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1、1、大众传播(mass communication):由新闻传播机构通过报纸、杂志、书籍等印刷品或广播、电视、电影等电子技术手段,反映社会信息变化,用语言、文字、图像等符号,传达给大众的过程叫大众传播(mass communication) 。2、 “大众传播”(mass communication)一词最早出现于二十世纪三十年代的美国,后来迅速传播到欧洲和世界各地。八十年代以后,随着科学技术的发展,对大众传播的研究有了很大的进步。3、新闻媒介(news media):指那些主要用于传播新闻和信息的媒介。以文字及图片的方式传播新闻的媒介主要有报纸和杂志,以电子方式传播新闻的媒介有电台和电视广播

2、。但今天的文字新闻媒介已经基本上电子化了。4、 “普利策新闻奖” :是美国一年一度颁发给新闻、文学、戏剧和音乐方面的优秀作品的最高奖励。5、通讯社(news agency) (也叫新闻社): 是以收集和传播信息为主的机构,它专门收集和供应新闻稿件、图片与资料。通讯社又称“消息总汇”,是报纸、电台广播、电视的主要新闻来源之一。6、头版(the front page):是一份报纸最重要的一个版面,因为它最能引起读者的注意。头版一般都刊登有一则“头条消息”(lead story) ,并用较大字号做标题。二、简答题(要求掌握英文):1、新闻学的定义(the definition of journali

3、sm):新闻学是研究新闻现象和新闻活动规律的科学。它的内容,从狭义上说,是专指新闻理论,即理论新闻学。广义的新闻学包括理论新闻学(新闻学概论、新闻学原理等) 、应用新文学(对新闻时间和新闻业务的研究)和历史新闻学(中外新闻事业史、新闻学术发展史、著名新闻界人物等)三个部分。 (注:我国于 1918 年开始研究新闻学。 )2、新闻的五大要素:新闻通常包含五个要素,对于当前发生的时间的报道,一般来说,必须告诉读者有关事件的内容、人物、事件发生的原因、方式、地点、时间、过程和结果等,让读者对它有一个基本的了解。这些统称“新闻的五大要素”,英语也叫“ 新闻的五个 W”,因为英语中的 who ,what

4、 ,why ,where ,when 都是以 W 开头。3、新闻的基本特性(三个方面):公众性、宣传性、广告性。4、世界上最早的通讯社:1835 年在巴黎创办的哈瓦斯通讯社。5、英美国家的主要通讯社:英国:路透社(Reuters )美国:美联社(the Associated Press) 、合众社(United Press) 、合众国际社(United Press International) 。6、报纸的主要功能:传播信息(to inform) 、宣传和影响群众(to influence) 、娱乐(to entertain) 、广告(to advertise) 7、英美国家的主要报刊:英国:

5、泰晤士报 (The Times) 、 卫报 (The Guardian )美国:华尔街日报 (The Wall Street Journal) 、 纽约每日新闻 (the New York Daily News) 、 洛杉矶时报 (the Los Angeles Times) 、 纽约时报 (The New York times) 、 芝加哥论坛报 (the Chicago Tribune) 、 基督教科学箴言报 (The Christian Science Monitor) 、华盛顿邮报 (the Washington Post)和今日美国 (USA Today) 。8、杂志(journal

6、):指通常是每周或每月出版一次的期刊(periodical) ,开本比报纸小,并装订成册。从内容上看,杂志可分成许多不同类型,如流行杂志(popular magazine) 、新闻杂志(news magazine) 、学术杂志(academic journal) 、图片杂志(pictorial)等。9、标题(the headline)的三种类型:主标题(headline) 、辅助标题( strap line,over line) 、次标题(sub-headline) 。三、文本翻译(英译汉):1、A TWO-year-old girl accidentally locked outside h

7、er home for almost six hours in sub-zero temperatures was “like a block of ice” by the time she was found lying on her front doorstep, doctors said.一个年仅两岁的女孩在气温零下的环境里,被意外关在家门外长达六个小时之久,当有人发现她躺在门前的台阶上时,医生说:“她几乎冻成了一块冰坨。 ”2、 “She was practically dead,” said John Burgess, one of the doctors who revived h

