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1、Unit 2Words and Expressions1. (Para.1) thrilling: adj. exciting and interesting* It is such a thrilling experience to see the vast African landscape. (插入图片 thrilling)(插入声音文件 thrilling)(= The book is another thrilling story of mystery and suspense.)2. (Para. 1) specify: v. state sth. in an exact and

2、detailed way(插入图片 toys)These toys cant reach the standards the state has specified.(插入声音文件 specify)(=The order specifies a December deadline for completion of the work.)3. (Para. 1) condemn: v. give sb. a severe punishment after deciding they are guilty of a crime; say very strongly that you do not

3、approve of sth. or sb., especially because you think it is morally wrongThe prisoner was condemned to death. We all strongly condemn violence of any sort.(=我们强烈谴责任何形式的暴力行为。)Patterns: condemn sb. for doing sth.condemn sb. to sth.condemn sb. / sth. as sth.4. (Para. 1) confine: v. keep sb. or sth. with

4、in the limits of a particular activity or subject; if you are confined to a place, you have to stay in that place, especially because you are ill He is confined to bed with illness.这次事故之后她坐在轮椅上度过了后半生. (插入图片 wheelchair)(=She was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life after theaccident. ) (

5、插入声音文件 confine)(= She confines her speech to environmental pollution.)CF. confine, imprison & jail这些动词均含“监禁”之意。confine 指把某人或某物关在一个地方,使之不能离开。imprison 较正式用词,指把某人关在监狱里面或者阻止某人离开某地。jail 把某人关进监狱,一般罪比较轻。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the three words above. Change the form where necessary.1. The murd

6、erer will be _ for the rest of his life. (=imprisoned)2. Jane hates the job as a secretary because she feels _ in theoffice all day. (=confined)3. He attacked a policeman after getting drunk, and was _ for twoweeks. (=jailed)4. Its cruel to _ a bird to a cage. (=confine)5. (Para. 6) appreciative of

7、sth.: grateful for sth. The guests are quite appreciative of the hosts entertainment.(插入声音文件 appreciative)(= A good boss should be appreciative of anything the staff do for him.)6. (Para. 2) in / undercircumstances: the conditions that affect a situation, action, event, etc.你在目前这种情况下退出是不明智的。(=It is

8、not wise for you to quit under present circumstances.)(插入声音文件 circumstances)(=In no circumstances should you leave your baggage unattended inthe airport.)7. (Para. 3) emphasize: v. say sth. in a strong way He repeatedly emphasized the importance of team spirit. 8. (Para. 3) keen adj. 1) sb. with a k

9、een mind is quick to understand thingsa keen observera keen mind 2) sb.who is keen on sth. is very interested in it or enjoys doing it very much(插入图片 ballet)She is keen on ballet. 9. (Para. 3) adopt: v. start to deal with or think about sth. in a particular way(插入图片 tulip)We adopted new methods to c

10、ultivating tulips this year.新技术的采用提高了产品的质量。(= The newly-adopted techniques improved the quality of products.)10. (题目上面) take for granted: expect that sb. or sth. will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are; believe that sth. is true without making sure (插

11、入声音文件 grant)(=Most of us, busy with work, take our family for granted.)不要想当然的认为努力一定会换来成功。(=Dont take it for granted that hard work is certainly followed withsuccess.)11. (Para. 4) picture v.: imagine sth. by making an image in your mindI had never met John, but I pictured him as a pale, thin young m

12、anwearing glasses.(插入声音文件 picture)(=I can still picture my uncle as I knew him, with his grey suit andlarge old shoes.)12. (Para. 5) characterize: v. be typical of a person, place or thing *Picassos work The Tragedy is characterized by dominant use ofblue. (插入图片 Tragedy)(插入声音文件 characterize)(=The sp

13、acious entrance hall characterizes all the buildings here.) 13. (题目上面) deaf: adj. 1) physically unable to hear anything or unable to hear well(插入声音文件 deaf )(= It is amazing that the deaf people can dance so beautifullywithout hearing the music.)2) be unwilling to hear or listen to sth. The manager i

14、s deaf to the customers complaints.She was deaf to his pleas.Collocations:deaf and dumb deaf as a post be deaf to sth. fall on deaf ears 14. (Para. 5) take in: understand and remember new facts and information(插入声音文件 take in)(=The smart boy can always take in what the teacher teaches in classquickly

15、.)我怀疑他是否真的听进了我说的话, 他看起来心不在焉的 .(=I doubt whether he really takes in what I am saying; he seems so beabsent-minded.)15. (Para. 5) grateful adj.: feeling that you want to thank sb. because of sth. kind that they have done, or showing this feeling We are really very grateful to you for all you have done

16、 for us.(插入声音文件 grateful)(=The winner smiled at his parents, grateful for their support.)CF. grateful & appreciative这两个形容词均有“感谢的、感激的”之意。grateful 普通用词,强调因对方的恩惠、好意或帮助,从内心产生的感激之情。He felt grateful for his friends help when he was in trouble.appreciative 与 grateful 基本同义,但语气较强,强调以行动或言语来感谢。The millionaires generosity shows he is really appreciativefor his family members support to his business.16. (Para. 5) conscious: adj. noticin


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