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1、药学一级学科硕士研究生培养方案Training Scheme for Master Degree of the discipline of Pharmacy First-grade专业代码:1007 学科门类:医学 Code of Specialty: 1007 Department of Discipline:Field: medical sciences 一级学科:药学 学分要求:40-42 First-grade Discipline: Pharmacy Credit Setting:40-42一、学科、专业简介 (Disciplines Instruction)药学一级学科涵盖药剂学、

2、药理学、药物分析学、药物化学、微生物与生化药学和生药学等二级学科,目前,我校具有硕士学位授予权的二级学科有药剂学和药物化学。The discipline of Pharmacy includes sub-disciplines like pharmacy, pharmacology, drug analysis, drug chemistry, microbiology, biochemical pharmacy, pharmacognosy. At present, sub-disciplines of pharmacy and drug chemistry are entitled to

3、authorize masters degree.药物化学学科主要进行药物设计、合成及技术开发;手性技术与药物合成研究;天然药物化学及先导化合物研究以及新药的发现与开发。具体包括的研究方向为:药物合成、计算机辅助药物设计、天然活性分子、药物代谢动力学、生物制药、生物催化的药物合成。Medicinal Chemistry focuses on the research in drug design, synthesis and technology development; synthesis of chiral technology and drug research; natural med

4、icinal chemistry and lead compounds for drug discovery and research and development.药剂学学科主要将药物制成适合临床需要并符合一定质量标准的药剂,是新药开发和研制的重要一环节。药物剂型对于新药的开发有着重要的作用。学习包括片剂、胶囊剂、溶液剂、乳剂、混悬剂等常规制剂的研究方法;开发和研制化学药物制剂、中药与天然药物制剂以及生物技术药物制剂。Pharmacy is about the preparation of drugs and making drugs meet clinical needs and cer

5、tain quality standards is an important part of the development of pharmaceutical drug. A drug formulation plays an important role in the development of new drugs. Learning, including tablets, capsules, solutions, creams, suspensions and other conventional preparation methods; development and the dev

6、elopment of chemical pharmaceutical preparations, Chinese traditional medicine and natural medicine formulations and biotechnology drug formulations.二、培养目标 (Objectives of Training) 培养德、智、体、美全面发展,具有本专业基础理论知识,掌握现代化学合成药物和天然药物提取、中西药物新剂型、合成新工艺和手性技术的研究方法,了解本学科国内外发展动态及前沿,具有独立分析问题、解决问题的能力,能独立从事科学研究、承担教学和管理工

7、作。It is committed to training senior personnel featuring an all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique and art to mater the fundamental theoretical, master modern science and natural medicine extraction of synthetic drugs, new formulation of Chinese traditional and western medicines,

8、synthesis of new technology and methods of chiral technology. They should have the abilities to analyze and solve problems independently, and be able to undertake research, teaching and administration.三、学制及学习年限(Educational System and Length of Schooling )硕士研究生学制为 23 年,可根据实际情况允许研究生提前或延期毕业,一般不超过 4 年。课

9、程学习为- 学期,论文工作不少于 1 年。硕士生课程学习实行学分制,至少应修 40 学分, 其中学位课程18 学分,研究环节 13 学分。The basic length of schooling for Masters Degree should be two to three years and students are allowed to graduate according the actual situation, but usually no longer than five years. The length of curriculum is 1 to 4 terms, and

10、 the time for writing the thesis is at least one year. The credit system is carried out for Masters Degree, in which students should obtain at least 40 credits for the whole course, with at least 18 credits for the degree courses and 13 credits for the research.四、研究方向 (Research Orientation ) 序号Num名

11、称Name研究方向及特点The Research Orientation and characteristic1 药物合成Drug Synthesis 开展药物及中间体的化学合成。The direction includes chemical synthesis of intermediates and drugs 2计算机辅助药物设计Computer-aided Drug Design采用计算机进行药物构效关系分析,设计新的药物。This direction includes analysis of structure-activity relationship, design new dr

12、ugs.3生物制药Biopharmaceutical研究微生物发酵制药、酶和细胞催化制药、基因工程药物、生物-化学合成药物、药物合成、药物分子设计、生物农药。This direction includes microbial fermentation pharmaceuticals, enzymes and cell catalytic pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering pharmaceuticals, biological- chemical synthesis of drugs, drug synthesis, drug design and bio

13、-pesticides. This direction is characterized by using advanced bio-technology in the drug development and production.4药物新剂型和缓控释系统New Dosage Forms and Sustained Release System 建立具有缓控释作用和靶向作用的辅料系统和载体,采用新技术研究药物与辅料之间的相互作用,以期优化药物辅料的性能,改良药物的性能,提高药物生物利用度。This direction is based on the establishment of a sl

14、ow and controlled release systems and accessories targeting the role of carrier, adoption of new technology interaction between drugs and excipients, aimed to optimize the performance of drugs, improved drug performance, increase drug bioavailability.5中药制剂现代化Modernization about Preparation of Chine-

15、se Herbs对中药中的有效成分进行提取、分离,定性、定量分析,新剂型设计。This direction includes extraction and separation of ingredients from Chinese Herbs, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of the ingredient, design new dosage forms of Chinese traditional medicines.6生物诊断试剂Biologic Diagnostic Reagent用 各 种 新 技 术 、 新 方 法

16、 , 开 发 新 的 体 外 诊 断 试 剂 及 其 应 用 。This direction includes development of new Biologic diagnostic reagents and application with in new method and technology.五、课程设置(Course Setting)药学一级学科硕士研究生课程设置(Course Setting of Master Degree for the Discipline of Pharmacy First-grade)课程 类别Course Type课程编号Course NO课程名称Course Name课堂学时ClassHour学分Credit开课学期Semester Classes教学方式Teaching Method考核方式Assessing Method开课单位Cla


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