8、er. “It is just amazing to get a child of this age who literally comes in like a block of ice.”“她几乎奄奄一息” ,曾参与救治她的 J.B.医生说道, “收到这么小的孩子太令人吃惊了,她被人送到医院时简直就是一坨冰块。 ”3、Dr Joy Dobson said Karlee was in intensive care with extensive frostbite to her legs, one of which may have to be amputated, although she w

9、as alert and improving.J.D.医生说,小女孩儿 Karlee 仍处于重症监护状态,其腿部大面积冻伤,其中一条腿可能被截肢,但她依然意识清醒,且病情已有所好转。4、 “Shes definitely very strong, very happy and very determined,” her mother, Mrs. Karrie Kosolofski said. “Today were just really, really relieved.”她的妈妈说:“她一定十分坚强、乐观、意志坚定。直到今天,我们才松了一口气。 ”5、One body has yet to

10、 be identified, the other was named yesterday as Shirley Robinson, 18, a former lodger. Police said she was heavily pregnant when she died. 一具尸体尚待辨认,另一具尸体昨天已被鉴定为 S.R.,现年 18 岁,是一位前租户(房客) 。警方说道,她在遇害的时候已经身怀六甲了。6、 Like the other infamous street, Rillington Place(home of John Christie, where four bodies

11、were found in the house and two buried in the garden in the 1950s),Cromwell Street was yesterday heading from mundane obscurity to infamy and notoriety.跟其它声名狼藉的街道一样,克伦威尔大街由昨日的默默无闻一夜之间变得臭名昭著。7、United Nations, Fed. 17Secretary General Kofi Annan announced tonight that he is traveling to Iraq to try to

12、 resolve the crisis that has developed over president Saddam Husseins refusal to open his country to unconditional inspection for proscribed weapons of mass destruction.联合国秘书长戈非安南今晚宣布他将启程前往伊拉克,试图解决由萨达姆总统拒绝打开国门接受无条件对其明令禁止的大规模杀伤性武器的核查而不断加剧的危机。8、Mr. Annan said that he will leave Friday and hold discuss

13、ions with Iraqi officials this weekend. An advance team from his office was dispatched tonight.安南表示,他将于星期五启程,并在这周末和伊拉克官员进行会谈。当晚已派遣了一支先遣队。9、 “I believe I now have a clear basis on which to brief the Security Council tomorrow and prepare to proceed to Baghdad,” Mr. Annan said.“我认为我对事件已有了一个清晰的脉络,并据此明天向

14、安理会通报,以及准备前往巴格达。 ”安南说道。10、He spoke at the end of a hectic day that included meeting all 15 members of the Security Council, who gave their blessing to his mission to make a final offer to Iraq in an effort to avoid an American-led military strike.安南是在忙碌了一天后说这番话的。当天,安理会 15 个成员国与安南举行了会晤,并祝愿其伊拉克之行富有成果。

15、其使命就是为了避免以美国为首的军事打击,而对伊拉克做出的最后斡旋。11、The United State made clear tonight that it would challenge any agreement with Iraq that deviated from the principles of unrestricted access to all sites, including the so-called presidential sites, or that compromised the integrity of the United Nations inspectio

16、n program.美国今晚明确表示,它拒绝与伊拉克达成任何违背无限制进入所有军事基地,包括所谓的总统官邸的协议或影响联合国核查计划的完整性的任何协议。12、 “The United States is supportive of his trip.” Bill Richardson, the American delegate, told reporters this evening. “We wish him well, but we reserve the right to disagree if the conclusion of the trip is not consistent with Security Council resolutions and our own national interest.”“美国支持安南的巴格达之行。 ”美国大使 B.R.今晚向记者说道。 “我们预祝他顺利,但如果其斡旋的结果与安理会决议背道而驰 或者不符合我国利益的话,那么我们保留持反对意见


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