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1、必修 2 Unit1 Cultural relics 必背短语和句型1. survive sb by比某人活得长(几年)2. be amazed at/by对大为惊讶 to ones amazement 令人惊奇的是3. selectfor/from为/从挑选4. by design=on purpose 故意地 be designed for sb/sth 为了 sb/sth 而计划be designed to do 为做而计划5. fancy doing 想象/喜欢做某事6. be decorated with sth 被用 sth 来装饰7. removefrom从中移开 /拿走/除掉8

2、. as far as I know 据我所知9. in search of 为了寻找 search for 寻找某物/ 某人10. There is no doubt that+从句 毫无疑问 There is some doubt whether+从句 怀疑I dont doubt that 从句 我毫不怀疑 I doubt whether/if 从句 我怀疑11. The former; the latter前者;后者12. be(well)worth doing sth(很)值得做某事13. belong to 属于14. in return (for sth)作为(对 sth)的回报

3、15. be at war 处于交战状态 be at peace 处于和平状态16. less than 少于 more than 多于 other than 除了 rather than 而不是 or rather 更确切地说17. serve as 充当18. addto把添加到 19. take apart sth 拆开 sth tellapart 把区别开来 apart from 除了之外20. agree with sb/sth 同意/与一致/ 适合某人 agree on sth 就 sth 达成一致 agree to sth 同意(计划、建议、安排)21. There is som

4、e/no evidence that 从句 有/ 没有证据表明22. debate with sb about/on sth 就 sth 与 sb 争论23. This was a time when.这是一段时期 This was a time when the two countries were at war.There was a time when.曾有一段时间24. in search of 为了寻找 in need of 需要 in front of 在前面 in place of 代替 in memory /honor of 为了纪念 in favor of 支持 赞同 in

5、charge of 掌管 负责 in fear of 担心 害怕25. think highly of 看重 器重 认为不错 think little/nothing of 轻视,认为.不足为奇被动语态:sth be highly thought of26. could have done 过去本可以做某事 might have done 过去可能做过某事couldnt have done 过去不可能做某事 must have done 过去一定做过某事should have done 过去本应该做某事(实际做了 shouldnt have done 过去不应该做某事 27. at midni

6、ght 在午夜 at noon 在中午28. It has been proved that 从句 已经得到证实。 。 。29. It is no wonder that.从句=No wonder 从句 “难怪。 。 ” 必修 2 Unit2 The Olympic Games必背短语和句型1. take part in sth 参加 = join in take an active part in sth 积极参加 sthtake away 拿走 take down 写下;记下 take off 起飞;脱下;事业成功take up 拿起;从事;占用 take in 吸收;欺骗 take ou

7、t 取出 2. stand for 代表;象征;表示 stand out 突出;显眼 stand by 支持;袖手旁观3 every four years 每四年4. as a matter of fact=in fact=in reality 事实上;实际上5. play a very important role/part in sth 在 sth 中起重要作用6. compete for 为而竞争 compete with/against sb 与 sb 竞争 compete in sth 在方面竞争7. volunteer to do 自愿做某事 volunter as 自愿当8.ad

8、mit doing sth 承认做过某事 admit sb to/into 允许某人进入 admit sb as/to be 接纳某人为 sb be admitted into/to the key university 某人被重点大学录取9. as well=, too 也;又;as well as 和,而且(就前原则)may/might as well do 不妨10. sense of responsibility 责任感 take responsibility for 对. 负责=be responsible for11. replace A with/by B 用 B 替换 A12.

9、 现在完成时:主动语态 have/has done 被动语态 have/has been done13. sb be in charge of sth =sb take charge of sth 某人主管/ 负责某事Sth be in the charge of sb 某事在某人的掌管之下Free of charge 免费的14. make a bargin with sb over sth 和某人就某事讨价还价15.change ones mind 改变主意 make up ones mind to do sth 下定决心做某事keep sth in mind 记住某事 16.pick u

10、p 捡起;好转;学会;搭载;改善;接收 pick out 挑选出;辨认出17. spare no pains to do sth 不遗余力做某事18. one after another 一个接一个;陆续地19. deserve to do 应该做某事 deserve to be done=deserve doing 理应/值得做20. be active in sth 在某方面表现积极21. be confident in doing sth 有信心做某事22 hand in hand 手拉手23. He studies so hard that he made great progress

11、 in English.他那么努力学习以至于在英语方面取得了很大进步。24. The harder you study, the greater progress you will make.你学习越努力,你取得的进步就越大。25. China is larger than any country in Africa.中国比非洲任何一个国家都大。26.I live in what you call “Ancient Greece”我生活在你们所说的古希腊27.No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!别的国家不能参加

12、,奴隶和妇女也不能参加。28.Mary is as beautiful a girl as Daisy.玛丽和黛西是一样漂亮的女孩必修 2 Unit3 Computers 必背短语和句型1. work out 想出;计算出;制定出;锻炼2. compare A with B 把 A 与 B 进行比较3. from now on 从现在起 from then on 从那时起4. as a result 结果 as a result of 因为;由于5. have a lot/much in common(with sb)(与 sb)有很多共同点have nothing in common(wit

13、h sb)(与 sb)没有共同点have little in common(with sb)(与 sb)几乎没有共同点 in common with 与一样(置句首)6. over time 随着时间的推移7. As time goes by=With time going by 随着时间的流逝8. share sth with sb 和某人分享某物9. provide sb with sth 向某人提供某物10. in reality=in fact 事实上 turn sth into reality 把 sth 变成现实 become a reality 成为现实11. apply for

14、 a job 申请工作 apply A to B 将 A 应用于 B apply one;s mind to sth 专心于 sth12. in a/some way 在某种程度上 in the way 挡路 by way of 经由 on ones way to sp 在去某地的路上 in no way =never 绝不+部分倒装13. after all 毕竟,终究 above all 最重要的是 first of all 首先 notat all 一点也不14. deal with 处理;应付;对待;与。 。 。打交道;涉及;讲述15. watch over 看守;监视;守护;照看 w

15、atch out for sth 注意、小心 sth16. signal to sb to do sth 示意某人做某事17. It took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine.将近两百年后我才被制成了一台分析机器。before+句子 译成:在。 。 。之后;还没来得及;才;趁;不知不觉18. As time went by, I was made smaller. 随着时间的推移,我被做的越来越小。19. The problem is so difficult that nobody ca

16、n work it out.这问题太难了没人能够解决 Sothat如此,以至于=suchthat20. I often feel nervous while speaking English.说英语时我常常感到紧张。While+doing21. whenever she comes,I have to look after her.(时态:主将从现)无论她什么时候来,我都不得不照顾她。必修 2 Unit4 wildlife protection必背短语和句型1. die out 灭绝 die away(声音、风、光 )渐渐消失 die down(火、兴奋)渐弱2. in peace 和平地;和睦地3. in danger (of)在(。 。 。的)危险中 be out of danger 脱离危险in face of danger 面



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