陈琦 戈弋gre长难句300例unit 12

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1、1. While preserving terminological distinctions somewhat increases the quality of the information extracted from medieval documents concerning women medical practitioners, scholars must also reopen the whole question of why documentary evidence for women medical practitioners comprises such a fracti

2、on of the evidence that historians of medieval medicine usually present.虽然保留术语上的差异或多或少的提高了从关于女性医学从业者的中世纪文件中提取出的信息的质量,但是学者们也必须重新讨论这个问题,即:为什么就研究中世纪医学的历史学家经常用到的证据而言,有关女性医护人员的书面记录资料却只包含了那么一点。2. Nico Frijda writes that emotions are governed by a psychological principle called “law of apparently reality”:

3、 emotions are elicited only by events appraised as real, and the intensity of these emotions corresponds to the degree to which these events are appraised as resl.Nico Frijda 写到,情绪被一种心理学上称为“显而易见的显示规律”的原则所支配:只有被告知是真实发生的事件才能激起情绪,这些情绪的强烈程度与事件被告知的真实程度成正比关系。3. First , the usage suggest that the creation

4、and critical interpretation of literature are not organic but mechanical processes; the usage suggests that the author of any piece of writing is not an inspired, intuitive artist, but merely a laborer who cobbles existing materials (words) into more or less conventional structures.首先,这个做法暗示了文学创作和批注

5、的过程不是生物体的,而是机械的。这个用法还暗示了任何作品的作家并不是有灵感的、凭直觉创作的艺术家,而只是一名将现有素材(文字)拼凑到或多或少的传统结构中的体力劳动者。4. J. G. A.Pococks numerous investigations have all revolved around the fruitful assumption that a work of political thought can only be understood in light of the linguistic constraints to which its author was subjec

6、t, for those prescribed both the choice of subject matter and the authors conceptualization of this subject matter.J. G. A.Pocock 的各种研究都是围绕着这个成果颇丰的假设展开的,即:只有明白作家受到的语言限制,才能理解有关政治思想的作品,因为这些语言限制不仅规定了作品题材的选择范围,而且规定了作者对这个题材的构思过程。5. As an international consensus regarding the need for comprehensive manage

7、ment of ocean resources develops, it will become more likely that international standards and policies broader regulation of human activities that affect ocean ecosystems will be adopted and implemented.当综合管理海洋资源的国际共识达成之后,将更有可能采用并施行国际标准和政策来更广泛的来规范影响海洋生态系统的人类活动。6. To critics accustomed to the style o

8、f fifteenth-century narrative paintings by Italian artists from Tuscany, the Venetian examples of narrative paintings with religious subjects that Patricia Fortini Brown analyzes in a recent book will come as a great surprise.对于那些习惯了由来自托斯卡纳的意大利艺术家所创作的 15 世纪叙述性画作的风格的评论家而言,Patricia Fortini Brown 在最近的著

9、作中所分析的涉及宗教主题的有关威尼斯城的那些叙述性画作将会带来巨大的惊喜。7. The implications of such power would become particularly profound if genetic engineers were to tinker with human genes, a practice that would bring us one step closer to Aldous Huxleys grim vision in Brave New World of a totalitarian society that engineers hum

10、an beings to fulfill specific roles.如果基因工程是能改善人类基因,那么这种力量的影响将会尤其甚远。因为,改进人类基因这种行为让我们更加接近 Aldous Huxley 在 美丽新世界 中所描述的集权社会,这个社会安排人类来实现特定的角色。8. Tuscan churches are filled with frescoes that, in contrast to Venetian narrative paintings, consist mainly of large figures and easily recognized religious stor

11、ies, as one would expect of paintings that are normally viewed from a distance and paintings that are designed primarily to remind the faithful of their religious tenets.托斯卡纳的教堂里到处都是壁画。与威尼斯的叙述性画作不同的是,这些壁画的内容主要包括一些伟大人物和一些容易被识别的宗教故事,正如人们预期的那样,这些绘画通常会从一段距离内被审视,而且他们主要是为了纪念那些忠于宗教教义的人而创作的。9. In order to e

12、xplain the socioeconomic achievement, in the face of disadvantages due to racial discrimination, of Chinese and Japanese immigration to the United States and their descendents, sociologists have typically applied either culturally based or structurally based theoriesbut sociologists have never appli

13、ed both together.为了解释移民到美国的中国人与日本人及其后代在面对种族歧视的不利条件下,还能在社会经济方面取得成就,社会学家要么利用基于文化分析的理论,要么利用基于结构分析的理论,但是他们从未将这两类理论综合起来。10.This leaves researchers with the question of how such bacteria find their way to an attractant such as food or, in the case of photosynthetic bacteria, of how such bacteria find thei

14、r way to an attractant such as light, if their swimming pattern consists only of smooth runs and tumbles, the latter resulting in random changes in direction.如果这些细菌的游泳模式仅仅包括平滑的流动与无规律的翻转,这种无规律的翻转会使细菌的前行方向发生随机变化,那么,这让研究者产生了这样一个问题:这些细菌是如何找到诸如食物这样的吸引物的,或者说,对于光合作用的细菌来说他们是如何找到光的。11.It is sufficient to rec

15、ognize that any interesting text is probably a mixture of several of these vocabularies, and it is sufficient to applaud the historian who, though the historian is guilty of some exaggeration, has done the most to make us aware of their importance.意识到任何一个有趣的文本都可能由这些词汇中的一些混合而成,同时能够赞美这位历史学家尽了最大努力让我们意识

16、到这些词汇的重要性,虽然在这个过程中这位历史学家夸大了其重要性,但能做到这些也就足够了。12.Even if an editor faithfully reproduced the facts of a narrators life, it was still the editor who decided what to make these facts, who decided how they should be emphasized, who decided in what order they ought to be presented, and who decided what was extraneous or germane.即使编辑能够忠实的再现叙述者生命中的点点滴滴,但还是由编辑来决定如何看待这些事实,如何去强调这些事实,以何种顺序展示这些事实,以及哪些事实是无关紧要的而哪些事实又是非常重要的。13.The emphasis given by both scholars and statesmen to the p


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