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1、2015 中考英语复习补全对话考点跟踪第 40 讲补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项。(2013,安徽)Ann:Than u fr the birthda gift,DadIts the best gift I have ever hadDad :1_Ann:Ive alas anted a puter2_E_Dad :And u need it t hat (聊天) ith ur friends,tAnn:I guess u are right3_G_Dad :Send an eail?Er,ust d lie this4_A_Ann:es,

2、DadI thin its easDad :_F_Ann:I nt,I priseAHave u gt it?B D u need help?I glad u lie itDH an I turn it n?E I need it t d herFust dnt spend t uh tie n itGuld u sh e h t send an eail?补全对话是近年安徽中考考查的热点,该试题通过设置语言环境,把语言知识升华到语言技能,旨在通过书面形式考查学生熟练、灵活运用英语口语的能力,具有较强的综合性,是中考试题中的难点。测试题型常见的形式有:选句子补全对话;写单词、短语或句子补全对话


4、的信息确定对话的情景类型。理顺关系,各个突破:了解对话发生的情景之后,要在头脑中迅速回忆起相关的习惯表达法, 然后再开始答题。答题时应注意理顺上下之间的关系,并利用已知信息推断出正确答案。考生可以先把有把握的空格填好,没把握的可暂时放下不管。然后回过头解决那些暂时确定不了答案的空格。通读全,核对答案:不管做哪种类型的“补全对话” 题,这环节都是必不可少的。因为同学们在做题的过程中难免会出现一些失误。如果最后再仔细检查一遍,就能及时纠正错误,确保答案的准确性。【例 1】阅读下面对话,从方框内 7 个选项中选择个恰当的句子完成此对话。(2013,重庆)A:Hell, this is Lu spea

5、ingIs that Li ei?B : Hi,Lu!1_ e are expeting ur ingA:Than u! plane leaves Beiing this afternnB : 2_A:Its A1409B :, A14093_A:At 3:30 in the afternnB : Leaves at 3:30,and arrivesA:It arrives at 6:10,and Ill have t ait se tie fr luggage (行李) B : All right4_A:Thans a lt_B : Ive rdered a r fr u in the en

6、ter f the it near heA:nderful!See u then!B : See u!Ahen des it tae ff?B H abut htel?hen des it arrive?Dhats ur flight nuber?E Li ei speaingFh ill eet u?GIll ait fr u at the gate at 6:30解析:1 和英美人打电话,我们常说:a I spea t?或 Is that?对方可以回答“This isspeaing”或“speaing” 。故选 E。2由答语“Its A1409”可知询问航班号,因此 D 项 hats ur

7、 flight nuber?(你的航班号是多少?)符合题意。3由答语“At 3:30 in the afternn”和下句“Leaves at 3:30”可知询问飞机在什么时候起飞。4由上句 It arrives at 6:10,and Ill have t ait se tie fr luggage(飞机在 6:10 到达,我必须等些时间取我的行李。)可知,G 项 Ill ait fr u at the gate at 6:30(我 6:30 在门口等你。) 符合题意。由答语 Ive rdered a r fr u in the enter f the it near he(我已经在市中心我

8、家附近为你订了一个房间。)可知,B 项 H abut htel?( 我的旅馆怎么样?)符合题意。答案:1_E_2_D_3_A_4_G_B_(一)(2014,南昌)ate:Gd rning,a1_E_a:h n!ate:hat d u ean, “h n”?a:I thin I left itn the ithen table!I as hurring beause I as lateate:2_G_a:I ver srr!ate:ell,it desnt atter3_ But an u bring it trr?a:es,I srr!ate:Its all rightSee u trrh,a

9、 ,hats the atter?4_B_a:ell,I reeber ur b isnt at heI thin I left it n the bus!ate:h, gd!_A_Au lst it!B u l strangeI an share ith ud in lassDBilg is favrite subetE Have u gt bilg b?FD u thin it is in ur shlbag?GBut I have gt a bilg lessn this afternn!(二 )(2014,陕西)A:here did u g last eeend?B : 6_F_A:B

10、ut u tld e u uldnt g thereu said it as dirt7_G_B : Er,u n,I didnt ant t g there firstBut st f friends ent,s I ent ith theA:I see8_D_B : I tld the ld peple sething interesting arund usA:9_B_B : I had fun and felt happA:10_A_ Next tie,Ill g ith uAThats greatB H did u feel?h did u g ith?Dhat did u d th

11、ere?E Than uFI ent t the ld peples heGh did u g there then?(三 )(2014,宜宾)A:Hell!B : 11_B_A:ell,uld u please give e se advie n h t reeber English rds?B : 12_A_ In fat,I learn English rds b heartA:13_B : First f all,it is neessar fr u t have a gd habit f reebering theA:14_F_B : N,u dnt need tTr t learn

12、 b heart a fe ne rds eah da,fll the rules f prnuniatin and u ill finish reebering all f the in ne eeB : 1_D_ Ill tr bestBe!A:,bebeASure ,Id lve tB Hi,hnIts arrS,hats up?H an u d that?DThan u fr ur gd advieE f urse,u are rightFD I need t reeber the rds in eah unit all at ne?Gh,that as a gd idea(四 )(2

13、013,沈阳)A:He,artinD u ant t g t a nert ith e next ee?B : h,ell,abehs plaing?A:Its a lal band (乐队 )Burnt Fingers16_E_B : Nhat ind f usi is it?A:17_G_ Its ust that I gt se free tiets friend Anna is ging,tere ging t eet after rB : Annas ging t g? Great!18_B_A:Its n nda at sevenB : nda?h,nI have a eeting

14、 n nda ith bsse prbabl nt finish until sevenA:19_D_ I n Anna uld lie t see u,tB : ell,aitabe Ill all bss and as her if e an hange the daA:,eah20_A_AFind ut and let e nB S hen is it?D u need it?Dh,thats t badE Have u heard f the?FI afraid it is nt a gd ideaGell,I nt reall sure(五 )(2014,黔东南)A:Hellaili

15、 Raila Statin21_E_B : es,Id lie t b a tiet t Beiing22_D_A:T108It leaves at 2:37 aand arrives at 8:42 aat Beiing est Raila StatinB : Sunds great!23_G_A:e have tiets at ¥93 fr the hard seat and ¥14 fr the hard sleeper24_A_B : Id lie t b a tiet fr the hard sleeperA:All rightA hard sleeper tiet t BeiingPlease pa fr the tiet befre 2:20 p2_B : SureI Huang Li and phne nuber is 13184089663Than uA:ure eleBe!Ahih ind d u ant?B H an tiets d u ant?a I have ur nae and te



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