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1、1Book1 词组Unit1 合计 add up镇定下来 calm down关心 挂念 be concerned about遛狗 walk the dog经历 经受 go through记下 放下 set down一系列的 一连串的 a series of故意 on purpose对着迷 grow crazy about为了 in order to在黄昏时刻 at dusk面对面地 face to face不再 no longer 遭受 患病 suffer from自从恢复 recover from对厌烦 be tired of 与相处 get along with爱上 相爱 fall in

2、love with参加 加入 join in打包 packup对某人有好处 be good to sb让某事被做 get sth done其他人的 someone elsesUnit2在中担任角色 play a role in 走近, 上来 come up例如 像这种 such as比从前 than ever before即使 even if以为基础 be based on利用 make use of与某人交流 communicate with sb.随时间推移 over time命令 give a command从一处到另一处 from one place to another相同的 the

3、 same as标准英语 standard English因为 because of在早期 in the early days许多,若干 a number of.的数量,号码 the number of 信不信由你 believe it or not没问题 no problemUnit3梦想做某事 dream of/ about doing说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do投降 屈服 让步 give in下定决心 make up ones mind关心 惦记 care about喜欢 喜爱 be fond of毕业于 graduate from坚持 一定要做某事 insist

4、on搭起帐篷 put up ones tent改变主意 change ones mine迫不及待的做某事 cam hardly wait to do一方面 另一方面 for one thing, for another列出清单 make a list of坚决的表情 a determined look使某人对某事感兴趣 get sb interested in doingUnit4毁坏 in ruins掘出 发现 dig out分发 发出气味 give out吹走 blow away为而自豪 be proud of引进,引来 bring in有时间做 have time to do 许多 大量

5、的 a great number of成千上万 thousands of代替 instead of作为出名 be known as做某事很安全 be safe for (doing) sth陷入 陷在下面 be trapped in/ under演讲比赛 the speaking competition邀请某人做某事 invite sb to do sthUnit5积极从事 be active in丧失勇气或信心 lose heart失业 out of work使充气, 爆炸 blow up当权,上台 come to power乐于做某事 be willing to do sth在方面给某人建

6、议 advise sb on sth阻止某人做某事 stop sb from doing 事实上 as a matter of fact把投入监狱 putin prison被判处 be sentenced to实现的梦想 realize ones dream of doing/ to do sth设立,建立 set up反对 同作斗争 fight against相信 信任 信仰 believe in充当,担任 work as用和平方式 in a peaceful way2Book2 词组Unit1 作为回报 in return处于交战状态 at war少于 less than寻找 in sea

7、rch for属于 belong to值得做某事 be worth doing而不是 rather than用装饰装修 be decorate with充当 担任 serve as拆开 take apart看重 器重 think highly of.的入口 the entrance to世界的奇迹 the wonders of the world与某人争论某事 debate with sb about sth毫无疑问 withou doubt风格奇特的 be of the fancy style处理 do with/ deal withUnit2代表 stand for参加 take part

8、 in与某人竞争 compete with/against自愿做某事 volunteer to do sth每四年 every four years掌管 负责 in charge of准许做某事 admit doing用代替 replace with也,又 as well (as)一个接一个 one after another值得做 理应做 deserve doing/ to be done与某人达成协议 make a bargain身体锻炼 physical exercise拾起 顺便接送 学会 pick up手拉手 hand in hand一组 一套 a set of在古代 in anci

9、ent times达到既定标准 reach the agreed standard在中起重要作用 play an important role in为了荣誉 for the honour of与结婚 marry sbUnit31. 共有 共用 in common2. 依.看,据.认为 in ones opinion3. 从.时起 fromon4. 结果 as a result5. 和分享. sharewith.6. 自从那时 from then on7. 和.交流 communicate with8. 人类 human race9. 集合,聚集 get together10. 在.的帮助下 w

10、ith the help of11. 看守 监视 watch out12. 人工智能 artificial intelligence13. 单独 独自 by oneself14. 走过 过去 流逝 go by15. 在某种程度上 in a way16. 弥补 补足 整理 make up17. 毕竟 after all18. 处理 安排 对付 deal with19. 如此以至于 so thatUnit4灭绝,绝种 die out建立 set up和平地 安详地 in peace在危险中 in danger穿上衣服 get dressed突然笑起来 burst into laughter松了一口

11、气 in relief按照 根据 according to 保护.使不受 protectfrom拍照 take photos注意 pay attention to形成 come into being以至于,结果 so that对有影响 have an effect on担心烦恼 be concerned about结果 as a result渴望做到 long to do 不知所措 at a lossUnit5梦见,梦想 dream of戏弄 play jokes on打碎 分裂 break up分类 sort out最重要 首要 above all由于差错 by mistake对.说老实话 be honest with大约 or so偶然



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