t put n at教具、学具:一些衣服实物、单词卡片、滑冰鞋、录音机、雪橇等。教学时 2:第一1、lass penin

12、g and Revie (1)Pla “Sin Sas”复习“put n, tae ff“及所学衣服的词汇,例如:指名到教室前面,教师发指令,Put n ur sarf Tae ff ur itts(2)学生快速描述每位学生根据个人的实际情况说出自己所穿的衣服(可以用自己喜欢的方式)I a earing _I lie red seater is red(3)(As and anser )问答练习(a)H an seasns are there in a ear?(b)hats ur favrite seasn?()hat d u ear in inter/spring/suer/fall?(d

13、)hat d u lie t d in spring/suer/fall/inter?2、Ne nepts (新授)T: anuar is in inter Is the inter ar?S: NT: hat d u ear in inter?S1S2S3S4S: I ear a hat / a sarf / a inter aet / pants and inter bts / ittens(出示 ittens 和 itts 的单词卡片和图片)T: hat des enn ear? here is she ging? Listen t the auditape Find ut the qu

14、estins and dra lines under the passageS1: enn ears her inter aet, hat, sarf and ittensT: Here is enn s lset an u help her put n her inter lthes?(出示 enn 的壁厨)听完录音后,让学生帮助 enn 从衣柜中找冬天的衣服穿,一下子就调动了学生的积极性。Step 3: Tal abut the pitureQ1: H an peple are there in this piture? Q2: h are the?Q3: hat are the ding

15、?Q4: hat an u see?S1: There are six pepleS2: The are enn, Steven, Dann, Li ing, i and r dS3S4S: The are standing /taling/ ling ut f the indS6: I an see uh snT: Guess hs the eather utside?S7: The eather is sn and ldT: es Its a sn da! The eather is ld设计意图:让学生带着问题去观察图,目的是培养学生会看图,培养他们能够自己看图说话的能力。最后一句话为引

16、出下做好铺垫。N1 A ld, sn daa) hat da is tda?b) hat seasn is this?) hat lthes des enn/Li ing ear?d) hat d the see? e) hat des Dann sa?将学生分组,根据所回答的问题变成一段话,并指明复述,也可分组比赛。N2here is Dann? 听录音或放光盘,回答问题:a) hat des Dann lie t d in inter?b) Des Li ing si? h?) hat d u lie t d in inter?指名回答后,分组讨论自己在不同的季节喜欢做的事情。并指名或分组汇报。提高学生的英语会话能力。4、lass lsinghats ur favrite sea


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