高级英语三2016年3月 福师大离线作业答案

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1、(只需要提交答案,选择题要标注题目序号,否则 0 分处理。 )答案:I. 1-5 DCCCA 6-10 BCCBA 11-15 DBBDA 16-20BDDCA II. Text Comprehension 1-5 CCCAD 6-10 DCACA 11-15 BADCCIII. Translation 1、住宅区的穷街陋巷,学校的阴暗无光,对克莱拉说来都无所谓。对于她来说,z 这些建筑物都令人兴奋,而所有她喜欢这里的原因却恰恰可能是其他人不喜欢这里的原因。2、如果我们以近来用在饮食上的标准来衡量人的其他品质,就会是如下结果。我们将不再需要聪明的孩子,我们只要他们看上去光鲜亮丽、能快速完成学业

2、就可以了。我们将对漂亮的女人不感兴趣,只要有好却辛苦的工作。 3、如果我们认为一种行为本身是好的,那么我们就必须接受势利的行为本身也是好的,包括任何煽动的行为。然而,对于佛教徒而言,这个充满虚妄的世界上一切行为都是坏的,那么我们就应该立即谴责所有势利的行为。高级英语三I. Vocabulary 1. The more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he will be with those whose reports are meagre. A. rich B. brilliant C. annoy

3、ing D. scarce2. They had plenty to eat. But they spent all their leisure visiting neighbouring farms nd stealing potatoes, which they hoarded. A. swallowed B. ate up C. stored secretly D. gave back3. Some acts which would be bad, simply in themselves, may be excusable nd even laudable when they are

4、necessary means to a greater good. A. laughable B. forgiven C. praiseworthy D. admissible4. Satiety is a dream which will always elude you. A. attract B. lure C. escape D. tempt5. The search for sunken treasure has become more popular as a legitimate endeavor. A. justified B. innocent C. prudent D.

5、fundamental6. Awareness of this is a kind of redemptive grace, but it doesnt appreciably lead to repentance nd a revolution in consumer habits. A. conscious B. compensative C. imaginativeD. appreciative7. America is anachronistic in so many ways, nd not least in its clinging to a belief. A. modern-f

6、ashioned B. full of crimesC. behind the times D. highly-developed8. He felt _ to live a simple nd lonely life in that remote village.A. sufficient B. adequate C. contented D. competent9. Crop rotation has prevented the soil rom _.A. poverty B. impoverishment C. weakness D. infirmity10. He remembered

7、 reading somewhere that baldness shows virility. A. character of manB. great varieties C. quickness D. fragility11. His voice, though familiar, irked him; it sounded thin nd scratchy.A. pleased B. interested C. excited D. irritated12. There are certain disfiguring nd mortal diseases about which ther

8、e has probably never been any snobbery. A. perpetual B. fatal C. moral D. flexible13. In 1940 the Democrats nominated Roosevelt for an unprecedented third term. A. unimportant B. unheard of C. unjustified D. unhampered14. The value of snobbery in general consists in its power to stimulate activity.

9、A. suffocate B. forbid C. permit D. incite15. He laughed nd shouted, trying to _ his sorrow in excitement.A. drown B. utter C. conceal D. sink16. The traffic policeman waited patiently while the drunken driver _ in his pocket for his drivers license.A. pluck B. fumble C. flip D. bloat17. There is no

10、 need to _ over a broken vase. Its so cheap.A. muse B. view C. pinch D. fuss18. The summer was so hot nd dry that leaves on the trees all _.A. drooped B. faded C. flicked D. drained19. It is not _ to take reference books out of the library.A. admissible B. skeptical C. permissible D. admirable20. He

11、r easy success in the job made her _, which is very dangerous.A. complacent B. docile C. accomplished D. importantII. Text Comprehension 1. In Jerusalem the Golden, Claras mother chose Battersby Grammar School for her because (“Jerusalem the Golden”)A. she could not afford the bus fare to a better s

12、chool.B. she didnt have to spend money on the school uniform.C. she had no trust in education nd wanted to spend as little as she could as long as she kept her social position in the neighborhood.D. she didnt care what opinions other people might have of her so long as her child could get a good edu

13、cation.2. Clara liked her school for all the reasons that most people would specify as particular causes for dislike. What aspects of the school attract her so much? (“Jerusalem the Golden”)A. She could do whatever she liked at school.B. The school was full of good teachers nd so many intelligent pu

14、pils whom she admired so much.C. The school looked so large nd even bleak to her, nd there were so many pupils she did not know, which was quite different rom her home.D. She was proud at school because she came rom an area used to inhabited by the middle class.3. “Vegetables with crisp nd crackling

15、 texture emerge as mush, slippery nd stringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.” (“Science Has Spoiled My Supper”) What figure of speech is used in the sentence?A. personification B. metaphor C. metonymy D. hyperbole4. By acquisitiveness is meant (“On Human Nature nd Politics”)A. the wish to possess

16、 as much as possible of goods, r the title to goods. B. one aspect of human nature that is acquired in political struggle.C. the wish to survive the conquest of hunger.D. the wish that is riginated rom acquiring food.5. Which of the following is NOT true about power according to Russell? (“On Human Nature nd Politics”)A. Knowledge is power.B. The love of power is not always a bad mot


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